displaying 1 - 8 records in total 8
I Got a Pet Leech (yes, really)
- Published_at:2024-11-23
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: leech blood sucking leech leeches terragreen pet terra green dr plants pet leech pet dinosaur pet alien weirdest pet
- description: TerraGreen Merch LIVE: https://terragreenstore.com/ The other day I saw a video where someone showed off a pet leech and literally let it suck their blood for 3 hours. I thought that sounded very weird so of course I had to buy a pet leech. So in...
- Video details
I Got The 7 Weirdest Pet Fish...
- Published_at:2024-11-16
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: weirdest fish fish exotic fish pet fish aquarium terrarium terragreen terra green terra green dr plants pufferfish mudskipper walking fish weirdest pet fish eyeless cave fish
- description: TerraGreen Merch LIVE NOW: https://terragreenstore.com/ In this video I collected the 7 weirdest species of fish to keep as pets. I showed off every special ability they have that makes them so weird. I got fish like a species with no eyes, the...
- Video details
Raising Tadpoles to Frogs (50 Day Evolution)
- Published_at:2024-11-09
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: terragreen tadpole to frog tadpole timelapse frog tadpole raising tadpoles to frog frog pet pet tadpole pet fish aquarium terrarium terra green dr plants pet tadpole tadpoles
- description: Tadpole & Frog Merch LIVE NOW: https://terragreenstore.com/ In this video I bought 20 Mystery Tadpoles and raised them into fully grown frogs. I had no idea what species they were going to be, but it ended up being something super unique. This video...
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I Got a Pet Alien (kinda)
- Published_at:2024-11-02
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: terragreen terra green terra green pet pet dinosaur pet alien I got a pet alien terragreen pet aquarium terrarium dr plants weirdest pet
- description: TerraGreen Merch 🌱🐜: https://terragreenstore.com/ There's this creature that is shockingly similar to an alien. It basically is a mutant creature with the body of a scorpion, mouth of a spider, and claws that look like saws. But I found a website...
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I Got The Rarest Pet Lizard
- Published_at:2024-09-14
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: lizard reptiles rarest lizard pet terragreen terra green rainbow lizard chameleon dr plants rarest pet
- description: pls follow the instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terragreenyoutube In this video I got a pet lizard that is super rare. It's a very rare chameleon with a red and blue color morph. After building it a home, I showed off all of it's coolest...
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I Got a Pet Dinosaur (kinda)
- Published_at:2024-08-10
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: walking with dinosaurs dino disney dinosaur dinosaur terra green terragreen pet dinosaur i got a pet dinosaur dr plants frilled dragon frilled dragon pet
- description: There's this species of lizard that is literally exactly like a dinosaur. Even though it's a deadly creature.. I decided to build it a home and keep it as a pet. By the end of the video I find out if dinosaurs are actually good pets. The species is a...
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This Aquarium Was Abandoned, So I Transformed It
- Published_at:2024-06-17
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: fish aquarium green aqua aquascaping aquascaping aquarium fish aquarium info dr plants terragreen transform transform fish tank abandonded abandon abandonded fish tank terrarium ecosystem terra green frogs african dwarf frogs
- description: I found the worst ever fish tank in the universe on Facebook Marketplace. So obviously I had to buy it, completely transform it, and somehow save the fish that were alive in it. Please subscribe these videos are so expensive #aquarium #fish #fishtank
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I Got a Pet Walking Fish (literally)
- Published_at:2024-04-20
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:TerraGreen
- Ranked in:
- tags: walking fish fish terragreen terra green terra green pet walking fish pet fish aquarium terrarium paludarium ecosystem dr plants mudskipper mudskipper fish
- description: I just figured out that there's a species of fish that is able to WALK ON LAND... literally. So I bought one, built a home for it, and kept it as a pet. I did all sorts of things like feed it live insects, and even built a parkour course to test it's...
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displaying 1 - 8 records in total 8