displaying 121 - 150 records in total 175
The Awesome Power of Citizen Science
- Published_at:2016-04-20
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green The Awesome Power of Citizen Science citizen science professional amateur data research north american breeding survey seti arecibo search for extraterrestrial intelligence seti@home galaxy zoo sloan digital sky survey sdss...
- description: You don't have to be a professional scientist to make a contribution to our collective knowledge. Today, we look at several projects that have benefitted from the power of citizen science! Foldit Gamers FTW https://youtu.be/JdBcpdH_ptA Hosted by:...
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What Makes Fresh Air Fresh?
- Published_at:2016-04-19
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green michael aranda aranda air outside air freshener ionizer air ionizer ion pollution ozone health asthma housekeeping home dust pet dander
- description: There's nothing like the crisp fresh air of a spring morning, especially compared to the musty weird air in your smelly old house... But why is the air outside so much more pleasing? And can you make inside-air just as fresh and nice? Hosted by:...
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The Fern That Cooled the Planet
- Published_at:2016-04-18
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green azolla anabaena global warming global cooling fern fresh water ocean water pangea nitrogen carbon dioxide methane greenhouse greenhouse gases arctic ocean salt water blooms fertilizer shifting landmasses
- description: Over its lifetime, the Earth has seen plenty of climate change. About 50 million years ago the planet experienced extreme cooling, and all from a little fern. We've been nominated for a Webby! Please vote: http://tinyurl.com/sswebby Hosted by: Hank...
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What is Restless Leg Syndrome?
- Published_at:2016-04-16
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Michael Aranda aranda biology human body legs restless leg syndrome rls brain
- description: We all get a jittery after sitting still for too long. But some people experience an irresistible urge to move their legs, and it can seriously affect their daily lives. We've been nominated for a Webby! Please vote: http://tinyurl.com/sswebby ...
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Another Zika Update & Quantum Physics Gamers
- Published_at:2016-04-15
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Another Zika Update & Quantum Physics Gamers zika virus cdc microcephaly neural stem cells neurosphere cerebral organoids flavivirus dengue quantum computers gamification quantum moves bringhomewater morgan lizop
- description: Today on SciShow News: We've learned more about the Zika virus, and we'll tell you how gamers are helping to develop quantum computers. We've been nominated for a Webby! Please vote: http://tinyurl.com/sswebby Quantum Moves game:...
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The Strange Blue Glow That Saved Lives
- Published_at:2016-04-14
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green American Civil War Angel’s Glow Battle of Shiloh Bill Martin Photorhabdus luminescens Phyllis Martin John Curtis 2001 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair history
- description: Back in 1862, soldiers fighting in the American Civil War noticed a strange blue glow on their wounds. It took a couple of High School students to figure out what it was. We've been nominated for a Webby! Please vote: http://tinyurl.com/sswebby ...
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Is There Such a Thing As An Addictive Personality?
- Published_at:2016-04-06
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Dr. Ranjit Bhagwat Personality disorder Dr. Alan Lang National Research Council trait theory Personality substance use disorders addiction addictive personality Michael Aranda Patreon
- description: Some online quizzes would have you believe the idea that certain people have a specific “personality type”. But is an “addictive personality” a real thing? Hosted by: Michael Aranda ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon:...
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Why Do We Get Freckles?
- Published_at:2016-04-05
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green freckles melanin UV rays MC1R eumelanin pheomelanin red hair blonde hair lentigines live spots melanocytes hank green
- description: Your parents may have told you that every freckle on your face was a kiss from an angel, but SciShow is here to ruin that delusion for you. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon:...
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7 Things We Don't Know About the Ocean
- Published_at:2016-04-03
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green ocean mysteries upsweep 52 blue 52 hertz whale hydrophones NOAA bloop alien species deep sea gigantism giant squid giant isopod japanese spider crab Bergmann’s Rule Klieber’s Law Noctiluca scintillans dinoflagellates mareel...
- description: The ocean covers 70% of the planet, but humans still don’t know very much about it. In this episode, Hank discusses seven mysterious ocean topics. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon:...
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Why Avocados Shouldn't Exist
- Published_at:2016-03-31
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green avocado avocados guacamole Aztec Nahuatl ahuacatl fruits healthy seed Pleistocene Epoch megafauna Glyptadon woolly mammoths armadillo giant sloths fertilizer early humans forest canopy extinction domestication
- description: The avocado is highly regarded by many people as delicious and nutritious, but the most extraordinary thing about avocados may be their very existence. Annotation Link - Learn More About What Qualifies as a Berry:...
