2015-01-25   Taiwan


#2 (+4)
893K 831 06:31
#3 (-1)
Kitchen Hacks: How to cut a lime to get all the juice
481K 1.4K 00:53
#4 (NEW)
2015.01.22康熙來了完整版 康熙2014年度通告王 II
330K 668 45:35
#5 (-2)
Mayday五月天 [ 歪腰Orz ] Official Music Video馬來貘版
328K 8.4K 03:34
#6 (+26)
116K 29 01:15
#7 (+6)
The Morning After
900K 6.7K 00:43
#8 (-3)
Crazy Plastic Ball PRANK!!
17M 288K 03:08
#9 (-2)
225K 2.7K 03:13
#10 (+10)
150122 서가대 태티서 퇴장 사고영상
829K 1.6K 00:20
#11 (-2)
Our food. Your questions. What are McDonald’s fries made of?
4.6M 11K 05:06
#12 (-4)
Gigapixels of Andromeda [4K]
7.4M 34K 03:29
#13 (NEW)
Pricasso: The Man Who Paints With His Penis
243K 242 03:30
#14 (-3)
spring-loaded glitter tube vs dad
3.0M 3.9K 01:10
#15 (-5)
Maroon 5 - Sugar
64M 748K 05:02
#16 (+1)
鄭容和 - (林俊傑)
143K 2.2K 03:06
#17 (NEW)
廉政英雄 Justice Heroes Ep 173
38K 87 57:01
#18 (NEW)
《LOL》2014 秋季校園電競大賽 大專組 & 國高中組決賽
100K 122 07:20:39
#19 (+20)
[HIT] 뮤직뱅크-정용화(Jung Yong Hwa) - Checkmate + 어느 멋진 날.20150123
140K 5.3K 06:51
#20 (-6)
Dexter the rat hates broccoli.
844K 1.6K 00:31
#22 (+18)
王力宏 Wang Leehom《你的愛》"Your Love" Official MV
905K 3.0K 04:27
#23 (NEW)
鷹架倒塌柯市府LINE起來 90分鐘恢復通車
25K 34 02:36
#24 (-8)
01222015 頭家來開講 柯文哲市長專訪
48K 267 45:18
#25 (NEW)
我是歌手 第三季 第四期 - A-lin《爱上你等于爱上寂寞》
52K 588 04:47
#27 (NEW)
Scaring My Mom with a Fake Dog
438K 569 00:51
#28 (-6)
107K 328 00:47
#29 (-14)
"Seeing" mommy for the first time!
6.5M 8.1K 00:16
#30 (NEW)
Felon leaves store after recognizing clerk and aborting robbery
34K 11 00:34
#32 (-1)
”惡女”曾莞婷苦命 23歲父逝扛家計│三立新聞台
35K 13 01:07
#33 (-4)
Heartbreaking Video of Monkey Consoling it's Sad Friend
30K 35 00:39
#34 (-13)
《神魔之塔》8.0 版本「龍刻脈動」系統全新體驗!
394K 2.5K 01:11
#35 (NEW)
[東森新聞HD]遭惡少毆打的遊民 找到了!「賠償我300元就好了」
27K 23 01:18
#36 (-10)
28K 140 00:28
#37 (-13)
Cat Rescues Dog
86K 154 01:33
#38 (-15)
Public sex: Dead Kennedys fans give performance at Belly Up in Solana Beach
229K 118 01:02
#40 (-7)
新神雕侠侣 第28集 - The Condor Heroes 2014 Ep28 HD
126K 128 40:33
#41 (-11)
【一人水一項】K歌大賽 Hebe Ella也參加!?
114K 3.5K 05:22
#42 (-14)
Pull up flow fun.
1.5M 3.0K 01:02
#43 (-7)
當遊民跟你要食物..  身為台灣人的你會怎麼做 ?
37K 262 03:02
#44 (NEW)
綜藝玩很大 台灣 高雄 你知道我在哪裡嗎??!!!!!
13K 34 00:31
#45 (NEW)
AU NATUREL - The All-Natural Burger Extended Director's Cut
2.9M 2.4K 00:53
#46 (-11)
世間情 第303集 - 2/3
56K 52 59:10
#47 (+28)
武媚娘传奇 2014 第72集 The Empress of China 2014 Ep72 HD
165K 292 28:33
#48 (+29)
38K 57 01:37
#49 (-7)
Survival- Starting a Fire with Steel Wool & 9V Battery!
