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4.4M 164K 8.1K 15:00
  • Published_at:2023-11-25
  • Category:People & Blogs
  • Channel:Stokes Twins
  • tags: adopting 100 pets adopting 100 dogs adopting 100 animals adopting every dog at an animal shelter adopting every pet at an animal shelter buying 100 pets I opened a free pet store free pet store free exotic pets cute dogs puppy kitten puppy surprise stokes twins mrbeast mark rober Jordan matter dhar mann unspeakable Brent rivera lexi rivera ben azelart lexi hensler pierson Jeremy hutchins amp preston faze rug royalty family amp world cutest dog cute
  • description: We adopted 100 pets and opened a free pet store. On top of that, we turned our home into a dream dog house, dream cat house and dream puppy house. Like this video if you like cats, Subscribe if you like dogs. Subscribe to them! Kat Hixson @kat_hixson Stalk us on instagram for more content ;) Alan's Instagram: @alanstokes Alex's Instagram: @alexstokes
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2023-11-27 2,001,047 93,126 5,813 (all,#9)  (Australia,#10)  (Canada,#11)  (United Kingdom,#15)  (New Zealand,#28)  (USA,#9) 
2023-11-28 2,673,328 114,582 6,638 (all,#22)  (Australia,#12)  (Canada,#25)  (New Zealand,#23)  (USA,#22) 
2023-11-29 3,344,371 136,489 7,238 (Australia,#13)  (New Zealand,#16) 
2023-11-30 3,898,593 151,594 7,689 (Australia,#19)  (New Zealand,#15) 
2023-12-01 4,204,611 159,100 7,938 (New Zealand,#15) 
2023-12-02 4,421,281 164,202 8,138 (New Zealand,#24)