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USA: Trump arrives in Florida as Joe Biden sworn into office
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USA: Trump arrives in Florida as Joe Biden sworn into office
  • Published_at:2021-01-20
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:Ruptly
  • tags: Trump USA Florida
  • description: Subscribe to our channel! Former US President Donald Trump arrived in Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday as Joe Biden was sworn in as US president. A motorcade transporting former US President Donald Trump could be seen driving through the streets, where he was greeted by hundreds of cheering supporters waving Trump signs and US flags. Donald Trump and his family will be residing in his Mar-a-Lago resort having left the White House earlier on Wednesday. Earlier this month, Trump announced he would not attend the inauguration of his successor, Joe Biden. #Florida #USA #Trump Video ID: 20210120-053 Video on Demand: Contact: Twitter: Facebook:
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