displaying 1 - 9 records in total 9

Driving Car for the FIRST TIME!!!
- Published_at:2025-02-02
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: mythpat urmila funny videos urmila vlogs urmila mythpat travel vlogs mythpat car
- description: Today me and Mythpat go to Konkan! Konkan is in Maharashtra and it is sooo beautiful. We travelled, ate tasty food and I also drove Mythpat's car for the first time! Hope you enjoy this fun vlog :) my insta - https://www.instagram.com/urmilawekar ...
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90 Year Old Nani tries Pizza 🍕 (First Time)
- Published_at:2024-12-28
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: mythpat urmila vlogs urmila mythpat food videos mythpat aaji mythpat granny video mythpat urmila funny hindi vlogs
- description: Today it is Aaji's Birthday and Urmila and Mythpat will celebrate it by giving Aaji Fast Food from Mcdonalds, Burgers, Pizza, Pasta, Momos, Cake, Doracakes and Prime Drink. Hope you enjoy this Hindi Food Review Vlog Video in which our Grandmother who...
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We went to Bollywood Shopping Market 🤑
- Published_at:2024-11-22
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: mythpat urmila vlogs mythpat funny videos urmila food vlogs hindi vlogs food shopping vlog
- description: Today me and @Mythpat go to a celebrity shopping market whete Bollywood Celebrities like SRK, Hrithik Roshan, Amitabh Bachchan might be going to buy food. This is a very expensive rich shopping market for celebs. We review snacks like Lays, Prime,...
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- Published_at:2024-08-26
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: Today me and @Mythpat find the best and worst drinks! We try Indian Drinks, Lassi everything and also PRIME. We give these Drinks ratings! Hope you enjoy! my insta - https://www.instagram.com/urmilawekar Hope you enjoy this funny hindi vlog! ...
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trying REAL Shinchan Choco Chips (Japan Snacks Review)
- Published_at:2024-05-08
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: mythpat urmila vlogs mythpat urmila funny videos japan food snacks
- description: Today we eat Japanese Food and snacks. Me and @Mythpat went to Japan and we have got amazing Japanese snacks like choco chips from Shinchan and Doraemon Cookies, Dora Cake, etc. Hope you enjoy this japanese food review! my insta -...
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Japan Pohoch Gaye😍
- Published_at:2024-03-11
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: mythpat urmila vlogs urmila travel vlogs mythpat vlogs mythpat funny videos hindi vlogs travel
- description: Welcome to Japan vlog day1 with @Mythpat Today we reach japan which was on our travel list for a long time. Hope you enjoy this travel vlog in which we explore tokyo and see Mithilesh's Toys lol. my insta - https://www.instagram.com/urmilawekar #japan #vlog
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- Published_at:2024-02-15
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: mythpat urmila vlogs urmila funny videos mythpat urmila funny videos funny hindi vlogs bike vlogs
- description: I gifted my dad a new bike on his birthday. This is a fun vlog in which we celebrate my dad's birthday and I gift him a New Bike. This bike is so sporty and nice! I hope you enjoy this vlog with @Mythpat my insta - https://www.instagram.com/urmilawekar
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SCARING @Mythpat with a REAL Chicken 😂
- Published_at:2023-06-15
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: urmila mythpat vlogs mythpat funny urmila lali funny urmila mithilesh videos
- description: Welcome to Gaav vlog part 2! We scare mithilesh with a real chicken. Later most of us fall ill and in the end I have given a house tour of our village house. Hope you enjoyy my insta - https://www.instagram.com/urmilawekar
- Video details

Kaamwali Bai VS Robot Vacuum Cleaner
- Published_at:2023-05-14
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:urmila
- Ranked in:
- tags: urmila vlogs mythpat urmila urmila robot kaamwali bai funny videos smart robot vacuum cleaner
- description: Rukmini Ali re Ali! Today I try weird mango dishes. I hope you enjoy! Gone are the days of awkwardly testing your mattress/furniture in the showroom. Wakefit brings the showroom home, not for a few minutes but “100 days”. Instead of ‘try and buy’,...
- Video details
displaying 1 - 9 records in total 9