South Korea
#2 (-1)
- 빅뱅 승리 닮은걸로 허세부리는형 패배감 맛 보게 해주기 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:더블비
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#3 (NEW)
- 3부 손혜원에 쩔쩔메는 청와대 민주당 검찰, 문정권 위선, 한계 레임덕을 보여줌 [정치분석] (2019.01.22)
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:황장수의 뉴스브리핑o
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#4 (+13)
- Awaken (ft. Valerie Broussard) | League of Legends Cinematic - Season 2019
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Gaming
- Channel:League of Legends
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#5 (-1)
- 미세먼지특집 미세먼지에 좋은 음식 vs 나쁜 음식!! - 각자먹방
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:핫도그TV
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#6 (NEW)
- 6개월 기다리고 드디어 왔습니다.. (퀄리티 소름돋음) [ 꾹TV ]
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:꾹TV(Kkuk TV)
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#7 (+5)
- [M/V] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - Home
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Music
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#8 (NEW)
- 손혜원 “반전의 빅카드 폭로”…나경원에 직격탄
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:채널A 뉴스TOP10
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#10 (+3)
- 1년 동안 아무도 성공 못했다는 온정 대왕돈까스 20분 컷!! 제가 해냈습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:연다
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#11 (NEW)
- 여자 뒤에서 1등 등장~!!! 근데 한 명이 아니네?!
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:1등 미디어
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#12 (NEW)
- [썰극장] 엄마가 꾼 무서운 악몽의 정체|빨간토마토
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Red Tomato
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#13 (NEW)
- 손혜원의원 친동생 폭로
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Music
- Channel:김재구 Kim Jae-ku연출 Directed
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#14 (-11)
- [아시안컵] 박항서 매직-베트남vs요르단 16강 승부차기
- Published_at:2019-01-20
- Category:Sports
- Channel:JTBC3 FOX Sports
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#15 (NEW)
- [고칠레오 3회] "음식점, 10곳 열면 9곳 폐업" 가슴철렁한 기사의 진실!
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:사람사는세상노무현재단
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#16 (-14)
- (2탄) 어떤 잘못도 용서해줘야 하는 그치만 첼린지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Published_at:2019-01-20
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:보물섬
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#17 (NEW)
- youtube_error_0x000295e
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:보겸 TV
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#18 (NEW)
- 1월 22일 6시 PenN뉴스_韓·日 레이더 문제, 누가 거짓말하나/ 이해찬은 역사를 입맛대로?/ 문재인 불황···아직도 기대하나外
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:펜앤드마이크 정규재TV
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#19 (NEW)
- [생방] 한국 vs 바레인 아시안컵 16강 생중계ㅣ손흥민 선발
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:Sports
- Channel:꽁병지tv
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#20 (NEW)
- 전여친의 물건들을 걸려서 당황한 동생ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (3부)
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:따규햅번TV
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#21 (NEW)
- 손혜원 때문에 목포가 난리! (10시 뉴스) / 신의한수 19.01.22
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:News & Politics
- Channel:신의한수
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#22 (NEW)
- (몰카) 뒷담 까고 이간질 해서 친구끼리 싸우게 만들기ㅋㅋ정치질 개쩌네
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:송대익
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#23 (NEW)
- 전당포 최고가 동전! 포커에서 딴 동전이 알고보니 1억짜리 초희귀템! [전당포 사나이들]
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:히스토리
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#24 (NEW)
- [BTS] 멤버별 조합에 따른 케미를 알아보자! 씨리즈 1탄 (대유잼소년단)
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:tata.타타
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#25 (-19)
- 첫키스하고나서 어색해짐; [#좋맛탱] EP06 부풀어 오르는 마음, 수플레
- Published_at:2019-01-20
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:콬TV
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#26 (-16)
- Published_at:2019-01-20
- Category:Music
- Channel:jypentertainment
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#27 (-9)
- [오분순삭] 전쩍으로 황코디를 믿으셔야 합니다.
- Published_at:2019-01-21
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:MBCentertainment
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#28 (NEW)
- 😡싫어하는 급식 슬라임 만들기 / 슬라임 섞기, 액괴 섞기, 음식슬라임, 액괴 만들기, 슬라임 만들기 / 꽃영
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:꽃영
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#29 (NEW)
- (예능) 웃기면 모든 게 허용되는 학교ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:삼프로
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#30 (NEW)
- [M/V] LeeSoRa(이소라) - Song request(신청곡) (Feat. SUGA of BTS)
- Published_at:2019-01-22
- Category:Music
- Channel:SUPER SOUND Bugs!
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