South Korea
#1 (+15)
- 무한도전 "토토가" 터보, 김현정, SES / 공연만 편집!!! / 빠져 볼까요?
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:SHOW STYLE
- Video details
#2 (NEW)
- 141227 무한도전 토토가 서현 & S.E.S 아임유어걸,너를 사랑해
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Music
- Channel:수원막걸리
- Video details
#3 (-2)
- KBS 연예대상-코미디부문 남자 최우수상 - 김대희.20141227
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:Conpia
- Video details
#4 (-2)
- 무한도전 '토토가' S.E.S. - ('Cause) I'm your Girl, 너를 사랑해
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:happy vada
- Video details
#5 (=)
- KBS연예대상 김준호 지지선언 하는 김준현 + 우는 김준호
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:q kim
- Video details
#6 (=)
- 출출한 그들을 구하라! 스니커즈 응급구조 (SNICKERS Hungry Rescue)
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:snickersenergy
- Video details
#7 (-3)
- UN Security Council to debate North Korea's human rights
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Education
- Channel:munhyun jung
- Video details
#8 (+12)
- [무한도전] 토토가 터보 나 어릴 적 꿈
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:Korea TV
- Video details
#9 (=)
- 까페에서 우연히 만난 허영지
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:japparing
- Video details
#10 (NEW)
- 무한도전 '토토가' 김현정 - 그녀와의 이별
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:Anna Jang
- Video details
#11 (-1)
- 양띵 [치클치클~ 미소의 믿고 보는 컨텐츠! '치킨클린업' 1편 / 릴레이 컨텐츠 미소편] 마인크래프트 Mo' Chickens Mod
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:양띵 YouTube (YD Gaming Channel)
- Video details
#12 (+6)
- [HIT] KBS 연예대상-대상 - 유재석.20141227
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:KBSEntertain
- Video details
#13 (-2)
- 한국어와 드라비다어 타밀어는 동일어족
- Published_at:2013-07-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:hanhonor1004
- Video details
#15 (-8)
- 141224[HD] Weekly Idol(주간아이돌) - EXID(엑시드)
- Published_at:2014-12-24
- Category:Music
- Channel:VI NEO
- Video details
#16 (NEW)
- 악어 [ 빵을가지고튀어라 골렘의사원 3부 ] 마인크래프트 minecraft
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:악어 유튜브
- Video details
#17 (NEW)
- 도시 시뮬레이터!! [심벌비아: 마크판 심시티 #1편] 마인크래프트 Minecraft - Simburbia - [도티]
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:도티 TV
- Video details
#19 (NEW)
- 충격발표! 철구 아빠 되다! (썰프리카)
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:철구형
- Video details
#20 (-1)
- 대도서관] 울펜슈타인 더 뉴 오더 실황 1화 (Wolfenstein The New Order)
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:대도서관TV
- Video details
#21 (-9)
- Hog Rider 2.0 (Official TV Commercial)
- Published_at:2014-12-22
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:Clash of Clans
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#22 (-7)
- [HIT] KBS 가요대축제-콜라보레이션 스테이지 - 임창정&플라이투더스카이(Lim Changjung&Fly To The Sky).20141226
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:KBSKpop
- Video details
#23 (-1)
- [손오공] 헬로 카봇 EP 18 예고 "잠수함을 구해줘"
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:SonokongTube
- Video details
#24 (NEW)
- [황당뉴스] 환자 누워있는데 수술실서 '생일 파티'…논란 (SBS8뉴스|2014.12.28)
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:SBSNEWS
- Video details
#25 (+1)
- 미생 CG
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Nonprofits & Activism
- Channel:sin byung
- Video details
#26 (-3)
- 소녀시대(SNSD) 서현 드레스가 그만...(KBS 가요대축제)
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:MediaVOP
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#27 (NEW)
- Grandma Opening Chocolate iphone
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jordan Graham
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#28 (NEW)
- 김이브님♥내가 운전면허를 땄을 때
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:김이브님
