2016-04-08   Taiwan


#1 (+18)
What's inside a Rattlesnake Rattle?
17M 136K 21K 06:06
#3 (-2)
這群人 TGOP│這不是愚人節! No pranks on April Fool's Day
1.1M 9.9K 06:35
#4 (-1)
389K 40 00:11
#5 (+1)
女警值勤被捕捉 網友:太漂亮了!
200K 108 01:46
#6 (-1)
Scaredy Cat: Buffalo Foils Lion Attack By Puncturing Tyre
538K 937 01:32
#7 (-3)
「你這招對我沒用了啦」笑到長腹肌的超狂膠帶惡作劇 (中文字幕)
396K 2.4K 00:51
#9 (-4)
#261【谷阿莫】5分鐘看完2016電影《自殺森林 The Forest》
340K 2.5K 05:49
#10 (-1)
Shaquille O'Neal enters the 3rd annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: WrestleMania 32
2.3M 15K 01:12
#11 (+2)
盤點那些長大後沒有壞掉的童星 (翻譯)
98K 196 03:31
#12 (NEW)
Ben的整人計劃 - 孜然粉洗髮劑(中文字幕)
213K 610 02:47
#13 (-6)
甘味人生 180
106K 122 02:22:01
#14 (NEW)
Mysterious Giant Creature/Object In The Thames
2.3M 662 00:31
#15 (-7)
Can you make it to the end?
2.4M 6.3K 01:25
#16 (-6)
アンビリバボー 絶対に見てはいけない勝ちで怖すぎる恐怖の心霊動画
603K None 02:10
#18 (-4)
Bust a Move - Dancing Dog
529K 3.9K 00:10
#19 (-3)
【無厘頭運動會!要贏比登天還難!!】20160404 綜藝大熱門
134K 298 43:44
#21 (-4)
太有道理了!! LINE長輩圖真人版。認同蔡阿嘎請分享
149K 1.9K 01:18
#22 (-1)
春花望露 Spring Flower Ep017
61K 67 01:53:17
#24 (-6)
167K 15 00:52
#25 (-5)
各國人都唸錯的英文字母?: Most Mispronounced English Letters
168K 1.2K 02:17
#27 (NEW)
當個創世神※Minecraft 1.8.9 ※神奇寶貝模組 Ep.44 始祖大鳥
49K 539 22:34
#28 (NEW)
2016.04.05大學生了沒完整版 爹寶媽寶同學會
46K 171 44:49
#30 (NEW)
Adorable twin polar bears force zookeeper to play with them!
22K 22 01:21