2014-10-02   Taiwan


#1 (+62)
Dog thinks terrace door is closed (Original)
3.9M 11K 1.2K 01:03
#3 (NEW)
블랙박스에찍힌 마법의안무
875K 2.5K 00:39
#4 (+88)
Making japanese food samples
663K 1.8K 07:30
#5 (NEW)
2.1M 106K 03:01
#6 (NEW)
Maroon 5 - Animals
4.7M 81K 04:41
#7 (NEW)
Jennifer Bricker! Never Say Can't!
415K 612 04:54
#8 (NEW)
Nestlé FITNESS Bra Cam
1.7M 1.5K 01:19
#9 (NEW)
Zo past de iPhone 6 Plus wél in je broekzak!
544K 1.6K 01:06
#10 (-5)
倪安東 真實告白
441K 5.4K 03:00
#11 (NEW)
Donde hubo molotovs, cenizas quedan Chacao 27 Marzo caracas Reporte Confidencial
152K 178 02:11
#12 (NEW)
84K 68 00:29
#13 (-4)
2014-09-27 16個夏天 第11集
196K 460 01:22:31
#14 (NEW)
2014.09.29康熙來了完整版 明星出國旅遊驚魂記
239K 499 44:56
#15 (-11)
iPhone 6 Plus: The Bend Uncut
2.8M 39K 03:19
#16 (-15)
御嶽山 大噴火!
8.8M 11K 01:30
#17 (NEW)
伊莎貝爾 他他篇 電視廣告 2分37秒
34K 1.4K 02:44
#18 (-7)
277K 1.1K 01:56
#19 (-17)
TATTOOING Close Up (in Slow Motion) - Smarter Every Day 122
14M 50K 06:39
#20 (NEW)
反彈催淚彈  426快ㄘ
773K 3.7K 00:11
#21 (NEW)
神魔之塔 - 眾神的考驗第101次!!!(希臘隊)
137K 786 04:47
#22 (+36)
Newニンテンドー3DS TVCM2
909K 10K 00:31
#23 (-17)
Assassin's Kittens Unity
4.6M 86K 01:57
#24 (NEW)
TAKEN 3 | Exclusive Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
2.9M 18K 02:34
#25 (+27)
124K 315 00:42
#26 (-23)
Fat Girl Tinder Date (Social Experiment)
10M 26K 04:35
#27 (NEW)
85K 92 01:43
#28 (NEW)
中国好声音第三季 20140930  FULL
218K 311 01:39:11
#29 (NEW)
Monster leech swallows giant worm
866K 731 01:30
#30 (NEW)
Corps Member Saves Reveille
293K 218 00:33
#31 (NEW)
[LOL] Katarina Montage
297K 4.9K 02:53
#32 (NEW)
遍地開花|市民夏慤道天橋大合唱海闊天空 - 2014-09-29
60K 236 00:24
#33 (NEW)
Clever dog tricked me into playing a game of fetch
528K 1.3K 00:41
#34 (+39)
Phillies Fans Make Fun of Craig Kimbrel
429K 780 01:11
#35 (-1)
iPhone Bending: Consumer Reports' Lab Results
2.2M 4.4K 03:35
#36 (NEW)
What happens when you tickle your cats feet... #GrumpTickle
365K 341 01:19
#37 (-33)
還原真相!奧迪硬插隊 小車不從遭逼停
329K 223 02:20
#38 (NEW)
龍飛鳳舞 Dragon Dance Ep 149
46K 74 02:11:52
#39 (NEW)
[東森新聞]攔到外籍人士   台警撂英文「簡單」盤查
23K 11 02:01
#40 (-26)
My sleepy boy 2
243K 407 00:53
#41 (-23)
435K 10K 05:03
#42 (-14)
94K 114 04:00
#43 (-6)
Eagle Rescue 101....The Basics....thumbs and all...
434K 1.7K 12:01
#44 (NEW)
Gotta go fast!
67K 143 00:11
#45 (-5)
公視、TVBS 16個夏天第12集 勇敢篇 公視
57K 92 00:31
#46 (NEW)
Finding Iris: Saving a homeless injured dog + an unexpected surprise!!!  Please share.
1.5M 9.0K 04:42
#47 (-18)
League of Legends: Ever bronzed so hard you missed everything?
