2013-01-10   Hong Kong

Hong Kong

#1 (=)
Super Junior-M_BREAK DOWN_Music Video
2.5M 90K 39K 03:25
#2 (NEW)
陌生蛋散 (Walking Dead) #15
29K 1.3K 21:41
#3 (+6)
Classic Thresh - Ability Preview - League of Legends
581K 2.7K 02:13
#4 (+3)
45K 459 05:40
#5 (-2)
[GAY檸教室] GAY語一分鐘 - Member
35K 665 01:04
#6 (NEW)
Top 10 Plays of the Night: January 7th
237K 1.5K 03:12
#7 (+9)
Xperia™ Z - The precision engineered Full HD smartphone from Sony. CES 2013
747K 7.4K 02:09
#8 (+7)
法網狙擊 - 法紀最終之戰 (TVB)
54K 262 02:13
#9 (NEW)
[惡搞廣告] 2013-14 發表施政報告 (唐唐版)
7.5K 207 00:31
#10 (-4)
League of Legends - The Most amazing Blitzcrank grabs ever
126K 269 00:54
#11 (NEW)
潮州辣妹鬧爆梁振英 , 聲討愛港力量
7.2K 507 01:30
#12 (NEW)
世界最佳扒手 獨門秘技成藝術
6.0K 17 00:36
#13 (-5)
周杰倫【比較大的大提琴 官方完整版MV】Jay Chou "A Larger Cello" MV
284K 6.4K 04:34
#14 (NEW)
As One - Red Hot Hits 2013 MV [HD 1080p]
46K 556 03:54
#15 (+4)
10K 142 00:43
#16 (NEW)
《英雄聯盟》高階團戰分析 - 轉折點 EP.1
17K 326 05:11
#17 (NEW)
2013.01.07康熙來了完整版 出道12年還是那個周杰倫
44K 391 44:56
#18 (NEW)
2013-14 施政報告發表 廣告
14K 5 00:31
#19 (NEW)
趁現在 No.40-1
97K 357 15:33
#20 (-15)
直擊 西施不怕冷 抖奶露屁屁
155K 64 01:13
#21 (-8)
CNBLUE 4th Mini Album [Emotional Teaser] Yong Hwa ver.
261K 7.7K 00:32
#22 (+51)
Kevin Garnett DIRTY PLAY with Carmelo Anthony| Celtics vs Knicks | Jan 7 2013
25K 12 00:27
#23 (NEW)
2012年度我最喜愛十大化妝品 ✿ My favorite Makeup Products of 2012
7.0K 260 09:40
#24 (NEW)
143K 7.9K 00:29
#25 (-15)
Kevin Garnett Nearly Kills Tyler Hansbrough and gets Ejected of Flagrant 2 foul
55K 17 00:28
#26 (-12)
大埔紅帽色魔 淫辱14歲女個幾鐘
39K 12 01:18
#27 (-5)
Pedro's run
16K 64 00:08
#28 (+42)
(2013-01-08) 左右紅藍綠:支持梁振英帶領香港
8.2K None 03:35
#29 (NEW)
보이프렌드 (BOYFRIEND) - 아이야 (I YAH) Teaser HD
81K 6.1K 00:30
#30 (NEW)
譚杏藍 Hana Tam - 少女時代Sunny仿妝♥Girls Generation Sunny Makeup Tutorial
5.6K 247 04:52
#31 (NEW)
1 Minute DIY : Olive Oil + Honey Mask
265K 8.7K 01:08
#32 (+1)
JPM▼Internet▼ ft. Kimberley陳芳語_官方完整版 MV (HD)
39K 1.6K 03:48
#33 (+16)
NBA CIRCLE - Boston Celtics Vs New York Knicks Highlights 7 January 2013 www.nbacircle.com
80K 123 02:32
#34 (NEW)
Cartier - Destinée
6.6K 148 07:04
#35 (NEW)
2013-14 喪Do施政報告發表 廣告
3.7K 85 00:32
#36 (=)
NEW: Canon PowerShot N
15K 61 01:12
#37 (NEW)
5.2K 63 37:45
#38 (+38)
《跑Online》極速頻道 ( 遊戲實況畫面 II 30人場地圖 )
5.0K None 02:02
#39 (NEW)
Jeremy Lin highlights vs Lakers || Jan 8, 2013 || HD ||
19K 355 05:37
#40 (NEW)
2013-01-07 [康熙來了] 出道十二年還是那個周杰倫?! 1/5
20K 69 10:47
#41 (-9)
"Beauty And A Beat" - Justin Bieber (Alex Goot, Kurt Schneider, and Chrissy Costanza Cover)
3.3M 45K 03:58
#42 (-19)
宅男俱樂部 - 10000人訂閱
12K 1.1K 08:26
#43 (NEW)
3.9K 92 03:32
#44 (-27)
[隨意TALK] 我們對頒獎禮的看法 [EP6]
19K 761 02:59
#45 (-19)
Coris #3 - Cookin Purin?! (DIY custard pudding flavored cake)
98K 1.5K 01:28
#46 (NEW)
[1080][HD] 2013.01.08 火箭 vs 湖人 Jeremy Lin 林書豪 19分 5助攻 4抄截 Rockets Lakers
21K 408 04:35
#47 (NEW)
Xperia Z - The best of Sony in a smartphone
22K 247 01:58
#48 (NEW)
亞洲遊戲展2012 精彩時刻
2.4K 49 01:15
#49 (NEW)
Free Teleport with Thresh - League of Legends
17K 738 00:49
#50 (-21)
Metta World Peace - 激勵人心的拼搏防守態度感染整個球迷起立致敬。
27K 170 00:42
#51 (NEW)
A Day In My Life 跟我過一天
508 412 05:58
#52 (NEW)
7.5K 342 08:51
#53 (-22)
One Direction - Kiss You - 1 day to go
2.8M 44K 00:37
#54 (-24)
好心人幫助老伯伯過馬路. 讚!
