displaying 1 - 4 records in total 4
PACK with ME to GO TO the HOSPiTAL and GiVE BiRTH!
- Published_at:2024-12-06
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:JustParkers
- Ranked in:
- tags: kass and josh justkass nen couples channels notenoughnelsonss justparkers just parkers nen fam pack for baby pack my hospital bag baby girl justkass baby justparkers baby pack with me get ready to give birth jordan matter salish matter salish...
- description: WATCH MORE: i LET My 16 SiBLiNGS NAME Our BABY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNVRNDJp4zc We are almost there you guys!!! Pack with me for the hospital and to meet our baby girl!!!! ♥ Follow me on INSTAGRAM:...
- Video details
- Published_at:2024-11-22
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:JustParkers
- Ranked in:
- tags: kass and josh justkass nen couples channels notenoughnelsonss justparkers justkass baby name justkass baby justparkers baby 16 siblings name our baby our babys name baby girl names baby girl middle names my siblings name our baby justkass pregnant...
- description: WATCH MORE: Going BABY SHOPPiNG for the FiRST TiME! *we went a little CRAZY* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIIMu36utyo My siblings had the best baby names and we are trying to decide which one we will use for baby girls middle name!!! ♥ Follow me...
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We ARE MOViNG OUT of Our DREAM HOUSE! *Huge Shock*
- Published_at:2024-11-08
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:JustParkers
- Ranked in:
- tags: kass and josh justkass nen couples channels notenoughnelsonss nen fam justparkers dream house we are moving justkass house we are building our dream house building dream house mansion house tour justkass house tour huge shock building our dream house...
- description: WATCH MORE: Going BABY SHOPPiNG for the FiRST TiME! *we went a little CRAZY* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIIMu36utyo We are moving out of our dream house and here's why... We are excited to share our new journey with you guys and we hope you...
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Going BABY SHOPPiNG for the FiRST TiME! *we went a little CRAZY*
- Published_at:2024-11-03
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:JustParkers
- Ranked in:
- tags: kass and josh justkass nen couples channels notenoughnelsonss justkass baby justkass pregnant sephora haul sephora vlog justparkers just parkers just kass nen fam hopescope jordan matter baby shopping baby products going baby shopping for the first...
- description: WATCH MORE: DREAM BABY NURSERY REVEAL! *sneak peek of baby girls name* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN5iBOjCthc&t=1035s We went baby shopping in person for the first time and it was so much fun!!!! We did end up getting a lot and spending too...
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displaying 1 - 4 records in total 4