displaying 1 - 2 records in total 2

Interrobang Pie befriends Griffinilla - Pinkie's Homebrew (Extended Remix)
- Published_at:2012-07-13
- Category:Music
- Channel:InterrobangPie
- Ranked in:
- tags: mlp, pinkies, homebrew, home, brew, witchcraft, my, little, pony, friendship, is, magic, remix, 8-bit, chiptune, famitracker, pinkie's, pie's, shercloppones, griffinilla, cute, from, the, hip, cherry, bomb, lunar, slander, Interrobang, Pie,...
- description: New music so soon?? Yes!! Be sure to stick around for the little surprises in this song... This is just a quick remix of the Pinkie's Homebrew song I did a while back, to breath in a bit more life, to flesh it out a bit, and to excersise new skills...
- Video details

Interrobang Pie - Rarity: 100% Real Shopping Experience
- Published_at:2012-07-08
- Category:Music
- Channel:InterrobangPie
- Ranked in:
- tags: mlp, rarity, 100%, 100, percent, real, shopping, experience, my, little, pony, friendship, is, magic, original, 8-bit, chiptune, jazz, funk, smooth, porn, groove, and, acoustic, basses, idek, Interrobang, Pie, InterrobangPie, came, to, see, if, there,...
- description: Finally, a song for Rarity!! For this one I tried something a little bit different - namely combining jazzyish acoustic and chippish sounds into one song!! This is also the result of me using the tracker OpenMPT for the first time!! This is a song...
- Video details
displaying 1 - 2 records in total 2