2015-08-02   Taiwan


#1 (NEW)
super-pharm Mook
3.3M 4.1K 172 03:03
#4 (+6)
退伍軍人提早返家抓包老婆與小王在家偷吃 (中文字幕)
146K 649 01:03
#5 (-3)
2015.07.28康熙來了 爆紅人物蒞臨康熙Ⅱ
724K 2.2K 45:35
#6 (NEW)
Is this the worst competition dive EVER
182K 46 00:31
#7 (-6)
This Looks Like A Normal Tree But You Will Be Amazed To See What Comes Out Of It
1.1M 1.1K 00:40
#9 (NEW)
20150731 U12世界盃少棒錦標賽 美國VS中華
107K 581 02:45:51
#10 (-5)
【人文講堂】20150725 - 走過傷痛 - 火場求生一瞬間 - 林金宏
1.2M 3.7K 27:51
#11 (-6)
Bambino (Hadam 하담) New Thang LIVE
7.0M 7.7K 01:32
#12 (-5)
這群人 TGOP│重量級合音 Heavyweight Backup Vocal
476K 8.8K 09:20
#13 (NEW)
Epic Pomeranian Puppy sneeze (Original)
1.5M 11K 00:11
#14 (NEW)
668K 1.2K 02:59
#15 (NEW)
廉政英雄 Justice Heroes Ep 200
47K 112 01:04:49
#16 (-10)
Boulder County Sheriff's Deputies meet their feathery match!
4.8M 6.3K 00:28
#17 (NEW)
下班,就是下班!(Get off work!)阿兜仔不教美語!518
51K 948 05:06
#18 (NEW)
Line of sleeping  puppies (pugs) / Уснувший в ряд мопсов отряд
2.0M 2.5K 01:28
#19 (NEW)
PNBHS Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea's Funeral Service
3.6M 13K 03:04
#20 (NEW)
Husky Lilo Comforts Kitten Rosie at the Vet
36K 83 00:16
#21 (-13)
世間情 第437集(完結篇) - 4/4
163K 250 10:58
#22 (NEW)
Charly Luske - This Is A Man's World (The Blind Auditions | The voice of Holland 2011)
1.1M 2.0K 01:40
#23 (-9)
【第二十七回 台灣.桃園】上篇 綜藝玩很大20150725【第52集完整版】
379K 1.3K 01:35:20
#25 (-7)
LNG 實況精華:我要揍死你 (2015/06/20)
124K 1.9K 31:59
#26 (NEW)
台灣反課綱中學生感人的真心話   (from 新唐人亞太電視台 2015-07-31 00:57)
50K 418 02:26
#27 (NEW)
Angry cat screaming
33K 27 00:36
#28 (-15)
182K 164 01:05
#30 (NEW)
[東森新聞HD]見鬼了? 目擊車禍即刻迴轉    車禍現場卻消失
222K 36 01:55