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Tessa James in her first bikini scene
49K 13 8 01:45
Tessa James in her first bikini scene
  • Published_at:2010-04-24
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:atsfandspfan491
  • tags:
  • description: Tessa James aka Nicole Franklin during her 3rd episode of Home and Away and she is already showing off that hott body in a skimpy bikini :D also shows her flirting with Lincoln Lewis aka Geoff Campbell
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2014-09-22 42,199 13 7 (Australia,#52) 
2014-09-23 47,313 13 7 (Australia,#51)  (New Zealand,#97) 
2014-09-24 48,616 13 8 (Australia,#73) 
2014-09-25 49,139 13 8 (Australia,#91)