2015-02-12   Taiwan


#1 (NEW)
成人版小蘋果 《小種狗》
736K 3.0K 160 01:25
#2 (-1)
290K 369 01:27
#3 (-1)
145K 111 00:16
#4 (NEW)
《LOL》2015 LMS 春季聯賽 W5D1
110K 125 03:23:23
#5 (-1)
Crazy lady driving on I-80
572K 276 00:29
#7 (NEW)
Brain Damage
500K 954 00:11
#8 (-2)
2015.02.09康熙來了完整版 明星成名前的工作驚魂記
233K 375 45:30
#9 (+5)
【故事・臺北】 第零話 -『年貨大街』
79K 5.5K 06:11
#10 (-5)
How to peel a hard boiled egg in only seconds
177K 178 00:29
#11 (+27)
67K 211 03:16
#12 (NEW)
206K 2.5K 07:37
#13 (NEW)
02/11 【監獄挾持】全紀錄 6 inmates in southern Taiwan take prison staff hostage
42K 136 08:07:32
#14 (-3)
Airplane Snore
5.9M 39K 00:22
#15 (NEW)
1040210  動漫展激動哥
178K 86 03:15
#16 (NEW)
Pluto, how we gonna go to the park if he can't shut the door?
146K 725 00:28
#17 (-10)
7.0M 8.7K 00:31
#18 (-8)
How to put a baby to sleep in 10 seconds
522K 341 00:38
#19 (-7)
2015 02 07 綜藝玩很大 香港 1080p HDTV H264
98K 339 01:33:16
#20 (-7)
4MINUTE - 미쳐(Crazy)
2.4M 81K 03:13
#21 (-3)
157K 489 02:05
#22 (-13)
549K 5.3K 07:59
#23 (NEW)
嫁妝 Dowry Ep 041
33K 44 02:03:16
#24 (-8)
第十屆KKBOX風雲榜:蔡依林 I'm Not Yours 美杜莎 PLAY 我呸
61K 447 12:33
#26 (-6)
Surprising my mother
682K 776 01:12
#27 (-10)
中天新聞》周杰倫婚宴 江蕙、張菲皆為座上賓
33K 11 02:09
#28 (+57)
2015.02.09大學生了沒完整版 戀愛心機術大公開
58K 323 44:44
#30 (NEW)
Super-quick microwave quiche in a mug
789K 432 01:58
#31 (-12)
Justin Bieber and Ellen Scare Audience Members
2.1M 34K 01:57
#32 (=)
台灣人最常對外國人說的話: Things Taiwanese Say To Foreigners
36K 769 02:51
#33 (-8)
10 Minute Microwave Chocolate Fudge Cake - RECIPE
259K 2.4K 03:43
#34 (-11)
柯文哲談機長殉職 低頭哭了
213K 719 00:51
#35 (-11)
201K 544 01:05
#36 (NEW)
歌喉讚2-第二支歡樂預告(HD)-5月15日 征服全世界
14K 111 02:29
#37 (+17)
Tuva og Mia Francke - 11&14 years old sisters - I Won´t Let Go
1.2M 3.5K 03:59
#38 (+11)
Incredible nasa video reveals aurora touching a sunrise
32K 40 00:29
#40 (-14)
20120416 非常靜距離 蘇有朋回答何時對林心如動心過
228K 132 03:13
#41 (-14)
艾比女神 林于萱 素顏出庭 原來長這樣…
134K 12 00:53
#42 (NEW)
世間情 第318集 - 3/3
30K 49 43:28
#44 (-16)
312K 1.2K 05:00
#45 (NEW)
新神雕侠侣 第38集 - The Condor Heroes 2014 Ep38 HD
50K 90 34:30
#46 (-11)
Pitbull Alarm Clock with Snooze Feature (cute dog)
3.0M 1.5K 01:21
#47 (NEW)
20150210 小屁孩闖平交道
31K 1 00:32
#48 (-17)
台灣人的藉口(Taiwanese Excuses)阿兜仔不教美語! 315
