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Why are woodscrews only partially threaded? #shorts
- Published_at:2021-07-26
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:Steve Ramsey - Woodworking for Mere Mortals
- Ranked in:
- tags: woodworking woodworking project how-to DIY easy woodworking steve ramsey WWMM Mere Mortals The Weekend Woodworker woodworking plans Free plans wood making building makers hobby weekend projects Weekend Woodworker power tools
- description: Learn how to get started woodworking and set up shop for less than $1000. Download my FREE GUIDE ► https://theweekendwoodworker.com/tww-tools/ MY PODCASTS: Chad and Steve Have a Podcast ► https://bit.ly/chadandstevespotify The Woodworking Talk Show...
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