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The Lost Souls Of The USS Yorktown
1.7M 83K 9.1K 22:32
The Lost Souls Of The USS Yorktown
  • Published_at:2019-10-04
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
  • tags: buzzfeed buzzfeed unsolved unsolved The Lost Souls Of The USS Yorktown USS Yorktown investigation Ryan bergara unsolved mysteries true crime conspiracy unsolved network ghosts haunted unsolved mystery creepy theories shane madej theory criminal unexplained mysteries creepypasta serial killer scary story documentary murder detective PLD8iUdp33PqSmH4NjDm6lk1YiNUhLCxj4 PLD8iUdp33PqQuSYl9EljppQERLUlsDtR5 PLD8iUdp33PqS1GwkLL2zaZcU7jD04FVM
  • description: How many restless spirits still walk the embattled decks of the famous old aircraft carrier? Welcome to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things mystery, conspiracy, supernatural, true crime, and everything in between. Subscribe here: and get the official merch here: Credits: MUSIC SFX Provided By AudioBlocks ( Licensed via Audio Network Welcome to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things mystery, conspiracy, supernatural, true crime, and everything in between. Subscribe here: STILLS Sailors shooting cannons and machine guns, HMS Sans Pareil duncan1890/Getty Images Top View Aircraft Carrier warship battleship In the ocean pigphoto/Getty Images Detailed Political World map in Mercator projection BardoczPeter/Getty Images Launch of the Saturn V rocket towards the moon, the fiftieth anniversary of the moon landing. Apollo mission 11. Earth and moon in space. 3d rendering Naeblys/Getty Images Smiling Man In Boots, Jeans And Blue T-shirt Is Standing With Arms Crossed Aleksander Kaczmarek/Getty Images Battleship Engine Room Warren Weinstein / 500px/Getty Images White bubble foam splash explosion in the air on black background,freeze stop motion photo object design LoveTheWind/Getty Images Black and white smoke draganab/Getty Images Antique historical photographs from the US Navy and Army: Captains ilbusca/Getty Images Antique historical photographs from the US Navy and Army: Cannon ilbusca/Getty Images Antique historical photographs from the US Navy and Army: Naval Cadets in the Library of "New Hampshire" ilbusca/Getty Images Antique historical photographs from the US Navy and Army: Cannon on the "New York" ilbusca/Getty Images Bronze Star and Black Marble Memorial Wall Paul Campbell/Getty Images 1941 two friends walking on the street Lisa-Blue/Getty Images Digiphoto/Getty Images Phoenix At Pearl Harbor Hulton Archive/Getty Images Eleanor Roosevelt Hulton Archive/Getty Images USS Yorktown Keystone/Getty Images War Bulletin Three Lions/Getty Images VIDEO Fleet of the Navy in the War Zone overcrew/Getty Images Realistic Dry Ice Smoke Clouds Fog Overlay mputsylo/Getty Images Slow Mo water surface for background Photosiber/Getty Images Jet takeoff from aircraft carrier-From 1960's movie film BruceHem/Getty Images
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