displaying 1 - 5 records in total 5
Mesmerising Rock Factory (1957) #vintage #interesting #oldisgold #howitsmade #candy
- Published_at:2024-03-26
- Category:Sports
- Channel:British Pathé
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: Filmed in Wood Green, London (1957).
- Video details
How I Play Tennis - By Mlle. Suzanne Lenglen (1925)
- Published_at:2014-04-13
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:British Pathé
- Ranked in:
- tags: 1645.01 DOCS Fry Joan McKane Ryan Miss motion slow techniques camera tennis sports women Verachrome Lenglen Suzanne Watts F. Bassill Gordon K. colour early documentary newsreel footage BritishPathe British Pathe
- description: Stencil colour?. Filmed by K. Gordon and F. Bassill. Edited by F. Watts. Mlle. Suzanne Lenglen poses for the camera - colour. Title states that Verachrome is colour process used - most of the footage is black and white. Views of the...
- Video details
Death Jump - Eiffel Tower (1912)
- Published_at:2014-04-13
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:British Pathé
- Ranked in:
- tags: 1824.01 UN 0001 G (Y) crowds entertainment Tower Eiffel parachutes Reichelt Franz France Paris documentary newsreel footage BritishPathe British Pathe
- description: DISTRESSING FOOTAGE. Unused / unissued material - Paris, France. Franz Reichelt wearing the parachute that he designed and invented before ascending the Eiffel Tower. Reichelt standing on platform high up on the tower preparing to jump he...
- Video details
Chelsea Arts Ball (1954)
- Published_at:2014-04-13
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:British Pathé
- Ranked in:
- tags: 134.06 54/002 students design interior Minton John balloons parties Eve Year's New dress fancy Ball Arts Chelsea London Hall Albert Royal documentary newsreel footage BritishPathe British Pathe
- description: Albert Hall, London. Scenes at the Chelsea Arts Ball. Some nice fancy dress outfits at this New Year's Eve party thrown by the Chelsea Arts Club. The theme is "fun". The interior design is by artist John Minton. Balloons fall from the roof to...
- Video details
Israel - Land Of The Four Seas (1966)
- Published_at:2014-04-13
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:British Pathé
- Ranked in:
- tags: 377.01 CP 609 fish boats Centre Planting Fund National Jewish flowers scenics travelogues Geddi Ein Sea Dead deserts Negev swimwear holidays tourists Comets Airways European British BEA VC10 Corporation Overseas BOAC Boeing Al El Aviv Tel Israel...
- description: Israel is where the ever present past beckons the visitor at every turn. Tel-Aviv is Israel's largest city. M/S of jets landing at Lot (?) Airport, an EL AL Boeing 707, a BOAC VC10, a BEA Comet . M/S of aircraft steps as tourists exit BEA plane....
- Video details
displaying 1 - 5 records in total 5