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Small Talk with Robert Pattinson
756K 26K 1.2K 16:22
Small Talk with Robert Pattinson
  • Published_at:2025-02-13
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:존이냐박이냐
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  • description: ⓒ2025. Solfa Studio All rights reserved. Instagram : Tiktok : #johnpark #robertpattinson #mickey17
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2025-02-15 264,752 10,840 597 (South Korea,#16) 
2025-02-16 347,708 13,791 734 (South Korea,#26) 
2025-02-17 393,587 15,527 795 (South Korea,#33) 
2025-02-19 471,623 18,489 904 (South Korea,#52) 
2025-02-20 499,565 19,629 943 (South Korea,#57) 
2025-02-21 522,697 20,475 970 (South Korea,#69) 
2025-02-22 544,536 21,125 990 (South Korea,#81) 
2025-02-23 565,944 21,808 1,013 (South Korea,#93) 
2025-02-24 584,639 22,404 1,037 (South Korea,#101) 
2025-02-25 598,223 22,802 1,044 (South Korea,#121) 
2025-02-26 610,985 23,097 1,057 (South Korea,#140) 
2025-02-27 622,261 23,412 1,084 (South Korea,#145) 
2025-02-28 634,284 23,659 1,100 (South Korea,#164) 
2025-03-01 646,920 23,958 1,110 (South Korea,#174) 
2025-03-02 664,124 24,394 1,125 (South Korea,#169) 
2025-03-03 688,517 25,034 1,147 (South Korea,#180) 
2025-03-04 724,190 25,872 1,175 (South Korea,#181) 
2025-03-05 756,967 26,612 1,193 (South Korea,#195)