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State of Play | February 12, 2025 [English]
2.5M 71K 7.8K 46:41
State of Play | February 12, 2025 [English]
  • Published_at:2025-02-12
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:PlayStation
  • tags: PlayStation PS5 video games next gen Sony
  • description: State of Play is back with news and updates on great games coming to PS5. The show celebrates a creative and unique selection of exciting games from studios around the world. Regarding co-streaming and video-on-demand (VOD) Please note that this broadcast may include copyrighted content (e.g. licensed music) that PlayStation does not control. We welcome and celebrate our amazing co-streamers and creators, but licensing agreements outside our control could interfere with co-streams or VOD archives of this broadcast. If you’re planning to save this broadcast as a VOD to create recap videos, or to repost clips or segments from the show, we advise omitting any copyrighted music. #ps5 #ps5games
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2025-02-15 2,426,694 69,423 7,543 (all,#14)  (Argentina,#35)  (Australia,#12)  (Brazil,#43)  (Canada,#15)  (Spain,#43)  (France,#26)  (United Kingdom,#15)  (Italy,#68)  (Mexico,#29)  (Russia,#113)  (USA,#14) 
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