displaying 61 - 87 records in total 87

Anxiety is the Greatest! (jk it can go jump off a microwave)
- Published_at:2018-07-01
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations social anxiety jaidenanimation anxiety jaiden animations anxiety dealing with anxiety stress nevous
- description: why sleep when you can convince yourself you should worry about everything? Other Animator Buddies! Nellie: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHimPYk1csmmOSGKF4pKelg?&ab_channel=NellieTart Jay: https://www.youtube.com/xjaystarzx Banimation:...
- Video details

hii ((not gonna not delete later))
- Published_at:2018-06-15
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations i wasted 4 hours on this video
- description: vidcon: http://vidcon.com/people/601/jaidenanimations/ ALSO! If mental health panels arent for you, there's an Animator Meet Up right next to the panel room I'm gonna be in, so you can stop by that! I'm gonna try and catch up to it before everyone...
- Video details

Jaiden & Boyinaband - Empty (Official Music Video)
- Published_at:2018-06-08
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations boyinaband dave boyinaband empty music video empty official music video eating disorder anorexia bulimia eating disorder help
- description: Thanks to Dave for approaching me with this idea and helping me step out of my tiny little comfort zone. (lyrics in description) Get the song on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/empty-single/1396093848?app=music&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Behind the...
- Video details

Ari's Birthday! (again)
- Published_at:2018-04-29
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations birds ari birthday bird fundraiser bird rescue
- description: Visit the AZ Exotic Bird Rescue's fundraiser! https://www.gofundme.com/az-exotic-bird-rescue-aviaries Info/updates about the giveaways will be posted on my twitter! SimplySaraArt: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimplySaraArt/videos Other Animator...
- Video details

I tried to go to Canada but got stuck in Minneapolis
- Published_at:2018-04-08
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations jaidenanimations canada jaidenanimation minneapolis i tried to go to canada but got stuck in minneapolis mall of america airport stuff ugh im too tired to write tags canada eh niagra falls
- description: this is not what we wanted Other Animation Buds! Pivots: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePivotsXXD Nellie Tart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHimPYk1csmmOSGKF4pKelg xJayStarzx: https://www.youtube.com/user/xJaystarzx Deadly Comics:...
- Video details

Trying to Get Into Fitness & Health
- Published_at:2018-02-18
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations fitness jaidenanimations fitness jaidenanimations health healthy lifestyle getting into working out new years resolutions
- description: swole n' healthy Other Animation Buds! Pivots: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePivotsXXD Nellie Tart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHimPYk1csmmOSGKF4pKelg xJayStarzx: https://www.youtube.com/user/xJaystarzx Chiibe:...
- Video details

How to Make Life More Interesting
- Published_at:2018-01-21
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations how to make life more interesting life tips life advice how to make life more interesting jaidenanimation jaidenanimation life more interesting how many apples are there more than you think lol...
- description: it includes apples Other Animation Buds! Pivots: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePivotsXXD xJayStarzx: https://www.youtube.com/user/xJaystarzx Deadly Comics: https://www.youtube.com/user/deadlycomics1 GingaNinjaOwO:...
- Video details

Injuries & Being Sick
- Published_at:2017-12-23
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations being sick injuries child injuries stories heelys flu season jaiden animations sick jaiden animation injuries jaidenanimation sick jaidenanimation injuries
- description: gross. also how to unplug your nose when you're sick: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/gjit1/til_how_to_clear_a_blocked_nose_quickly_and_easily/ Other Animator Buddies! Chiibe:...
- Video details

Random Thoughts (Part 2 Edition)
- Published_at:2017-11-26
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations random thoughts random thoughts 2 jaiden animation random thoughts jaidenanimation random thoughts random thoughts jaiden animation bruised bananas fish currents fountain of youth turning into a dog
- description: guess who's back,,, back again~ Other Animator Buds! Pivots: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePivotsXXD Rea: https://www.youtube.com/user/ginjaninjaowo Chiibe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr7AiaFMovmWaQN-QOIsAFg?ab_channel=Chiibe WishfulVixen:...
- Video details

Drawing our Childhood Drawings w/ theodd1sout
- Published_at:2017-11-08
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations childhood drawings old art drawing old art theodd1sout jaiden animation theodd1sout jaidenanimation drawing old art jaiden animation childhood drawings jaiden animation
- description: we were pretty much baby art prodigies. james' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJaPkT5BQUk&ab_channel=TheOdd1sOut james' channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8bcnLyZH8tBIH9V1mLgqQ?ab_channel=TheOdd1sOut ...
- Video details

Living with Ari
- Published_at:2017-10-22
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations jaiden animations ari jaidenanimations ari ari jaiden animation ari jaidenanimations getting a bird
- description: what a little punk rascal Other animator buds: Pivots: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThePivotsXXD Squizxy: https://www.youtube.com/user/SquishySunset GinjaNinjaOwO: https://www.youtube.com/user/GinjaNinjaOwO SketchHead:...
- Video details

Things I Feel Guilty About
- Published_at:2017-10-01
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations things i feel guilty about jaidenanimation guilty jaiden animation guilty im too tired to write tags i got 4 hours of sleep last night im gonna go eat breakfast its noon
- description: so much guilt in this video,,, so much guilt Other animator buds: Pivots: https://twitter.com/ThePivotsXXD ehlboy: https://twitter.com/ehlgirl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more...
- Video details

My Childhood Stories
- Published_at:2017-09-17
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations childhood stories jaidenanimation childhoo stories jaidenanimation childhood jaidenanimation stories jaiden animation childhood stories
- description: back in my day,,, Other animator buds: ehlboy: https://twitter.com/ehlgirl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH:...
- Video details

