2012-12-01   Taiwan


#1 (NEW)
IPL5 TPA vs M5
152K 876 214 43:02
#2 (NEW)
TPA Bebe Pentakill (IPL5 Day One)
128K 657 00:30
#3 (NEW)
LaLaLaDemaCia - LaLaLaDemaCia - LaLaLaDemaCia - S02EP08 You Are Just A Projection
207K 1.4K 08:05
#4 (NEW)
夭壽的拖吊場 VS 威猛的賓士
68K None 04:25
#5 (NEW)
趁現在 No.19-1
86K 256 13:04
#6 (-1)
187K 7.2K 04:21
#7 (-6)
League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 106
484K 6.7K 03:57
#8 (-6)
2012.11.27 火箭 vs 暴龍 Jeremy Lin 林書豪 16分 10助攻 Rockets Raptors
176K 705 04:12
#9 (NEW)
IPL 5 Group D TPA vs. M5
17K 506 47:11
#10 (-6)
418K 2.1K 57:15
#11 (-5)
259K 4.2K 02:25
#12 (-5)
Extremely Scary Ghost Elevator Prank in Brazil
22M 97K 06:45
#13 (-2)
Omer Asik tips in a Wrong Basket - Raptors vs Rockets | november 27, 2012
114K 87 00:18
#14 (-6)
BC 巴哈雷頓[阿喜]減肥的口頭禪 DEF.IT牛仔褲獨家獻映
127K 718 02:00
#15 (+22)
Jeremy Lin highlights vs Thunder || Nov 28, 2012 || HD
29K 102 02:13
#16 (NEW)
Top Fails - Day 52
66K 3.5K 02:10
#17 (-8)
377K 6.6K 03:54
#18 (NEW)
Malphite Fail
67K 437 00:16
#19 (+2)
Jeremy Lin 林書豪-2012-11-27火箭vs暴龍 Houston Rockets vs Toronto Raptors
40K 127 03:09
#20 (-10)
Colalin 之拳皇打了沒
87K 253 01:37
#21 (-9)
170K 1.3K 02:29
#22 (-8)
Yoseop Yang (양요섭) - Caffeine (카페인) (Official Music Video)
575K 30K 03:42
#23 (NEW)
盧廣仲 把我踢開 官方MV
12K 618 04:02
#24 (-8)
140K 144 00:43
#25 (-12)
[LOL][TW] TPA Toyz Lee Sin Penta Kill . 20121126
237K 1.3K 00:59
#26 (NEW)
Campus Invasion: Pranked
43K 347 02:48
#27 (NEW)
阿神的實況教室『 Don't Starve!』EP.3-不!豬豬好夥伴!
23K 1.3K 17:57
#28 (+19)
YouTube Presents Mayday Concert
349K 16K 01:05:33
#29 (-14)
271K 902 03:41
#30 (NEW)
시크릿 (SECRET) - TALK THAT teaser
77K 4.8K 00:37
#31 (-15)
Highest Demacia Ever
145K 646 00:33
#32 (+28)
Amazing Anamorphic Illusions!
6.9M 41K 01:56
#33 (-16)
160K 70 00:18
#34 (NEW)
Ray Allen CLUTCH game winning 3 vs. Spurs
7.0K 38 00:36
#35 (-2)
NBA Brawl: Celtics VS. Nets (Kris Humphries VS. Rajon Rondo) 2012
15K 37 01:23
#36 (-16)
20121128 北市大業路車禍 機車撞汽車直擊 youtu.be/r1P8ikHvasc
33K 10 01:12
#37 (NEW)
12月份樂透槍 ~~ X-MAS M110!!!
