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SIX60 - Closer (Lyric Video)
48K 995 89 03:17
SIX60 - Closer (Lyric Video)
  • Published_at:2017-10-26
  • Category:Music
  • Channel:SIX60
  • tags: SIX60 DUSK
  • description: Created by Dusk. Purchase or stream the song on your preferred platform. Thanks for the support!
ranked in date views likes Comments ranked in country (#position)
2017-10-31 32,727 740 74 (New Zealand,#21) 
2017-11-01 38,283 824 79 (New Zealand,#25) 
2017-11-02 43,460 918 84 (New Zealand,#27) 
2017-11-03 48,517 995 89 (New Zealand,#29)