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kamal haasan #CleanIndiaCampaign
143K 761 62 02:33
kamal haasan #CleanIndiaCampaign
  • Published_at:2014-10-02
  • Category:News & Politics
  • Channel:Kamal Haasan
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  • description: I thank the PM for naming me among the nine others on this list; inviting us to the Clean India Campaign. I don’t think this is a new duty I have been appointed to. I think it is in recognition of what I have already been doing. I thank the PMO for recognizing that. I am sure that some of my peers are also chosen because of what they have already done and capable of. I think this cleaning is something that I have been doing for the past 20 years with the help of my fans whom I have converted into a social service organization. My work continues… As far as I am concerned, this is not a Public Relations exercise, this is a public work that I am part of. So it is not nine more people that I will add, but 9 million more if I can. I pursue this agnostic of Party, politics and philosophies. All these nine peers with whom I’m honored to work are not people who have the same philosophy as I, but I am their brother. I thank the PM for this invitation. I invite 9 million people to invite another 9 million people more into what I consider is nation building. It is not connected to just one party. It is connected to this one billion plus that we are that constitute this country. Thank you for awakening my commitment again.
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2014-10-05 128,053 722 37 (India,#46) 
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