82K 1.2K 03:17
#49 (NEW)
32K 78 00:19
#50 (NEW)
麻辣鮮師 精神答數
57K 826 00:45
#51 (NEW)
新神雕侠侣 第37集 The Condor Heros 2014 Ep37 HD
18K 4 43:59
#52 (NEW)
Biggest bully pitbull on earth ON SCALE 173lbs 17 months THE HULK! Of ddkline
3.2M 1.8K 01:05
#53 (-19)
270K 4.9K 02:42
#54 (+5)
Andy napping in his water bowl
149K 259 05:20
#55 (-19)
154K 303 02:04
#56 (-9)
Fresh Off the Boat (ABC) Season 1 Promo #1 (HD)
107K 94 00:31
#57 (-20)
Jordan launches new air strikes against ISIL
337K 443 03:00
#58 (+9)
Minecraft 暮光森林模組生存 Ep.12 黑森林中的幻影
79K 2.5K 19:26
#59 (-20)
國家地理攝影師點樣影相 - Paul Nicklen
356K 445 00:51
#61 (-4)
23K 222 03:23
#62 (-20)
囚犯困境 Prisoner's Dilemma
31K 1.3K 01:12
#63 (-5)
23K 117 00:33
#64 (NEW)
Speed Dating Prank | 2015 Ford Mustang | Ford.com
1.9M 3.5K 03:29
#66 (NEW)
【Light TV 胆亮頻道】街頭系列 | 史上最蝦惡搞求婚
35K 161 07:46
#67 (-23)
How to Pack Clothes for Traveling
479K 1.6K 04:16
#70 (+24)
Introducing Spot
3.1M 21K 02:16
#71 (NEW)
又一個犧牲者! | Vlog
66K 1.6K 00:33
#73 (-30)
[東森新聞HD]方便大型器具進駐  侯友宜指示「破壞圍牆」
129K 68 01:05
#75 (-20)
我是歌手 第三季 第六期 - A-Lin 《Halo》
97K 488 04:31
#76 (NEW)
788K 1.8K 00:23
#77 (NEW)
20150209 新聞挖挖哇 Part1
16K 4 11:43
#78 (-26)
Zach King's Best Vines from 2014
2.7M 21K 04:50
#79 (NEW)
13K 25 00:32
#81 (NEW)
GoPro: Owl Dance-Off
2.2M 15K 01:13
#82 (NEW)
2015 蚵寮漁村小搖滾
7.5K 118 01:48
#83 (-27)
rudiger only kind of loves the snow
2.5M 5.7K 01:08
#84 (-23)
綜藝玩很大 20150207 香港
33K 84 01:31:58
#85 (-8)
第10屆KKBOX風雲榜 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - I'm Not Yours+美杜莎+PLAY我呸
19K 215 11:26
#86 (NEW)
Brawl ends Hammond-Griffith boys basketball game
310K 128 01:56
#87 (-27)
小確幸!日月光六星級員工餐曝光 15元吃到飽
28K 23 01:37
#88 (NEW)
Workout with the cat. Ćwiczenia z kotem - Dookoła KotaTV
16K 34 00:25
#89 (NEW)
48K 155 04:29
#90 (NEW)
尾牙賺飽飽 Deram Girls撈金千萬│三立新聞台
7.8K 1 01:36
#91 (-11)
VW Bus Bed Full Dashboard Test
23K 59 00:42
#94 (NEW)
車格躍進 All-New Mazda 3 5D
39K 325 22:30
#95 (-32)
Cat and Owner chasing a bug
303K 563 00:52
#96 (-26)
29K 115 05:12
#97 (-33)
Criança e homem são sugados ao desentupir bueiro, PARTE II, O GRAND FINALE!!
2.4M 4.0K 02:08
#98 (-33)
334K 549 02:19
#99 (NEW)
Scuttle Crab Montage | Challenger Crabs 2015 | League of Legends
115K 185 02:59