248K 895 00:42
#48 (-15)
3 Amazing Ways To Eat A Watermelon
186K 249 02:16
#49 (NEW)
再說一次我願意 完整版 6
40K 66 01:20:51
#51 (-43)
金美滿自我介紹 國語版
73K 95 00:17
#52 (-45)
KLM Lost & Found service
9.9M 36K 01:44
#53 (NEW)
萬名市民唱海闊天空 響遍旺角
41K 520 02:51
#54 (NEW)
12K 3 30:14
#55 (NEW)
Vampire in Philly Prank
1.0M 51K 02:54
#56 (-6)
Notification Prank
1.2M 25K 01:30
#57 (-14)
喜歡 一個人 Ep-19
91K 143 01:12:59
#58 (NEW)
看起來很厲害 卻超簡單的俏麗馬尾
10K 53 01:54
#59 (+28)
[HD] 闺蜜 Girls (2014) Full movie English Subtitles
117K 392 01:56:40
#60 (-29)
Puppy Is Mystified By Popped Balloon
135K 287 00:36
#61 (-45)
Girls Day's Hyeri messes up and Sojin cracks up, so cute! And we will be like......
47K 40 00:26
#62 (NEW)
Em Đã Làm Gì Sai - Lý Hải [OFFICIAL] [Album Anh Tự Làm Anh Đau - Buồn Thiệt Chứ]
939K 2.7K 14:12
#63 (-38)
G.E.M. 龍捲風 Tornado Concert MV [HD] 鄧紫棋
200K 4.8K 04:23
#66 (NEW)
自製防煙臉罩 DIY Gas Mask | Neat Freak's Diary
47K 3.8K 01:52
#67 (NEW)
世間情 第222集 - 3/3
41K 33 45:41
#68 (NEW)
Close encounter with humpback whales
212K 159 01:54
#69 (NEW)
7.2K 7 29:48
#70 (NEW)
陈冰全新改编孙燕姿《逆光》 破冠军谣言巅峰对决遗憾离场
19K 120 03:17
#71 (-61)
Life looks really different through an MRI machine
13M 11K 01:23
#73 (NEW)
龍飛鳳舞 Dragon Dance Ep 148
69K 125 02:13:51
#75 (NEW)
How to Serve Pineapple
236K 2.2K 01:13
#76 (-38)
Inside Apple's Test Labs
2.1M 1.8K 01:21
#78 (NEW)
臉書po文惹惱喪家 幫派惡少動私刑|三立新聞台
72K 77 01:46
#79 (+14)
Hong Kongese : Please help Hong Kong
1.1M 19K 01:41
#80 (NEW)
Kids Bending an iPhone 6 plus IN APPLE STORE!
2.0M 3.1K 04:57
#81 (NEW)
9.3K 53 01:01
#83 (-7)
Orcas Vs Shark: Killer Whales Take Down Tiger Shark
1.4M 1.9K 02:32
#84 (-30)
你想結婚嗎?百人快訪  10/5 彩虹圍城大製作
24K 857 04:37
#85 (-53)
Batman Evolution - ThePianoGuys
2.1M 52K 06:25
#86 (NEW)
國王企鵝看對眼、姊弟配首度繁殖 New Born King Penguin Chick
13K 254 02:42
#87 (-73)
KTVA reporter quits on-air, reveals herself as owner of Alaska Cannabis Club
12M 35K 00:35
#88 (-68)
Giraffe Vs Bunny
102K 131 01:11
#89 (NEW)
Maxene Magalona It's Showtime
307K 518 01:30
#90 (NEW)
Fat Siamese cat asks for attention
38K 173 02:38
#91 (NEW)
32K 82 00:18
#92 (-75)
First iPhone 6 sold in Perth is dropped by kid during an interview
18M 30K 00:37
#93 (-78)
481K 1.8K 02:18
#94 (NEW)
2014.09.24康熙來了完整版 中年大叔史上最難熬的一刻
264K 229 45:00
#96 (-77)
Groom performs surprise Flash Mob Dance for his Bride
722K 600 03:47
#97 (NEW)
心靈舒果 感悟人生 做人別太累
10K 114 03:39
#98 (NEW)
蠟筆小新新番 - 連鎖簡餐店最棒哦 [GTV國語首發]
33K 64 07:23