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Impeachment Cold Open - SNL
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Impeachment Cold Open - SNL
  • Published_at:2019-09-29
  • Category:Entertainment
  • Channel:Saturday Night Live
  • tags: snl saturday night live snl season 45 snl 45 woody harrelson cold open politics president trump donald trump election alec baldwin Rudy Giuliani Kate McKinnon Kanye West Chris Redd William Barr Aidy Bryant Mike Pence Beck Bennett Kim Jong-un Bowen Yang Jeanine Pirro Cecily Strong Eric Trump Don Jr. Liev Schreiber Mikey Day Alex Moffat s45 s45e1 episode 1 live comedy sketch funny hilarious laugh impersonation Billie Eilish
  • description: With the threat of impeachment looming, Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) calls those closest to him including Rudy Giuliani (Kate McKinnon), Kanye West (Chris Redd), William Barr (Aidy Bryant), Mike Pence (Beck Bennett), Kim Jong-un (Bowen Yang), Jeanine Pirro (Cecily Strong) Eric and Don Jr. (Alex Moffat, Mikey Day), and Liev Schreiber. #SNL #WoodyHarrelson #BillieEilish #SNL45 Subscribe to SNL: Stream Current Full Episodes: Watch Past SNL Seasons:  Google Play -  iTunes - Follow SNL Social - SNL Instagram:  SNL Facebook: SNL Twitter: SNL Tumblr: SNL Pinterest:
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