2015-01-19   Taiwan


#1 (=)
Maroon 5 - Sugar
34M 490K 10K 05:02
#2 (+56)
150K 167 01:27
#3 (=)
笑翻老外的超智障魔術 - 消失的手帕 (中文字幕)
218K 1.8K 04:23
#4 (NEW)
"Seeing" mommy for the first time!
428K 278 00:16
#5 (-3)
2015.01.13康熙來了完整版 天后與她的神祕好友來了Ⅱ
892K 2.9K 22:33
#6 (NEW)
2015 LMS 春季聯賽 W2D3
162K 280 03:12:00
#7 (NEW)
RUNNING MAN見面會-李光洙的最愛是誰
77K 196 00:52
#8 (+13)
217K 2.7K 04:16
#9 (-4)
Twins Come Out To Dad
11M 99K 08:37
#10 (-6)
黑男搭訕實測 - 在大學如何搭訕?兩系友誼橋樑搭訕法
447K 683 01:18
#11 (NEW)
Marc Mero的的演講讓整個學校的學生都淚崩
65K 682 04:39
#12 (-5)
New Avengers Trailer Arrives - Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer 2
23M 145K 01:41
#13 (-1)
廉政英雄 Justice Heroes Ep 172
57K 88 57:19
#14 (+4)
《我是歌手3》第三季第三期 - 黄麗玲《找自己》【720P】
84K 647 04:48
#15 (-7)
The Effects Of Mixing Vinegar With An Egg - Rubber Egg Experiment
662K 585 02:27
#16 (-5)
周杰倫【天涯過客 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Tian-Ya-Guo-Ke" MV
370K 6.9K 04:13
#18 (+4)
263K 6.7K 03:59
#19 (-6)
Uống nhầm axit trên vtv3 - Ảo thuật gia uống nhầm ly axit
338K 85 12:37
#20 (+49)
El Paso Zoo lion loves children
367K 325 01:06
#21 (+30)
갓길에서 진상녀 -  블랙박스 영상
394K 75 01:01
#22 (-8)
2015-1-12 康熙來了-小S & 黃子佼 世紀大和解(上)
374K 967 42:38
#23 (-8)
[中天新聞] 分辨嘉義人?蔡阿嘎10特徵。網友狂推 (2015.01.14)
134K 750 02:25
#24 (-8)
602K 487 01:21
#25 (-8)
91K 678 02:44
#26 (-7)
IKEA 回家真好 電視廣告完整版
166K 1.9K 09:14
#27 (-3)
中天新聞》甄嬛傳主題曲主唱 姚貝娜癌症病逝
51K 37 00:41
#28 (NEW)
34K 85 00:31
#29 (+16)
LINE MOVIE 1421384454966
30K 5 00:23
#30 (-4)
王力宏 Wang Leehom《就是現在》"Now Is the Time" Official MV
1.4M 4.3K 04:35
#31 (-1)
大明星來了! Ella現身派出所 警忙合照
43K 41 01:29
#32 (-12)
【改編惡搞歌曲】Let It Tank (Kobe版Let It Go) - BR
118K 1.1K 03:59
#33 (+4)
[1/16 PBE] Riven Q Animation Auto Cancel
519K 339 00:11
#34 (-9)
Ellen DeGeneres Fires Back at Critics Claiming She has a 'Gay Agenda'
134K 969 02:43
#35 (-12)
[東森新聞HD]今天的結婚紀念日 柯P忘記了...
51K 69 00:42
#36 (-4)
LNG 實況精華:世紀帝國大回味 (2015/01/04)
63K 826 22:04
#37 (NEW)
Cats Confused by Waterbeds Compilation
414K 548 02:21
#38 (NEW)
Taken 4 with Liam Neeson, Guillermo & Jimmy Kimmel
416K 6.5K 04:10
#40 (-12)
01142015 關鍵時刻 柯文哲市長專訪
56K 484 01:44:19
#41 (-2)
徐熙娣 & 姐妹們的音樂聚會 2/14 Legacy 演唱會  1/19 全面開賣
40K 281 00:30
#43 (+5)
《神魔之塔》8.0 版本「龍刻脈動」15 秒激爆全新體驗!
212K 1.0K 02:33
#44 (-17)
外國人眼中的台北市長: Taipei Mayor's BMW
158K 1.1K 01:38
#45 (+29)
Man tries to bury 10-year-old daughter alive in his backyard
252K 33 00:51
#46 (NEW)
Rm台北 狹鷗亭小混混 劉在錫
29K 600 02:59
#47 (-11)
Russia: Meet the hero cat who SAVED an abandoned baby
995K 1.0K 01:23
#48 (-13)
Funniest Airport Prank
38K 1.2K 03:02
#49 (-15)
running man宋智孝抵台 粉絲熱情現場混亂20150116卞金峰
21K 50 00:41
#50 (+9)
Hilarious puppy can't get his stick through the door
22K 49 00:30
#51 (-7)
Project Ara: Part of it
1.1M 9.6K 00:50
#52 (NEW)
魯蛋精華 百萬胖學堂 ft.Y姐 2015/01/17
31K 744 12:04
#53 (-3)
TRASH樂團《世界盡頭》Official 完整版 MV [HD]
23K 792 07:29
#54 (-16)
The Incredible Moment A Giant Hippo Charges A Safari Speedboat, Terrifying Everyone On Board...
