2014-05-10   Taiwan


#1 (NEW)
Zony and Yony Perform
483K 11K None 03:28
#2 (NEW)
North Dakota: Lost 3-Year-Old Boy, Carson Urness, Saved By Family Dog, Cooper
64K 98 00:56
#3 (-2)
母親節對媽媽說我愛妳 真的看幾次笑幾次!!!
1.4M 6.8K 01:17
#4 (-2)
母親節對老媽說我愛你 媽媽的國罵回應太帥了 笑死全班
1.1M 6.0K 01:19
#5 (-2)
237K 506 00:15
#6 (NEW)
2014.05.08康熙來了完整版 誰最得工作人員的緣?
116K 328 45:00
#7 (+55)
100 Days of Dance
4.3M 43K 02:35
#8 (-4)
Mayday五月天 [ 擁抱Embrace 2014 ] COMING SOON
190K 2.0K 00:48
#9 (NEW)
女人30情定水舞間 第63集 01
56K 138 08:26
#10 (NEW)
陳奕迅 Eason Chan -《你給我聽好》MV
62K 2.0K 05:14
#12 (-5)
在韓國最受歡迎的3大台灣男星: The Most Popular Taiwanese Guy In Korea?
215K 1.1K 01:14
#14 (-4)
步步惊情 第41集 HDTV 大结局
103K 87 36:36
#15 (-7)
7-ELEVEN 【拉拉熊美味時光集點】-立體公仔隨身餐具盒-和解篇
132K 994 00:28
#16 (-7)
蕊娜 - 美麗對決篇
35K 20 00:55
#17 (NEW)
38K 336 02:30
#18 (NEW)
龍飛鳳舞 Dragon Dance Ep 47
19K 59 02:10:23
#19 (NEW)
Family Of Geese Stuck On A Busy Expressway Get A Police Escort To Safety
21K 98 02:49
#20 (NEW)
[東森新聞]媽媽還是姊姊?   43歲美魔女練出6塊肌
22K 47 02:00
#21 (-9)
88K 471 03:31
#22 (NEW)
世間情 第120集 - 1/3
24K 19 34:49
#23 (+3)
Print Your Own Makeup With Mink | Disrupt NY 2014
151K 695 12:36
#24 (-7)
20140507中天新聞 禁帶多份餐點入校 學生早餐被扣留
18K 55 01:42
#25 (NEW)
世間情 第120集 01
21K 23 13:03
#27 (NEW)
42K 88 48:08
#28 (NEW)
大學生了沒20140507 1
16K 6 13:19
#29 (NEW)
8.1K 40 00:42
#30 (NEW)
If FROZEN Was A Horror Movie
918K 8.3K 01:35
#31 (NEW)
38K 402 02:36
#32 (-17)
老外機上大鬧7小時 正義教授平亂
24K 14 01:50
#34 (-20)
Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos - Episode 1
6.4M 67K 01:24
#35 (NEW)
「左左右右」登美國艾倫脫口秀節目表演 (2014/5/9)
11K 27 01:27
#36 (NEW)
"左左右右"萌翻 艾倫加碼再錄1集
11K 51 01:38
#38 (-16)
127K 993 14:43
#39 (-21)
Clutch Lee Sin save on Ryze
133K 315 00:15
#40 (NEW)
《神鬼幻想》首支30秒遊戲廣告曝光 波多野結衣化身最美魔導師
125K 16 00:32
#42 (NEW)
巧虎2014年4月快樂版 我會好好說話 巧虎ABC sun 漢字趣多多
27K 55 32:50
#43 (-12)
EXO-K_중독(Overdose)_Music Video
5.1M 196K 04:21
#44 (-24)
步步惊情35 HDTV
58K 24 36:16
#45 (=)
Official Extended Trailer | GOTHAM | FOX BROADCASTING
5.7M 34K 02:07
#46 (-6)
Sia - Chandelier (Official Video)
3.0M 36K 03:52
#47 (-1)
NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Taiwan_粉絲團神秘活動影片
10K 8 02:35
#48 (-24)
Damian Lillard amazing game-winner vs Rockets (2014 NBA Playoffs GM6)
890K 3.4K 01:16
#51 (=)
619K 11K 02:02
#52 (+32)
Official Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare Reveal Trailer
16M 154K 02:47
#53 (-1)
How to make 5 people rage quit.