12K 192 00:37
#55 (-37)
League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 113
435K 4.8K 03:09
#56 (-35)
Bradley Beal finds Kevin Seraphin | Wizards vs Heat | Jan 6, 2013
7.6K 1 00:21
#57 (+3)
Sony Xperia Z 中文動手玩(國語)
16K 50 02:41
#58 (NEW)
神奇寶貝 X / Y-宣傳影片-N3DS-巴哈姆特 GNN
19K 79 01:29
#59 (-21)
娛樂百分百官方頻道102.01.07 (一) 韓流控舞蹈大賽精彩搶先看.wmv
16K 53 01:19
#60 (-8)
[iOS教學]終於可以不用JB, 將iPhone電訊商標誌變成你喜愛的圖案  (廣東話版)
9.1K 29 01:49
#61 (-11)
S.H.E 「不說再見」(高清版 HD MV )
50K 2.1K 04:14
#62 (NEW)
Makeup Secret 4 分鐘可完成之 放假自然妝
2.2K None 04:49
#63 (NEW)
[HD]! Amazing BackHeel Goal - Gaitan | Estoril 0-3 Benfica | 07-01-2013
28K 27 00:19
#64 (NEW)
新竹火車站 聞屁哥
58K 53 00:35
#65 (-37)
LNG Gaming:跟給酷大師一起玩英雄聯盟
158K 1.9K 08:13
#66 (-62)
[偷食總司令] 整涼粉
149K 2.3K 03:58
#67 (NEW)
66K None 13:24
#68 (NEW)
Easy ways to spice up your room! + DIY Decorations
270K 27K 09:10
#69 (NEW)
Mission Impossible (Piano/Cello/Violin) ft. Lindsey Stirling - ThePianoGuys
381K 36K 05:33
#70 (NEW)
【秋風RPG實況】巴哈姆特 EP.28 我最討厭核爆術
2.3K 280 26:08
#71 (-34)
Top Fails - Day 65
179K 3.8K 02:01
#72 (NEW)
少女時代(SNSD)~I Got A Boy@130108 Girls' Generation Kpop Open Concert HD
12K 160 04:39
#73 (NEW)
[HD]James Harden Against Kobe Bryant |  Lakers vs Rockets | Jan 8, 2013
2.5K 10 00:43
#74 (-27)
11K 2 00:44
#75 (NEW)
愛情女僕第24集 24-1
17K 74 11:00
#76 (NEW)
2.1K 669 14:48
#77 (+5)
Kim Jaejoong (김재중) - One Kiss (Full Audio)
164K 6.0K 03:21
#78 (NEW)
[Fancam] 130106 SNSD - Hello recording
10.0K 949 00:14
#79 (NEW)
七時空門傳說 - Part 19幕後花絮
1.8K 167 02:08
#80 (NEW)
The Power of Technology - Huawei Ascend D2
25K 108 02:27
#81 (NEW)
MP魔幻力量 「射手舞」-  搏命演出[張芸京]
14K 318 00:37
#82 (NEW)
David Bowie: Where Are We Now? Full Video
1.6M 17K 04:37
#83 (NEW)
Kim and Kanye's Baby Name
226K 3.4K 01:38
#84 (NEW)
130108 MBC 수목미니시리즈 보고싶다 18회 예고
14K 57 00:40
#85 (NEW)
KU2796 食人條線仲要手指指
4.8K None 00:15
#86 (-29)
PO文除掉馬英九 「FBI帥哥」稱想紅
400K 1.1K 01:30
#87 (NEW)
2013 내 이름을 불러봐_촬영스케치
40K 1.4K 00:52
#88 (NEW)
Gift Deceit
187K 9.4K 04:49
#89 (NEW)
16K 21 00:31
#90 (NEW)
Thresh the Chain Warden Gameplay Spotlight - Full Game as "Support" (League of Legends Preview)
37K 142 41:55
#91 (-45)
NVIDIA Project Shield - handheld gaming system wit
126K 361 01:22
#92 (NEW)
秘密基地 朱豔強 feat. Clara Chow (DJ Version)
5.9K 209 03:11
#93 (NEW)
Cristiano Ronaldo All Reaction at Messi ballon d'or 2012
181K 87 00:14
#94 (NEW)
悠哉的穿越二塔 XDD
8.4K 12 00:12
#95 (NEW)
Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 1. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away
1.9M 10K 07:22
#96 (NEW)
2013.1.7 毓民追問劏房問題
3.5K 62 04:19
#97 (-53)
NSW mum saves daughter from python's grip
14K 0 00:33
#98 (-44)
D100 風波裡的茶杯 (大班喺節目中詳細解釋拍賣股份的原因) - 2013年1月7日
5.8K 38 01:54:11
#99 (NEW)
Ody好少打機系列のSleeping Dogs﹣EP.11
2.1K 327 32:00