348K 1.3K 02:41
#50 (NEW)
【10萬點閱 捐10萬公益#11】朱元璋殺韃子歪傳 (蔡阿嘎X icat網路宅急便)
49K 2.6K 03:45
#51 (+21)
22K 46 03:21
#52 (-14)
笑翻老外的超智障魔術 - 消失的手帕 (中文字幕)
416K 2.7K 04:23
#53 (-10)
Case Maker Launches iPhone 6 Into Space To Test Durability
65K 40 02:05
#54 (-17)
243K 230 01:27
#56 (-10)
[經典音樂終結者]莫札特 魔笛 夜后 空耳
41K 419 03:08
#57 (+1)
Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do (Official Video)
4.6M 122K 04:10
#58 (-13)
童心未泯的Chou Chou 看完新娘丟捧花後說:好好玩 我也要
141K 103 00:47
#59 (-9)
Microsoft HoloLens - Transform your world with holograms
8.2M 33K 02:13
#60 (NEW)
Adorable daddy/daughter standoff
3.9M 4.2K 00:38
#61 (-12)
29K 22 01:46
#65 (NEW)
Lars Andersen: a new level of archery
4.5M 80K 05:52
#66 (-18)
Dover Police DashCam Confessional (Shake it Off)
25M 143K 04:12
#67 (NEW)
75K 575 01:10
#68 (-17)
483K 4.1K 04:16
#69 (NEW)
159K 35 05:01
#70 (NEW)
Centipede Surprise - AFV Prize Winner - AFV
419K 1.0K 00:53
#72 (NEW)
51K 1.6K 00:12
#73 (NEW)
22K 16 00:22
#74 (NEW)
新聞追追追 20150123 p1 不只大巨蛋! 柯:美河市和松菸 都要重啟談判?!
17K 18 05:07
#75 (NEW)
『完整中字』150117 Running Man Special Live in 台北  記者會全場
10K 159 58:47
#76 (NEW)
Ball kid hit in the... - Australian Open 2015
875K 822 00:33
#77 (-23)
Marc Mero的的演講讓整個學校的學生都淚崩
160K 1.3K 04:39
#78 (-14)
꽃보다 처녀귀신 2015 | Virgin Ghost 2015 | Korean Movie 18
416K 376 01:43:27
#79 (-18)
How to Recycle Jeans into a Garden Apron - CHOW Tip
2.8M 1.2K 00:48
#80 (-48)
VID 20150118 105541
72K 30 00:44
#82 (-23)
DIY Drinking Glasses from a Beer Bottle
441K 6.8K 01:51
#83 (NEW)
Równouprawnienie, chciała to ma. Gender equality fail.
74K 104 00:22
#84 (-24)
69K 33 01:00
#85 (-9)
我的寶貝四千金 第28集 Dear Mom Ep 28
64K 235 43:35
#86 (-7)
LamiBoys 2015最新舞曲:恥力全開之 Lamigo小蘋果
18K 93 04:31
#87 (-25)
RUNNING MAN見面會-李光洙的最愛是誰
154K 288 00:52
#88 (-25)
2015.01.17 綜藝玩很大 日本兵庫 返家大作戰 1080p HDTV H264
95K 280 01:35:37
#89 (-23)
Xerath get rekt by Shaco
378K 1.5K 00:56
#90 (NEW)
1.7M 5.1K 03:42
#91 (=)
67K 533 00:31
#92 (NEW)
Super Zombies Infection Scare Prank!
1.1M 44K 03:51
#93 (-10)
【Light TV 胆亮頻道】短劇系列 | 如何應對超嗆女友
12K 83 03:16
#94 (-25)
2015.01.19大學生了沒完整版 大學生的另類劈腿觀
47K 110 44:39
#95 (-28)
BRT女駕駛被撞 暈倒前拉手剎車救全車
18K 16 01:21
#96 (-25)
Terry Fox Run Taipei 2014
69K 40 03:30
#97 (NEW)
[LINE Rangers銀河特攻隊小劇場] 皮蒙的戰帖
15K 121 01:31
#98 (-12)
meanwhile in Sweden, fishing with fireworks
6.6M 11K 00:44
#99 (-4)
Will Ferrell Hits Cheerleader in Face with Basketball at Pelicans Game for Movie | Full Footage
371K 262 00:59
#100 (-27)
人肉搜尋 打遊民少年 打街友屁孩 安全帽打遊民
19K 11 01:13