320K 2.4K 01:24
#55 (-16)
巧虎2014年4月成長版 巧虎會關心別人 七個小矮人
65K 120 25:49
#56 (-2)
Harry Potter VS Star Wars
8.2M 128K 03:08
#57 (NEW)
CNA - Speaking Exchange
387K 6.0K 03:24
#58 (-22)
Linkin Park - "Until It's Gone" [Official Lyric Video]
2.2M 57K 03:41
#59 (-12)
43K 323 00:33
#60 (NEW)
祝大家母親節快樂 Happy Mother's Day
16K 552 05:24
#61 (NEW)
Jay-Z and Beyonce at Met Gala 2014
445K 800 01:46
#62 (+1)
魏如萱 Waa Wei - 暗室之後 (Official Music Video)
13K 484 03:58
#63 (-33)
20140506 新聞挖挖哇 01
17K 7 10:02
#64 (-5)
The amazing lyrebird mimicking children toy gun and other sounds
20K 94 01:46
#65 (NEW)
5.1K 43 04:06
#66 (NEW)
Best Kitty Hug Ever!
75K 382 00:12
#67 (NEW)
Lana Del Rey - West Coast
1.8M 65K 04:26
#68 (NEW)
10K 36 09:58
#69 (-11)
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire -- November 2014!
2.2M 36K 00:32
#70 (NEW)
ぐでたまショートアニメ 第25話(5/7放送)
22K 98 00:57
#71 (-34)
03 Mr.Lady | 20140504 第二十屆台大盃熱舞大賽決賽
20K 330 03:07
#72 (NEW)
The Sausage Thief !! Elmo Staffy / The Greedy Chihuahua / from Staffy Lover
539K 801 00:18
#73 (-41)
【割闌尾 】VDemocracy 募款影片 - 〈動刀前夕〉
54K 2.0K 01:36
#74 (-40)
食尚玩嘎18-山海河港大高雄 (打狗先生-蔡阿嘎+馬叔叔 MG Hit Dog 首支單曲MV)
127K 2.4K 03:33
#75 (NEW)
Zony and Yony on The Ellen Show Full Interview May 8, 2014
45K 378 05:19
#76 (-20)
417K 4.5K 26:41
#77 (NEW)
[Micro Drama] 이민호 "One LINE Romance" Episode 1
6.5K 172 16:08
#78 (-5)
Shakira - Dare (La La La)
5.3M 62K 03:13
#79 (NEW)
god - 미운 오리 새끼 (The Lone Duckling)
616K 9.8K 04:27
#80 (NEW)
【Octodad 章魚老爹】 - Part 3 - 超市買披薩!
33K 938 16:52
#81 (-37)
妻嫌夫不會開車 講完7秒就車禍-民視新聞
84K 110 02:09
#82 (NEW)
The Bible of Barbecue — Tramontina
195K 1.4K 02:21
#83 (-23)
巧虎幼幼版2014年4月 巧虎說故事 玩具壞掉了 五指謠
86K 191 16:26
#84 (-36)
League of Legends All-Star 2014
963K 15K 01:31
#85 (-28)
35K 259 02:30
#86 (-44)
Robinson Cano Surprises Yankees Fans While They're Booing Him
3.4M 15K 03:59
#87 (NEW)
Minecraft - 【秋風與貓樂】孤兒怨 PartⅠ 黑漆漆的孤兒院
28K 1.0K 19:26
#88 (NEW)
指南客運拍到蔡正元坐車遭攻擊的影片(part 1)
16K 108 00:23
#89 (-20)
35K 304 00:49
#91 (-36)
ZEN NOH 2014 WTTTC Highlights: Jung Youngsik Vs Chen Chien-An
80K 396 04:32
#92 (NEW)
Outlast: Whistleblower 絕命精神病院 告密者 (1) 爪爬子
16K 576 34:09
#93 (-27)
步步惊情 第37集 HDTV 超清版
22K 7 46:33
#95 (NEW)
Man Walking Disappears In Thin Air:  Alien? The Town Of Jackson Wyoming
290K 232 00:48
#96 (NEW)
Faker - God Of Chains
42K 219 00:31
#97 (NEW)
103-05-08心靈享宴 笑話集~有妖怪
4.5K 54 01:21
#98 (-37)
[1080][HD] 2014.04.30 火箭 vs 拓荒者 Jeremy Lin 林書豪 21分 Rockets Trail Blazers
214K 913 07:11
#99 (NEW)
【choco mana】冷知識TIME - P.10
15K 661 00:54