Things I Do that Adults Probably Don't Do (Jaiden Edition)
- Published_at:2017-09-03
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations things i do adults probably don't do things i do adults dont do jaiden animations adults jaidenanimation adults jaiden animations things i do adults probably dont do jaidenanimation things i do adults...
- description: adults, amirite? James' video: https://youtu.be/qFVjMcwRypo Other animator buds: Jomm: https://twitter.com/FlashJomm ehlboy: https://twitter.com/ehlgirl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE...
- Video details

My Opinion on Airports
- Published_at:2017-08-06
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations jaidenanimation airports jaiden animation airports airports jaiden animations airports jaidenanimation funny airport stories funny traveling stories traveling stories moving sidewalks airport stories...
- description: traveling and all that jazz~ go follow Jomm he's the greatest: https://twitter.com/FlashJomm ari plushes: http://tidd.ly/ddef0d00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations!...
- Video details

My Experience on Youtube (so far)
- Published_at:2017-07-17
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations being a youtuber being on youtube being on youtube jaidenanimations jaiden animation being on youtube jaiden animation youtuber my experience on youtube my experience on youtube jaiden animation how...
- description: cheers & a toast :7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH: http://tidd.ly/ddef0d00 TWITTER:...
- Video details

Drawing Characters from Memory w/ theodd1sout & SomethingElseYT
- Published_at:2017-07-02
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations drawing from memory drawing iconic characters jaiden animations and theodd1sout jaiden animations and somethingelseyt theodd1sout and jaidenanimations somethingelseyt and jaidenanimations iconic...
- description: this was fun james' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkl7oSZPy94 adam's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b47d34QSaq4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations!...
- Video details

My Random Thoughts
- Published_at:2017-06-18
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations jaiden animation random thoughts jaidenanimations random thoughts random thoughts random thoughts jaiden animations random stories what if weird thoughts best idea ever random video what do i even...
- description: what a strange video i've made that one video with the otamatone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ineFLIb5rT4&ab_channel=MAYWADENKI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations!...
- Video details

Parent Stories
- Published_at:2017-06-04
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations parent stories jaidenanimation parents jaiden animation parent stories parent stories jaiden animation jaiden animation parents funny parent stories
- description: luv ya guys ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH: http://tidd.ly/ddef0d00 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/JaidenAnimation ...
- Video details

Things that Freak Me Out (part 2)
- Published_at:2017-05-21
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations irrational fears part 2 irrational fears jaidenanimations irrational fears jaiden animation irrational fears irrational fears jaiden animation irrational fears jaidenanimations things that freak me...
- description: yup, there's more. part 1: https://youtu.be/b-r_o0wj_Sk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH:...
- Video details

Happy Birthday Ari!
- Published_at:2017-05-06
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations ari jaiden animation ari ari jaiden animation ari's birthday aris birthday jaiden animation aris birthday jaidenanimation happy birthday ari surprise birthday party dragonfruit green cheek conure...
- description: i'm the best mom ever ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH:...
- Video details

Why I Don't Have a "Face Reveal"
- Published_at:2017-04-06
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations jaiden animation face jaiden animations face reveal face reveal face reveal jaiden animation these tags are gonna get dark depression how to deal with depression dealing with depression eating...
- description: so please stop asking (some flashing colors warning) * I am doing better. Some rough patches and back tracking here and there but hey difficult things aren't a straight up walk in the park to overcome right? Takes time and patience. If you're...
- Video details

My Instrument Experiences
- Published_at:2017-03-12
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations instruments instrument stories jaiden animation instruments jaiden animations instruments instruments jaidenanimations funny instruments
- description: if I kept up with all of the instruments I picked up I could've become a successful one man band and never would've joined youtube. thank god for quitting amirite? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
- Video details

My Dog Stories
- Published_at:2017-02-04
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations dog stories funny dogs funny dog stories owning a dog jaiden animations dog stories jaidenanimations dog stories funny pet stories
- description: barkity woof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH:...
- Video details

Stupid Lies I Believed for Way Too Long
- Published_at:2017-01-15
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations lies i believed as a kid stupid lies i believed jaidenanimations stupid lies jaiden animations stupid lies myths that aren't true stupid lies i believed for way too long gullible
- description: I was a gullible child, don't give me that look. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations! https://www.youtube.com/c/jaidenanimations MERCH:...
- Video details

Ari's First Christmas (feat. Weeaboo Misaki)
- Published_at:2016-12-26
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations first christmas merry christmas christmas celebration jaiden animation christmas jaiden animation ari christmas misaki samurai buyer jaiden animation samurai buyer jaidenanimations ari christmas...
- description: mery crismuss - also some people are commenting I seem ungrateful, so lemme talk about that. I am exaggerating for comedic effect, and Misaki knows that (he's cool with it all). Also he's the one who's been bugging me to keep making videos for him, I...
- Video details

Winter & My Traumatic Skiing Trip
- Published_at:2016-12-19
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Jaiden Animations
- Ranked in:
- tags: jaiden animations jaidenanimation jaidenanimations jaiden animation ski skiing accident christmas jaiden animation christmas jaidenanimation skiing accident traumatic skiing trip winter holiday christmas ski
- description: i could've used a title like "I FELL DOWN A MOUNTAIN AND COULD HAVE DIED *NOT CLICKBAIT*" but i didn't. you're welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE for more animations!...
- Video details
displaying 61 - 87 records in total 87