- Video details
#29 (NEW)
- 나하은 댄스Touch My Body씨스타2라운드 랭킹
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:씨 ㄹ 덕
- Video details
#30 (+6)
- 김대희 수상소감 레알 뼈그맨 김준호
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:kichul Lee
- Video details
#31 (NEW)
- 무한도전- 기계적 모범대답 예원 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:예원 BEST 영상
- Video details
#32 (-7)
- Apink 에이핑크 'LUV' 안무 연습 영상 (Choreography Practice Video)
- Published_at:2014-12-25
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Apink (에이핑크)
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#33 (-6)
- [Teaser] HELLOVENUS 헬로비너스_위글위글(WiggleWiggle)
- Published_at:2014-12-24
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:fantagiomusic 판타지오뮤직
- Video details
#34 (NEW)
- [특종] 철구 딸 연지?! 썰프리까 철구 애기 결혼 딸 지혜 연지 썰프리카
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:Geometry Dash
- Video details
#35 (-7)
- 파워레인저 다이노포스 와 [신제품 터닝메카드] 헬로카봇 또봇 장난감 동영상 Turning Mecard car toys / Dino Charge Carbot Tobot
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:[토이푸딩TV] ToyPudding
- Video details
#36 (-3)
- 음악중심 141227 가요대제전 예고 Cut
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:최원영
- Video details
#37 (-13)
- 동남아 초대형 팽이폭죽 클라스
- Published_at:2014-12-23
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:kog King
- Video details
#38 (-8)
- [유머,신기방기][BJ이루리] 순수함으로 일베충도 정화시키다
- Published_at:2014-12-23
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:뚝딱보이
- Video details
#39 (-10)
- [EXID(이엑스아이디)] 위아래 안무 연습 영상 X-mas ver
- Published_at:2014-12-25
- Category:Entertainment
- Video details
#40 (NEW)
- [자막] 오소리를 건들면 아주 X되는 거예요
- Published_at:2014-08-24
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:브랜든의번역창고
- Video details
#41 (NEW)
- Larry (Official TV Commercial)
- Published_at:2014-12-22
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:Clash of Clans
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#42 (NEW)
- 양띵 [치클치클~ 미소의 믿고 보는 컨텐츠! '치킨클린업' 6편 / 릴레이 컨텐츠 미소편] 마인크래프트 Mo' Chickens Mod
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:양띵 YouTube (YD Gaming Channel)
- Video details
#43 (-9)
- Priceless Reaction to Marriage Proposal
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:Did You Know?
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#45 (NEW)
- 김이브님♥남녀가 놀 곳은 어디에나 존재한다
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:김이브님
- Video details
#46 (NEW)
- [경향신문] 김무성 "알바는 좋은경험", 알바노조 분노 "우리는 생존이다“
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:thekyunghyangtv
- Video details
#47 (NEW)
- [HIT] 불후의 명곡2, 송년(End of the Year) 특집-강부자(Kang Bu Ja) - 슬픈 인연.20141227
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:KBSKpop
- Video details
#48 (NEW)
- 스티브 총알?! [마인크래프트: 몬스터 총 모드] - Mobs Gun Mod - [잠뜰]
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:잠뜰 TV
- Video details
#49 (-17)
- 141224 SAF 헬로비너스(HELLOVENUS) - 위글위글 라임 직캠
- Published_at:2014-12-24
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:남상미
- Video details
#51 (NEW)
- 대도서관] 울펜슈타인 더 뉴 오더 실황 3화 (Wolfenstein The New Order)
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:대도서관TV
- Video details
#52 (-36)
- 기억 속 진실!! [여름: 스토리 탈출맵 #6편] (완결) 마인크래프트 Minecraft - Summer - [도티]
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:도티 TV
- Video details
#53 (-16)
- 리그오브레전드 미드녹턴장인 쏘핫트 무한카정 영원히 고통받는 아무무 (League Of Legends Mid Noceturne Counter Jungle amumu)
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:쏘핫트 BJ
- Video details
#54 (NEW)
- 141229 MBC 방송연예대상 Girl's Day(Hye Ri+Yura) 홍진영+김소현
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:shu35150510
- Video details
#55 (-16)
- 철구&효근 귓방맹이10대 + 야자타임!
