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Bleaching My Hair At Home *this was a bad idea*
688K 42K 2.6K 20:55
Bleaching My Hair At Home *this was a bad idea*
  • Published_at:2025-03-07
  • Category:Howto & Style
  • Channel:Mia Maples
  • tags: mia maples cutting bangs giving myself bangs cutting my own hair cutting my hair for the first time trying curtain bangs mama maples new year new hair showing my new hair I changed my hair try on haul haul tiktok wolf cut trying to do the wolf cut at home tiktok hair trends tiktok trends cutting short layers in long hair the big chop cutting 15 inches of hair cutting off all my hair bleaching my hair bleach
  • description: Today we are bleaching my hair at home.. for the first time... Hope you enjoyed, Subscribe to be notified when I post! 🍓 OTHER VIDEOS u might like: 🌷✨ Trying Vintage hair tools: Brad Mondo Dyed my hair: Cutting my hair short: The videos that made me believe I could do this: My Socials & fun stuff: 🧸 Instagram Tiktok Ethical Sweatpants Sets: 🧶My Sewing Supplies: 📷My Filming Set-up: Thank you so much for being here and watching! I really hope you enjoyed! 💗 #miamaples #hair #bleach
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