displaying 1 - 8 records in total 8
老一辈做的东西还是有讲究的,奶奶都一把年级了 手艺和审美还依旧在线#非遗 #传承 #民间手艺 #手工缝制#shorts
- Published_at:2025-01-13
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
小伙舞枪失误,尤家老爷子接枪使出蜻蜓点水#尤氏 #弘扬中华武术(来源于网络) #shorts #kungfu
- Published_at:2024-12-24
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
90后小伙模仿电影练成绝技,表演“摘叶飞花”惊艳网友,原来古代的武功秘籍是真的!#武侠梦 #传统文化 #武术(来源于网络)#shorts
- Published_at:2024-12-21
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
男子手持网兜水中捕鱼,仿佛“驭水而行” #热门 #户外捕鱼 (来源于网络)#shorts
- Published_at:2024-12-03
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
杂技表演中,男子一个动作惊艳全场#杂技 #神操作(来源于网络)#show #shorts
- Published_at:2024-11-27
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
- Published_at:2024-10-25
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
終於玩上非遺 , 一定要傳承下去了! #shorts #show #food
- Published_at:2024-10-18
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
86岁老人在庙会上即兴表演武术,开场行四方礼 #shorts
- Published_at:2024-09-07
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:KnowChinaWell
- Ranked in:
- tags: 相声 剧情 奇闻异事 诡异 演讲 搞笑 下饭 记录生活 故事 戏精 幽默 短剧 有趣 好笑 快乐 绘声绘色 描述 场景 戏剧 戏曲 传统文化 演出 文化 好听 crosstalk plot anecdotes weird speech funny good with food record life story drama humor skit interesting happy vivid description scene opera traditional culture...
- description: 五千年上下的悠久历史,漫长时间长河过去,如今的中国是什么样子? With a long history of about 5,000 years, what is China like today after such a long time? 带你走进中国,看这片土地上的人民 Take you to China and see the people of this land
- Video details
displaying 1 - 8 records in total 8