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(Replay) Gijon Premier Padel P2: Court 2 (🇪🇸) (February 27th)
154K 2.5K 1 11:54:59
(Replay) Gijon Premier Padel P2: Court 2 (🇪🇸) (February 27th)
  • Published_at:2025-02-27
  • Category:Sports
  • Channel:Premier Padel
  • tags: Padel tennis Padel Sport live Premier Padel Juan Lebron Alejandro Galan Paquito Navarro Martin Di Nenno Fernando Belasteguin Arturo Coello Federico Chingotto Juan Tello Pablo Lima Stupaczuk Sports Augustin Tapia Delfi Brea Gemma Triay P2 Spain Gijon
  • description: Follow the live score : MATCH 1 (starting at 9:00 am local time): Youssef Hossam (🇪🇬) / Julian Lacamoire (🇦🇷) Vs. Mariano Agustin Gonzalez San Martin (🇵🇾) / Juan Zamora Perez (🇪🇸) MATCH 2: Lara Arruabarrena (🇪🇸) / Lorena Rufo Ortiz (🇪🇸) Vs. Jessica Castello Lopez (🇪🇸) / Aranzazu Osoro Ulrich (🇦🇷) MATCH 3: Beatriz Caldera Sanchez (🇪🇸) / Carmen Goenaga Garcia (🇪🇸) Vs. Beatriz Gonzalez Fernandez (🇪🇸) / Claudia Fernandez Sanchez (🇪🇸) MATCH 4: Lucia Sainz Pelegri (🇪🇸) / Patricia Llaguno Zielinski (🇪🇸) Vs. Alejandra Alonso De Villa (🇪🇸) / Andrea Ustero Prieto (🇪🇸) MATCH 5: Joao Maria Caiano (🇵🇹) / Thijs Roper (🇳🇱) Vs. Karlos Rodriguez Vidal (🇪🇸) / Antonio Varo Ramos (🇪🇸) MATCH 6: Philemon Raichman (🇫🇷) / Menno Nolten (🇳🇱) Vs. Pablo Pastor Landaburu (🇪🇸) / Samuel Rivas Garcia (🇪🇸 Check out full match replays, highlights and live matches from Rounds 1-3 at @PremierPadelOfficial 📺 and Red Bull TV from Quarter-Finals to Finals at Where to Watch Premier Padel tournaments 👀
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