86K 63 00:30
#55 (-22)
抹茶的腦袋 - 情侶分手後不能做朋友的原因
110K 151 00:19
#56 (-15)
世間情 第300集 - 1/3
59K 86 38:19
#57 (NEW)
2015 Running Man Special Live in Taipei」記者會
52K 617 58:47
#58 (NEW)
我的寶貝四千金 第24集 - Dear Mom Ep24 [HD1080P]
49K 129 43:58
#60 (-4)
69K 441 00:31
#61 (NEW)
神魔之塔8.0 版本-「波兔村保衛戰」15 秒激爆全新體驗!
26K 216 00:28
#62 (-19)
elephant Dee【心臟噴血】[HD]Official Music Video
200K 3.0K 03:09
#63 (-23)
Perpetual motion machine?  永久機関を作ってみた。
514K 793 02:15
#64 (NEW)
78K 1.9K 00:44
#65 (-19)
Arrested Teen Saves Life of Fort Lauderdale Police Officer As He Is Being Arrested
252K 240 02:33
#66 (-12)
109K 404 03:57
#67 (-12)
iPhone 6 in Space! HD balloon flight to 101,000 Feet by UAG
859K 1.4K 02:05
#68 (-26)
4 year old little girl feeding and controlling 6 pitbulls
6.6M 9.5K 02:25
#69 (-22)
Ten Thousand Bowls - Singapore Drama Short Film // Viddsee.com
255K 1.0K 03:00
#71 (-22)
Minnesota Cold (Part 13) Frozen Trampoline
4.5M 11K 01:49
#72 (-15)
新神雕侠侣 第24集 - The Condor Heroes 2014 Ep24 HD
98K 88 40:50
#73 (+10)
武媚娘传奇 第1集 (2014) - The Empress of China 2014 Ep01 Full HD
28K 19 40:06
#74 (NEW)
Inside a hamster's cheeks - Pets - Wild at Heart: Episode 1 Preview - BBC One
1.2M 3.7K 01:55
#75 (-14)
Titanic (1997) Deleted Scene. How bout a little Ice
904K 847 00:31
#76 (-23)
Sock Snowman
6.7M 10K 02:19
#77 (-25)
So cute! Meet Mango the Tiverton Tesco Cat
48K 27 00:12
#78 (-14)
我可以哭嗎?9口擠20坪生病裝堅強,小淳代言募款淚崩-- 點燃生命之火
21K 137 01:24
#79 (+3)
Mane Attraction: Man Cuddles and Kisses Huge Pet Lion
534K 1.3K 01:39
#80 (NEW)
メイド100人 魅せパンリレー|100 Sizzling Japanese maids in Action|フレーバーストーン
826K 2.2K 01:41
#81 (NEW)
20150117 Runningman 台北見面會 成員看粉絲應援影片落淚 +成員行大禮
17K 455 04:33
#82 (-6)
20150116中天新聞 甄嬛傳主唱姚貝娜癌逝 得年33歲
22K 34 02:01
#84 (NEW)
20150117-2 SBL超級籃球聯賽 達欣vs裕隆
12K 28 02:16:24
#86 (NEW)
李光洙 X 魯芬【新年能得利】賀年歌 Lee Kwang Soo FRUTIPS MV
241K 4.8K 00:50
#87 (-21)
LeBron James misses dunk, Kobe Bryant laughs: Cleveland Cavaliers at Los Angeles Lakers
257K 193 00:26
#89 (-19)
武媚娘传奇 第56集 The Empress of China 2014 Ep56 Full
111K 72 00:57
#90 (NEW)
How Earth Rotates Relative to the Universe.
80K 88 00:12
#91 (-26)
Taiwan_TVCF_LINE 旅遊大亨電視廣告 (30秒版)
50K 96 00:31
#92 (NEW)
15K 13 10:47
#93 (NEW)
22K夢想高飛 第13集 - Aim High Ep 13 [Full HD]
30K 42 01:32:40
#94 (-21)
12K 1 00:21
#95 (-27)
[150110] evanesce mistake on stage SS6 in Bangkok  SUPERJUNIOR
524K 3.4K 01:59
#96 (+1)
華聯國際:劉德華【失孤】前導預告 20150320溫暖獻映
12K 109 01:41
#97 (NEW)
We got this
557K 1.8K 01:36
#98 (-12)
心痛! 中國好聲音歌手 姚貝娜乳腺癌复發病逝
29K 34 02:39