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:철구형
- Video details
#56 (NEW)
- [PD대정령] 유로트럭(Euro Truck) -1
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:대정령 TV
- Video details
#57 (NEW)
- Yoon Mi-Rae (Tasha) Pay Day in The Interview starring Seth Rogen and James Franco
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:uskpop
- Video details
#58 (+4)
- KBS 가요대축제-소녀시대 - Mr. Mr..20141226
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:Conpia
- Video details
#59 (-13)
- 10년간 다시 없을 최고의 무대! @K팝스타 시즌4 6회 예고편 (141228)
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:KPOPSTAR
- Video details
#60 (NEW)
- 뽀로로 & 겨울왕국 Frozen 엘사 울라프 안나 궁전과 성 Frozen Magical light palace & castle
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:[토이푸딩TV] ToyPudding
- Video details
#61 (NEW)
- 141227 무한도전 토토가 서현 & S.E.S Cut Part 2
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Music
- Channel:수원막걸리
- Video details
#62 (-1)
- [2] 12. 27 펜.타.킬. 원딜 미스포츈(1편) -해물파전 게임영상(Miss Fortune)
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:해물파전TV
- Video details
#63 (-56)
- 악어 [ 모드체험기 태양의아들모드 (Sun's Son Mod) Review 6부(완결) ] 마인크래프트 minecraft
- Published_at:2014-12-25
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:악어 유튜브
- Video details
#64 (NEW)
- 릴리M - Skyscraper & 감상평 K팝스타4 랭킹오디션 / 20141228
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:영남 조
- Video details
#65 (NEW)
- [BJ이루리]가슴떨리는..가슴떨리는... 꼬리치는중 ㅋㅋ
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:뚝딱보이
- Video details
#66 (NEW)
- 2014 KBS 연예 대상 삼둥이 대한 민국 만세
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:vin tage
- Video details
#67 (NEW)
- Nowy rekord Polski podczas treningu w Zakopanem!!! GoPro
- Published_at:2014-12-23
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:filipone1000
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#69 (-16)
- 연예대상 티격태격 쩌는 경규옹-유미언니
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:q kim
- Video details
#70 (=)
- 141227 다음주 무한도전 - 토토가 2부 예고
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:살아있는콜라겐
- Video details
#72 (-8)
- 쇼리 턱형 막장 연말파팈ㅋ~! (미친막장 레전드풀영상)
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:대한건아턱형
- Video details
#73 (NEW)
- 희바 [화산 전설의포켓몬[앤테이] 마인크래프트(포켓몬스터 모드)시즌4 #21] Pixelmon Mod
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:HEEBA 희바
- Video details
#74 (NEW)
- Rare: Crocodile Eating Crocodile - Kruger National Park
- Published_at:2014-12-23
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:Anthony Moore
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#76 (-36)
- 141225 Clara (클라라) - Gwiyomi Song 2 (귀요미 송2) @ M! Countdown [1080P]
- Published_at:2014-12-25
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:K-Pop Songs New 2014 - 2015
- Video details
#77 (+9)
- Gangnam Style Flipnotes
- Published_at:2013-02-17
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:isaac rodriguez
- Video details
#78 (-7)
- 141228 EXID - 위아래(UP&DOWN)
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Music
- Channel:bestiz 베스티즈
- Video details
#79 (-25)
- 흑엄마에게 한국배우 보여줬더니.. My Mom Ranks the Hottest Korean Actors
- Published_at:2014-12-23
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:whitneybae
- Video details
#80 (-21)
- 세상에 이런일이 3 - LOL WTF OMG Video Collection 3 (11 Videos)
- Published_at:2014-12-24
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:세상돋보기
- Video details
#81 (NEW)
- [연예대상] 야노시호 따라하는 민국이^^
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:♥삼둥이TV♥
- Video details
#83 (-11)
- [손오공] 헬로 카봇 ep10 "조각상을 지켜라 (2)"
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:SonokongTube
- Video details
#84 (NEW)
- [PD대정령] 아이워너비더보시(I Wanna Be The Boshy) -4
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:대정령 TV
- Video details
#85 (NEW)
- 세상에 이런일이 5 - LOL WTF OMG Video Collection 5 (10 Videos)
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:Worldmagnifier
- Video details
#86 (+2)
- 평화롭게 가자구! [스포어: #6] -SPORE- [태경]
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:태경 TV
- Video details
#87 (NEW)
- [HIT] 개그콘서트-반찬가게 '파래' 피플~ 모두 부추 Hands up! 힙합의 신.20141228
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:KBSEntertain
- Video details
#88 (NEW)
- [아이작 리버스] 유도 2급 김혈사 뭔말인지알겠져?! 2014년 12월 28일
- Published_at:2014-12-29
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:머독방송
- Video details
#90 (NEW)
- 파워레인저 다이노포스 호루라기 다이노포스 헬로카봇 또봇 슈퍼윙스 장난감 동영상 Power Rangers Dino Charge whistle /Carbot Tobot
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:[토이푸딩TV] ToyPudding
- Video details
#91 (-41)
- How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?
- Published_at:2014-12-22
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:JoshPalerLin
- Ranked in:
- Video details
#93 (-36)
- MadLife Thresh Montage 2 :: 매드라이프 쓰레쉬 매드무비 2
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:Project LoL
- Video details
#94 (NEW)
- Crackhead with pipe in snatch dies after OD at jail hospital
- Published_at:2014-12-26
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:TomoNews US
- Video details
#95 (-65)
- 고수 빅민의 수련!! [마인크래프트: 운동 모드] - My Fit Mod - [잠뜰]
- Published_at:2014-12-24
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:잠뜰 TV
- Video details
#97 (-46)
- 141227 무한도전 토토가 서현 & S.E.S Cut Part 1
- Published_at:2014-12-27
- Category:Music
- Channel:수원막걸리
- Video details
#98 (NEW)
- 김이브님♥김이브는 프라닭을 먹는다
- Published_at:2014-12-23
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:김이브님
- Video details
#99 (NEW)
- GE' 솔선생 가나다 학개론 - 다리우스 (LOL Darius Guide)
- Published_at:2014-12-28
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:GE ENT G
- Video details