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What Are Eye Boogers?
- Published_at:2016-03-26
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green eyes eye boogers secretions pink eye human body gross slime sleep biology crust body bacteria
- description: Eye boogers: Not the most glamorous of bodily secretions, but important all the same. Learn why the heck you have sand in your eyes in the morning in this episode of Quick Questions. Hosted by: Michael Aranda ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a...
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4 Plants That Are Great for Humans
- Published_at:2016-03-23
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green medicine medicinal plants herbal remedies alkaloids deadly nightshade atropine artemisinin Youyou Tu Nobel Prize for Medicine malaria chloroquine cinchona quinine plasmodium sweet wormwood Artemisia annua metformin diabetes...
- description: A quarter of all prescription drugs in the U.S. come from substances that are found only in plants. In this episode of SciShow, we take a look at four of these talented plants who make our lives better. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support...
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Why Do We Have Butt Hair?
- Published_at:2016-03-21
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green butt hair butt hair anus pilonidal disease intergluteal cleft butt crack evolutionary purpose sebaceous Friction sweating waxy secretions anal pelage litojohnny pelage
- description: You've asked. Now we're answering. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow...
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10 Plants That Could Kill You
- Published_at:2016-03-13
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green dumbane foxglove deadly nightshade oleander Cerbera odollam Aconite Hemlock Rosary pea White snakeroot Manchineel tree poison household plants plants poisonous plant killer plants deadly plants 10 plants that could kill you
- description: Learn about 10 plants that could kill you in SciShow’s first List Show! Hosted by: Michael Aranda ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon...
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Why Do Some Noises Make You Cringe?
- Published_at:2016-03-10
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green
- description: The majority of us can probably agree that the sound of nails on a chalkboard is unpleasant, but why is that? Theories range from evolutionary survival mechanisms to the anatomy of the human ear. Find out more in this episode of SciShow! Hosted by:...
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Are Sore Muscles Growing?
- Published_at:2016-03-08
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green biology muscles heatlh exercise human anatomy weight lifting microtrauma weight training eccentric contractions physiology body building new year's resolution
- description: You hit the gym for the first time forever and now you can barely move... that means you're getting totally ripped, right? Maybe! Find out on this week's QQ! Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon:...
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How Do You Make Memories?
- Published_at:2016-03-06
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Henry Molaison fMRI scanners seizures medial temporal lobes hippocampus amygdala entorhinal cortex anterograde amnesia Long term memories declarative explicit non-declarative implicit episodic memories Non-declarative...
- description: What if you couldn’t remember anything past 30 seconds? Let us introduce you to a man named Henry Molaison who was diagnosed with anterograde amnesia. He couldn’t form new memories. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a...
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3 People Who Probably Saved Your Life
- Published_at:2016-02-25
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green michael aranda 3 People Who Probably Saved Your Life louis pasteur germ theory microbiology fermentation spontaneous generation lazzaro spallanzani pasteurization vaccine edward jenner joseph lister surgery infection...
- description: Today we are talking about 3 scientists who, through their collective inventions and discoveries, have saved millions of lives. Hosted by: Michael Aranda Annotation How Measles Made a Comeback https://youtu.be/kjFPUoIXd80 ---------- Support SciShow...
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The Future of SciShow
- Published_at:2016-02-22
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Behind the scenes Caitlin Hofmeister Blake de Pastino Stefan Chin Michael Aranda Megan Toenyes Hiroka Matsushima Sarah Gullickson Sarah Meismer Sam Schultz Alyssa Lerner Ceri Riley Louey Winkler Live Stream Mini-series 7...
- description: SciShow has a lot in store for the future! Find out what we're planning, and get a sneak peek at the people behind the show. ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go...
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What If We Killed All the Mosquitoes?
- Published_at:2016-02-19
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green What If We Killed All the Mosquitoes? mosquito malaria yellow fever zika virus extinct bloodsucker ddt ecosystem eradicate vector disease aedes aegypti dengue chikungunya self-limiting gene anopheles wolbachia superinfect
- description: With the Zika virus in the news, some people have wondered why we don't just kill them ALL. Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make...
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How 18th-Century Medicine Killed George Washington
- Published_at:2016-02-15
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green What Killed George Washington How 18th-Century Medicine Killed George Washington George Washington Bloodletting antibiotics doctors medicine death Martha Washington Blood Transfusion Humors Bodily Fluids Blood Quinsy...
