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1000 People Build 10 Countries!
10M 570K 32K 09:59
1000 People Build 10 Countries!
  • Published_at:2021-04-15
  • Category:Gaming
  • Channel:MrBeast Gaming
  • tags:
  • description: Whichever team builds the best country gets $30,000! BUT only one person on the team wins all of the money, so watch this whole video to see which team wins and who gets the money! SUBSCRIBE OR YOU'LL HAVE BAD LUCK New Merch - Join our discord server for your chance to compete in future Minecraft challenges! ---------------------------------------------------------------- follow all of these or i will kick you • Facebook - • Twitter - • Instagram - --------------------------------------------------------------------
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2021-04-17 8,546,210 503,361 30,086 (all,#26)  (Canada,#23)  (Germany,#30)  (United Kingdom,#2)  (USA,#26) 
2021-04-18 10,692,000 570,114 32,458 (United Kingdom,#23)