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when mama isnt home
1.5M 0 0 00:16
when mama isnt home
  • Published_at:2014-10-24
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Yes No
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  • description: ~~ THIS VIDEO WAS NOT POSTED ON ANY WEBSITES BY ME ~~ ~~ I DO NOT MAKE MONEY ON THE VIDEO ~~ READ MORE BELOW ~~ Let me clarify this mirror due abusing shit happening in the comments. I found the video on Timmy Trumpet's facebook, this is just a mirror on youtube for my friend. I didn't know there is same video on youtube already In that case: Copyright @Bauer family. - Follow them: @jessbauer | instagram @jessbauer10 | twitter
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2014-10-28 868,582 0 0 (Australia,#8)  (Brazil,#69)  (Canada,#6)  (Germany,#25)  (Spain,#13)  (France,#80)  (United Kingdom,#16)  (Ireland,#55)  (Japan,#33)  (Netherlands,#48)  (New Zealand,#27)  (Poland,#2)  (Russia,#88)  (Sweden,#23)  (Taiwan,#64) 
2014-10-29 1,519,108 0 0 (Australia,#9)  (Brazil,#51)  (Canada,#8)  (Germany,#44)  (Spain,#5)  (France,#82)  (United Kingdom,#39)  (Ireland,#43)  (Italy,#77)  (Netherlands,#42)  (New Zealand,#20)  (Poland,#3)  (Sweden,#16)  (Taiwan,#48)