displaying 1 - 17 records in total 17
The Holiday Magic is coming.
- Published_at:2024-11-18
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: Coca-Cola Coca Cola Coke
- description: Wishing you a merry and bright holiday season from Coca-Cola.
- Video details
無糖可口可樂® X 姜濤 |無糖暢爽 無可取代|30秒廣告
- Published_at:2023-03-15
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 無糖可口可樂®嘅冰爽氣泡,令你飲「樂」每一啖都感受到冰涼暢爽嘅快感 🧊 嗰種暢爽真係無可取代! 就好似姜濤對音樂嘅熱愛一樣 🎶 雖然喺音樂路途上經歷過唔同起伏 🌊 但都仍然忠於自己心聲嘅堅持 🧘🏻 係時候跳出你嘅Bubble 💨 發掘出你獨一無二嘅態度 💫 屬於無糖可口可樂®嘅: #無糖暢爽 無可取代 🍑屬於姜濤嘅: #熱愛 • 係我 無可取代 咁你呢?#__ • 係我 無可取代 #無糖可口可樂 #無糖暢爽 #無可取代 #姜濤 #CocaColaHK #RealMagic
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Coca-Cola® Masterpiece
- Published_at:2023-03-06
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: Coca-Cola Real Magic Masterpiece Master piece Coca-Cola Warhol Coca-Cola Art Coca-Cola Girl with Pearl Earring Coca-Cola Pearl Earring Coca-Cola Museum Coca-Cola Gallery
- description: See what happens when the whole universe comes together in Real Magic ways to help a boy in need of uplift and a little inspiration. #CocaCola #RealMagic
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Coca-Cola – Turn Up Your Rhythm
- Published_at:2021-01-08
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: coca-cola turn up rhthm coke refreshing drink pop music army coca cola song coca cola coke bottle jungle
- description:
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Coca-Cola Christmas Commercial 2020
- Published_at:2020-11-09
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: christmas xmas coca-cola coca cola stanta claus coca cola commercial
- description: This Christmas, give something only you can give. Be it in person, over an awkward video call, or just a quick message, making time for the ones you love is what makes Christmas truly the most special time of year, no matter how you do it. Wherever...
- Video details
Coca-Cola | The Chase – Vingadores: Ultimato
- Published_at:2019-04-09
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: coca-cola coke coca coca cola vai no gás vai no gas vingadores avangers
- description: Chegou a hora de despertar o herói que existe em você com Coca-Cola Sem Açúcar. #VaiNoGás #VingadoresUltimato
- Video details
COPA Africa Cup
- Published_at:2018-12-10
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: #COPAAfrica2018 CopaAfricaCup CopaCoca-Cola
- description: The COPA Africa Cup is uniting Africa’s teens for the 1st time at Afraha Stadium, Nakuru, Kenya on DEC 15th. #COPAAfrica2018
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Hasta La Vista - Luan Santana, Simone & Simaria, Pabllo Vittar ft. Coca-Cola
- Published_at:2018-05-03
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: coca-cola fan feat fanfeat hasta la vista pabllo vittar luan santana simone simaria simone & simaria simone e simaria
- description: Escute agora no Spotify: http://spr.ly/6055DjhD3
- Video details
Momentos que te hacen cerrar los ojos. Mario Bautista
- Published_at:2017-08-29
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: Momentos Disfrutan cerrar ojos Mario Bautista Andy Zurita coca cola Nath Campos Teens cancon MTV
- description: Descubre que momento hizo cerrar los ojos a Mario Bautista
- Video details
Coca-Cola Summer TVC 2017 featuring Deepika Padukone
- Published_at:2017-04-19
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: lift elevator summer coca-cola cocacola coke deepika deepika padukone deepikapadukone #deepika tvc new tvc new ad
- description: The ‘Elevator TVC’ showcases how Coca-Cola helps break the ice between two strangers. Set in an elevator where our celebrity, Deepika Padukone gets stuck with a housekeeper. Coca-Cola comes to the rescue and then things just change. Watch the full TVC...
- Video details
Coca-Cola | Pool Boy
- Published_at:2017-03-02
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: Coca-Cola Pool Boy carma taste the feeling
- description: Nothing refreshes like an ice cold Coca-Cola on a hot day. This is especially the case for this story, which features a wild race between two sibling to offer the household Pool Boy a Coca-Cola and quench his thirst. To their surprise, someone else...
- Video details
- Published_at:2016-12-23
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: Coca-Cola Drones Monterrey Caravana Coca-Cola Show de luces Siente el sabor Intel Caravana Monterrey Drones
- description: Este año Coca-Cola y Santa reconocieron a las personas que hicieron un esfuerzo extra para que otros puedan disfrutar de la Navidad. Coca-Cola en alianza con Intel llevó un espectáculo de luces con drones núnca antes visto en México, como cierre de la...
- Video details
Official Holidays are Coming Coca-Cola Christmas advert 2016
- Published_at:2016-11-19
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: CocaCola HolidaysAreComing
- description: We all know Holidays are Coming is a timeless classic, Christmas officially starts the moment you hear those bells. #HolidaysAreComing Get really into the Holiday spirit with Coca-Cola: - Find your nearest Truck Stop...
- Video details
Coca-Cola | It's Beautiful
- Published_at:2016-08-06
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: We believe that America is beautiful and Coca-Cola is for everyone. Let's celebrate the moments among all Americans that promote optimism, inclusion, and humanity — values that bring us closer together.
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Casting do reklamy Coca-Cola – DEYNN |#TasteTheFeeling
- Published_at:2016-04-08
- Category:Autos & Vehicles
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: DEYNN TasteTheFeeling Coca-Cola Rezigiusz Littlemooonster96 #TasteTheFeeling casting reklama MartinStankiewicz AjgorIgnacy
- description: Zobacz, jak DEYNN poradziła sobie podczas castingu do reklamy Coca-Cola! Zostaw łapkę w górze i pokaż DEYNN, że powinna wygrać! ;) Zobacz jak na naszym castingu poradzili sobie inni: Littlemooonster96: https://youtu.be/wEoVkZv99WE Ajgor Ignacy:...
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Coca-Cola: Coke Mini (Hulk vs. Ant-Man)
- Published_at:2016-02-08
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags: super bowl hulk ant-man marvel superhero mini coke coca cola superbowl paul rudd can of coke bruce banner marvel heroes easter eggs big game cocacola pepsi sprite mountain dew dr pepper mini can coke mini incredible hulk
- description: Two thirsty heroes. Only one Coca-Cola Mini. Witness an epic chase between Marvel’s biggest and smallest Super Heroes: the Incredible Hulk and Astonishing Ant-Man. Despite their differences in size, Hulk and Ant-Man both know what it’s like to get...
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Under Pressure
- Published_at:2016-01-19
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:Coca-Cola
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: : “Under Pressure” was created to reflect the “24/7” nature of life for a teenager. Throughout the spot, Coca-Cola provides a moment to pause and release everyday tensions, reflecting on the notion that drinking an ice-cold Coca-Cola makes any...
- Video details
displaying 1 - 17 records in total 17