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那年,一家四口只帶100萬回台灣...烏俄戰爭後,從零開始的中年創業【#誰來晚餐 15-1】Guess Who: My Midlife Battle After the War (Eng Sub)
131K 3.5K 225 54:10
那年,一家四口只帶100萬回台灣...烏俄戰爭後,從零開始的中年創業【#誰來晚餐 15-1】Guess Who: My Midlife Battle After the War (Eng Sub)
  • Published_at:2023-11-24
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:誰來晚餐 GuessWho
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  • description: ► 十八年前,林岳從台灣前往烏克蘭創業,和烏克蘭人Olga相戀結婚,生下二個兒子定居烏克蘭。2016年不敵烏俄戰事波及,全家搬回台灣高雄。回台後,林岳照顧小孩和生病的爸媽,當了6年家庭主夫;Olga到高中教英文,成為家中經濟主力。  ► 這些年林岳親自帶大兒子,心滿意足,但男主內女主外的生活面臨考驗,眼看孩子們還小,從國外帶回的存款所剩無幾,年過50,他要怎麼面對、展開新的工作? 「很謹慎嘛,很小心,因為應該是最後…我的人生最後一次出發。」 林岳不想放棄,他把最後的積蓄投入創業,想在台灣開一家太太的家鄉味-烏克蘭餐廳。中年創業,背水一戰,什麼錢都要省。親手裝修,試吃市調都做...... ​​  ►跟隨先生移居異鄉,Olga要面對兩國文化差異,更有濃烈鄉愁。這些年戰事起伏,兩夫妻盡力在台灣為烏克蘭籌募病床、救護車等醫療資源。離家多年,Olga只能從照片上看到,家鄉的小鎮廣場躺滿傷亡士兵、自己的哥哥也上戰場,是少數活著回來的士兵... ​  |來賓的到來讓林岳忍不住大哭!他心中究竟藏著什麼壓力? |先看本集概述: Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war in 2014, more than 7 million refugees have fled Ukraine, making it the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. Taiwanese native Lin Yueh traveled to Ukraine almost two decades ago, where he learned the language, married the woman of his dreams, and spent ten years building a successful auto parts business. However, Lin Yueh faced ruin overnight after the war broke out in 2014. Stripped of his company and home, Yueh and his family fled penniless to Taiwan with his wife and kids. In this episode, we meet Lin Yueh and his wife, Olga, as they navigate the challenges of starting anew. How come Olga is now the breadwinner and Lin Yueh the homemaker? Why is keeping the taste of Ukraine alive in Taiwan so important to them? What are Lin Yueh and Olga doing to fight for Ukraine while in Taiwan? Let's find out! #烏克蘭 #家庭主夫 #異國婚姻 #公視 #公共電視  ▮ 台灣公視 誰來晚餐 ▮  -每週五晚上9點,一個台灣家庭故事  -想成為晚餐受訪家庭?歡迎私訊fb&IG【誰來晚餐】報名 |Facebook: |Instagram: |官網:
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