3.4K 30 00:36
#38 (+5)
空間需求更重要 BMW 520D GT
16K 132 10:11
#40 (-22)
392K 2.9K 09:09
#41 (-22)
91K 97 01:09
#42 (+13)
will.i.am - Scream & Shout ft. Britney Spears
3.2M 55K 04:52
#43 (-16)
ソードアート・オンライン 第22話予告 「グランド・クエスト」
211K 1.2K 00:31
#44 (-20)
34K 310 02:20
#45 (NEW)
愛情女僕第3集 3-1
10K 24 16:31
#46 (NEW)
Kangxi 20121128 1 001
30K 6 12:51
#47 (+1)
20K 60 47:30
#48 (-22)
帥哥FBI 台科大
30K 71 00:23
#49 (NEW)
Kimi Raikkonen in the new Apple Maps commercial
4.7K 51 00:42
#50 (NEW)
18K None 12:28
#51 (NEW)
20121128 喬喬兒之歌 試彈烏克麗麗譜
21K 433 02:53
#52 (-24)
missrose18 001
127K 108 15:19
#53 (-28)
Jeremy Lin Amazing Layup!! II Rockets @ Raptors II November 27
20K 43 00:17
#54 (-1)
新聞挖挖哇:錢就這樣花?(1/6) 20121128
18K 42 12:33
#55 (-26)
台北Taipei其實沒那麼天龍  (蔡阿嘎x ASUS PadFone2 北台北微旅行)
292K 2.5K 02:39
#56 (NEW)
8.6K 29 06:26
#57 (NEW)
6.3K 9 00:29
#58 (-6)
Cat News Blooper
29K 82 00:23
#59 (-19)
11K 268 08:45
#60 (-4)
스타쉽 플래닛 (Starship Planet) - 하얀설레임 (White Love) MV HD
118K 7.2K 04:00
#61 (-26)
#139 廖文強&利得彙-你聽過英雄聯盟嗎?(跟馬叔叔一起搖滾學吉他)
60K 984 06:06
#62 (-3)
11K 9 00:41
#63 (NEW)
League Of Legends 2012 11 28 18 33 38 92
7.8K 1 00:22
#64 (-32)
TVXQ! 동방신기_Humanoids_Music Video
1.2M 46K 04:10
#65 (NEW)
2AM Kpop medley practice full ver.
57K 3.8K 07:17
#66 (NEW)
12K 586 03:13
#67 (-28)
《英雄聯盟》噴笑攻略 - 葛雷夫 - 蛋蛋射手
57K 288 04:56
#68 (+7)
【小惡魔筆電實驗室】Dell XPS 12 Ultrabook 自動螢幕旋轉實際操作
4.9K 4 00:47
#69 (NEW)
The new Cayman. First exclusive look.
55K 951 02:37
#70 (-26)
20121127 S.H.E勤跑通告 姊妹情深感性落淚
16K 194 01:37
#71 (-25)
12K 25 00:31
#73 (NEW)
2012.11.28康熙來了完整版 康熙局部瘦身診療室!
31K 139 44:50
#74 (-38)
Rockets vs Raptors | Lin + Team Highlights (11-27-2012)
24K 171 06:33
#75 (-37)
League of Legends - Shen invisible gank
403K 1.7K 00:26
#76 (-34)
英雄聯盟-真人版 X [瑞室/基榮、Misa]
259K 1.6K 03:14
#77 (NEW)
[HD] Kobe Bryant 40 Points vs Indiana Pacers - Highlights 27/11/2012
15K 88 04:24
#78 (-37)
Tracy McGrady highlights - 34pts,8reb,9ast in his first CBA game(11.25.2012)
135K 213 03:19
#79 (NEW)
Joe Johnson making Paul Pierce look silly
262K 962 00:41
#80 (NEW)
NBA 2012 11 29 籃網 VS 塞爾提克  大亂鬥
8.5K 9 08:22
#81 (-32)
23K 3 15:21
#82 (NEW)
20121129 全民大新聞 阿洪之聲
4.1K 30 06:00
#83 (-29)
笨蛋症候群 cover by 松山吳彥祖
22K 850 06:33
#84 (NEW)
Summer Fever Episode 17
9.7K 24 46:12
#85 (-28)
17K 238 04:08
#86 (-21)
Referee Joey Crawford goes wild during Pacers @ Lakers game
13K 13 00:08
#87 (-8)
4.2K 14 00:55
#88 (-15)
搭電梯跳電身邊出現捧嬰女孩 新整人秀好嚇人 (Going up)
21K 57 03:36
#89 (NEW)
3.2K 12 00:35
#90 (NEW)
JPM▼365天▼官方完整版Official MV (HD)
26K 1.3K 03:52
#91 (NEW)
This is how you flash in a high elo game
84K 1.4K 00:27
#92 (-42)
Jeremy Lin Glides in | Rockets vs Knicks | NBA 2012-13 Season Nov 23, 2012
174K 193 00:22
#93 (NEW)
戀夏38度C 第18集
6.0K 24 47:20
#94 (NEW)
68K 50 00:38
#95 (NEW)
IPL5 TPA vs M5 ( 2012 Day 1 Group D ) Recap with Teamfight Slowmotion Replay
4.5K 8 10:21
#96 (NEW)
League of Legends 蒙多之初體驗.avi
3.7K 28 05:08
#97 (-35)
Will it blend? Nokia 3310
448K 4.8K 01:38
#98 (NEW)
Aiyo 20121128 1 001
9.9K 6 15:21
#99 (-8)
Joe Johnson Crossover
94K 246 00:20
#100 (-42)
蕭敬騰Jam Hsiao -以愛之名 It's all about LOVE(華納official 高畫質HD官方完整版MV)
306K 3.1K 04:28