- description: What killed George Washington? Turns out it was probably related to the bloodletting and other 18th-century medicine his doctors applied. Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow Dooblydoo thanks go to the...
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Why Shouldn't You Take Medicine with Grapefruit Juice?
- Published_at:2016-01-26
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Grapefruit furanocoumarin enzyme CYP3A4 prescription medication high cholesterol high blood pressure anxiety patreon
- description: If you’ve taken prescription medication, have you ever noticed the strange disclaimer, "don't take with grapefruit juice"? There is a very good reason for that! Hank Green explains in this episode of SciShow Quick Questions! Hosted by: Hank Green...
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The Hunt for the Highest Melting Point
- Published_at:2016-01-25
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green melting point gas liquid solid helium sun atmospheric pressure heat tantalum hafnium carbide tungsten carbide noble gas Kelvin fastest trains liquid cooled audible patreon
- description: What has the highest melting point known to us? Hank Green explains in this episode of SciShow. This episode is brought to you by Audible. Go to Audible.com/SciShow for a free 30-day trail. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the...
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Why Does Alcohol Burn When You Drink It?
- Published_at:2016-01-18
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Why Does Alcohol Burn When You Drink It? everclear alcohol ethanol capsaicin burn vr1 receptor warm jeff posey
- description: Why does alcohol cause that burning sensation on its way down? Annotation: Why Does Spicy Taste 'Hot' and Minty Taste 'Cool'? https://youtu.be/gwUN8XK3ZO8 Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we...
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What Happens When You Hold Your Pee?
- Published_at:2016-01-12
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green Michael Aranda Pee Hold What happens when you hold your pee? bathroom half a liter bladder urinal bladder brain sphincters urethra infection urinary retention urinary tract Tycho Brahe burst bladder damaged bladder pelvic...
- description: Can holding your pee be bad for you? Learn about your bladder in this Quick Question with Michael Aranda! Hosted by: Michael Aranda Learn more about sphincters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtLO9rpXV0g Learn more about Tycho Brahe:...
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3 Misconceptions About Juice Cleanses
- Published_at:2016-01-11
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green 3 Misconceptions about juice cleanses fad diet juice cleanse juice fast weight loss detox digestive system reboot body laxatives colonics toxins 'toxins' poison ammonia liver kidneys healthy health food body water weight glycogen
- description: Juice cleanses or fasts are thought of as a popular way to detox and reboot the digestive system. But, like most fad diets, juice cleanses might not be doing what you think they are. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the...
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What's Causing That Stitch in Your Side?
- Published_at:2015-12-29
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green side stitch pain abdominal exercise related transient abdominal pain diaphragm exercise movement organs peritoneum membrane dehydration core jogging running What's Causing That Stitch in Your Side?
- description: What's the deal with that sharp pain in your side when you're trying to win that marathon? SciShow has the answers! Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow without them!...
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Why Is Heart Cancer So Rare?
- Published_at:2015-12-22
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green michael aranda Why is heart cancer so rare? Cancer (Disease Or Medical Condition) Heart Cancer (Disease Or Medical Condition) Health (Industry) Disease (Cause Of Death) Medicine (Field Of Study) Health Care (Industry)...
- description: Why don't we hear about people getting heart cancer? Turns out that some types of cells are less susceptible to cancer than others. Hosted by: Michael Aranda 'Curing Cancer' Link:...
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Metal vs. Bacteria
- Published_at:2015-12-14
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green antibiotics Edwin Smith Papyrus Alexander Fleming penicillin copper brass silver metals contact killing bacteria nanosilver dna hydroxyl radicals cell membrane Egyptians Health (Industry)
- description: Even before we knew what bacteria were capable of, we were using certain metals to help fight off their effects.. Hank Green explains how on this episode of SciShow. Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon...
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Why is Red Meat ... Red?
- Published_at:2015-12-08
- Category:Education
- Channel:SciShow
- Ranked in:
- tags: SciShow science Hank Green steak juice blood water myoglobin muscle white meat dark meat red meat iron hemoglobin rare medium well hemichrome michael aranda Why is Red Meat ... Red? Meat (Food) Cooking
- description: When you cut into a nice, juicy steak what's all that liquid that pours out? Is it blood? It looks like blood. ...it's not blood. Hosted by: Michael Aranda ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow...
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displaying 121 - 150 records in total 175