displaying 1 - 30 records in total 30
迷糊的是裁判,尴尬的是選手!#sports #shorts
- Published_at:2025-01-15
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
究竟發生了什麽?讓馬踢拳嚎啕大哭! #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2025-01-11
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
很多運動員都打不順的球,被他給馴服了,速度快到就差冒煙#拳击 #反应 #训练#shorts
- Published_at:2025-01-04
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
沒實力!別囂張#實力 #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-12-03
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
裁判偏袒老外,張美煊暴怒當場KO老外#sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-11-26
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
神級躲閃,這反應速度太帥了! #shorts #sports #fighting
- Published_at:2024-09-23
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
跆拳道比賽徒弟倒地被對手犯規踢頭教練怒吼,怎麼教的,幹他! #fighting #shorts #sports
- Published_at:2024-09-03
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
俄羅斯克格勃防身術,最後一招非常有效,適用所有人 #fighting #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-08-10
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
與實力無關,這局主要輸在了迷糊#fighting #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-07-31
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
本來以為是青銅誰知是王者 , 瘦弱的身軀也能打出驚人的爆發力!#fighting #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-07-29
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
格鬥選手的核心有多強? 太厲害了吧! #fighting #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-07-20
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
練習格鬥的目的,就是以不變應萬變! #fighting #sports #shorts
- Published_at:2024-07-19
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
游刃有余的控腿能力,太强了#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-07-02
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
当铁布衫遇上金刚腿!哪个更强?#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-06-29
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
学会这三招,街头无敌#一招制敌 #fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-06-26
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
格斗裁判暴力执法!#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-05-09
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
父子拳击,妈妈“空手”道#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-04-30
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
这只能怪自己#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-04-18
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
裸絞真的能破解嗎? #fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-04-11
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
孩子:你對力量一無所知#shorts #fighting
- Published_at:2024-03-14
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
- Published_at:2024-02-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
現代忍者展現肘擊的威力! #fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-02-23
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
最後一個真是老六😂😂😂 #fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-02-23
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
賽前被對手嘲笑,全力一擊後對手直接放棄比賽,泰森急瘋了#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-02-16
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: It's a magical place:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPtfD2sxXFPHt30mYcTsCxw?sub_confirmation=1 Among the strong there will be stronger ones! 强中自有强中手! Continue to challenge higher mountains 一山还比一山高! Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Martial Arts!...
- Video details
- Published_at:2024-01-23
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: Monk Yilong! 武僧一龙! Captain of China pays Gaofeng! 中国队长付高峰! People’s hero Wang Hongxiang! 百姓英雄王洪祥! In the ring competition at the top of the martial arts world, who will be the undefeated overlord? 武林之巅的擂台赛上,谁将是屹立不倒的霸王!
- Video details
你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈#shorts #fighting
- Published_at:2024-01-22
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: Monk Yilong! 武僧一龙! Captain of China pays Gaofeng! 中国队长付高峰! People’s hero Wang Hongxiang! 百姓英雄王洪祥! In the ring competition at the top of the martial arts world, who will be the undefeated overlord? 武林之巅的擂台赛上,谁将是屹立不倒的霸王!
- Video details
你出拳的速度可能趕不上他拉你進地面的速度#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-01-20
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: Monk Yilong! 武僧一龙! Captain of China pays Gaofeng! 中国队长付高峰! People’s hero Wang Hongxiang! 百姓英雄王洪祥! In the ring competition at the top of the martial arts world, who will be the undefeated overlord? 武林之巅的擂台赛上,谁将是屹立不倒的霸王!
- Video details
你剛要抬手,他的棍子已經到你臉頰了,練反應速度的重要性#fighting #shorts
- Published_at:2024-01-19
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: Monk Yilong! 武僧一龙! Captain of China pays Gaofeng! 中国队长付高峰! People’s hero Wang Hongxiang! 百姓英雄王洪祥! In the ring competition at the top of the martial arts world, who will be the undefeated overlord? 武林之巅的擂台赛上,谁将是屹立不倒的霸王!
- Video details
- Published_at:2024-01-15
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: Monk Yilong! 武僧一龙! Captain of China pays Gaofeng! 中国队长付高峰! People’s hero Wang Hongxiang! 百姓英雄王洪祥! In the ring competition at the top of the martial arts world, who will be the undefeated overlord? 武林之巅的擂台赛上,谁将是屹立不倒的霸王!
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手腕鎖,最後有分解動作#shorts #fighting
- Published_at:2024-01-07
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:武林之巅
- Ranked in:
- tags: boxing fighting pk martial arts kung fu power macho muscle one-on-one boxing king solo ring competition sweat ko race sports multiplayer sports chinese boxing champion ufc weba real man hook straight boxing punching 拳擊 武術 功夫 力量 猛男 肌肉 單挑 拳王 擂台 比賽 拳套 汗水...
- description: Monk Yilong! 武僧一龙! Captain of China pays Gaofeng! 中国队长付高峰! People’s hero Wang Hongxiang! 百姓英雄王洪祥! In the ring competition at the top of the martial arts world, who will be the undefeated overlord? 武林之巅的擂台赛上,谁将是屹立不倒的霸王!
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displaying 1 - 30 records in total 30