2016-06-01   Taiwan


#1 (=)
2016-05-28 蔡依林 Jolin Tsai -《PLAY我呸》(PLAY)Live@M COUNTDOWN 2016 亞洲強音盛典
1.1M 3.9K 512 04:00
#2 (+3)
不爽買菸查證件 痛毆店員付完錢落跑
299K 330 01:44
#3 (+8)
這群人 TGOP│瘋狂職人2 The CoWorkers(第二季只有1集15分鐘)
267K 4.2K 15:43
#5 (-3)
人工智慧的極致!當iPhone的Siri開始互相交談 (中文字幕)
275K 2.5K 01:38
#6 (-2)
403K 253 00:24
#7 (+1)
周杰倫 Jay Chou【前世情人】Official MV
990K 16K 03:28
#10 (NEW)
FoldiMate Family™ : Robotic Laundry Folding Machine
126K 89 01:01
#11 (-4)
456K 1.0K 03:31
#12 (-2)
吼功網路暴紅 獅吼姊澄清「非無理之人」
195K 126 01:53
#13 (-1)
431K 2.4K 05:38
#14 (+4)
白癡公主x各位貧乳,來派對吧!(派對動物Party Animal)
160K 4.1K 02:57
#15 (=)
Gorilla grabs child who's fallen into habitat at Cincinnati Zoo.
4.9M 3.0K 02:17
#16 (-7)
Shocking moment teen smashes into rocks when bungee jump goes wrong
172K 5 00:21
#17 (-3)
640x360 422915618380138941
260K 121 02:06
#18 (-1)
Stapler uses!
1.2M 100 00:22
#19 (+1)
63K 752 03:06
#20 (NEW)
HowFun / 星期五請去購物
48K 1.4K 02:27
#21 (+1)
[60f] 160529 열린음악회 트와이스 (TWICE) 쯔위 직캠 텔미 Tell me by Spinel
200K 751 02:02
#22 (NEW)
Tumat puppy autopsy
606K 274 02:07
#23 (NEW)
[EXID(이엑스아이디)] 1ST STUDIO ALBUM [STREET] 'L.I.E' Teaser
322K 11K 00:22
#24 (NEW)
我的老師叫小賀 My teacher Is Xiao-he Ep042
116K 356 19:36
#26 (NEW)
【夫妻恩愛都是假的!!假合舞真測試!】20160530 綜藝大熱門
68K 165 44:42
#27 (NEW)
32K 8 01:05
#28 (NEW)
超商打人被逮狠瞪 男遭起底「竹聯黑幫」|三立新聞台
113K 105 01:18
#29 (-1)
Cincinnati Zoo gorilla Harambe killed to protect boy who fell into enclosure
94K 30 01:04