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Alex Pandian - Back-to-Back Comedy Scenes 😂 | Karthi | Santhanam | Adithya TV
1.2M 9.0K 84 29:23
Alex Pandian - Back-to-Back Comedy Scenes 😂 | Karthi | Santhanam | Adithya TV
  • Published_at:2025-02-24
  • Category:Comedy
  • Channel:Adithya TV
  • tags: Alex Pandian comedy scenes Karthi Santhanam funny moments Tamil movie comedy Adithya TV best comedy hilarious Tamil scenes Santhanam best jokes trending Tamil comedy clips Kollywood fun moments must-watch Tamil comedy nonstop laughter Tamil movies
  • description: Get ready for non-stop laughter with these back-to-back comedy scenes from Alex Pandian! 🤣 Featuring the hilarious duo Karthi and Santhanam, this fun-filled sequence is sure to entertain. Watch now on Adithya TV and enjoy the comedy madness! #AlexPandian #Karthi #Santhanam #TamilComedy #ComedyScenes #AdithyaTV #Kollywood #TamilMovies #FunMoments #BackToBackComedy Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to Adithya TV YouTube channel 🔔Click the BELL ICON to get alerts for every release🔔 For Tamil Serials from Sun TV - For Malayalam Serials from Surya TV - For Telugu Serials from Gemini TV - For Kannada Serials from Udaya TV - -------------------------------------------------- Follow Us for More Latest Updates: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: -------------------------------------------------- #AdithyaTVShow #AdithyaTV #AdithyaTVYoutube #AdithyaTVvideos #AdithyaTVSerials #AdithyaTVComedy #TamilComedyClips #TamilVideos #TamilMovieVideos #TamilComedyMovies
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