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302K 6.5K 32 00:50
  • Published_at:2025-02-08
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:耒阳大花花
  • tags: 夫妻关系 爱情 励志 短剧 感恩 平平淡淡 生活 正能量 滴水之恩 善有善报 人民英雄 相亲相爱 亲情 人间处处有真爱 善良 爱心 母爱 父爱 情谊 家人 友谊 Husband and Wife Relationship Love Inspirational Short Drama Gratitude Flat Out Life Positive Energy No Drop of Grace No Good Deed Goes Unpunished People's Heroes Love for One Another Affection True Love Everywhere on Earth Kindness Mother's Love Father's Love Family Friendship 夫妻關系 愛情 勵志 短劇 善有善報 相親相愛 親情 人間處處有真愛 愛心 母愛 父愛 情誼 友誼
  • description: 人間自有真情在,慢壹點吧! 歡迎訂閱! There is true love in the world, please slow down! Welcome to subscribe!
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2025-02-14 74,507 1,725 9 (Taiwan,#33) 
2025-02-15 205,756 4,579 30 (Taiwan,#16) 
2025-02-16 281,120 6,120 31 (Hong Kong,#26)  (Taiwan,#20) 
2025-02-17 284,669 6,192 31 (Hong Kong,#32)  (Taiwan,#37) 
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2025-02-19 286,479 6,236 31 (Hong Kong,#48)  (Taiwan,#66) 
2025-02-20 286,601 6,237 31 (Hong Kong,#57)  (Taiwan,#73) 
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2025-02-23 291,202 6,316 31 (Hong Kong,#77)  (Taiwan,#123) 
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2025-02-25 294,543 6,365 32 (Hong Kong,#83) 
2025-02-26 296,086 6,393 32 (Hong Kong,#88) 
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