2014-09-11   Hong Kong

Hong Kong

#1 (=)
Mutant Giant Spider Dog (SA Wardega)
72M 399K 29K 03:59
#2 (=)
王祖藍 扮 阿銀 (香港小姐 總決賽)
326K 834 00:43
#3 (+1)
中國好聲音3 --- 陳樂基  VS  張心傑《光輝歲月》
303K 1.2K 10:00
#4 (-1)
Experience the power of a bookbook™
9.6M 67K 02:29
#5 (+1)
Run Walter, RUN!!
11M 53K 00:36
#6 (+1)
2014.09.04康熙來了 冤家路窄!!康熙冤家吐槽大會
480K 1.1K 44:34
#7 (NEW)
Jeremy Lin startles guests at Madame Tussauds San Francisco
906K 2.2K 01:36
#8 (+1)
Lachlan's first hearing aids aged 7 weeks old.  Our gorgeous baby boy.
8.8M 28K 01:27
#9 (+1)
警訊《由你話事cut巨獎》有獎 真係唔要?
391K 4.9K 01:45
#10 (+48)
29K 722 06:12
#11 (=)
Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
38M 34K 00:48
#12 (=)
New Zealand's Haka Dance v USA - Amazing Moment - 2014 FIBA Basketball World Cup
4.8M 11K 01:14
#13 (=)
128K 148 01:36
#14 (=)
[笨吧] 如何塑造完美男性
183K 7.3K 02:16
#15 (=)
149K 151 00:16
#16 (+4)
60K 177 01:58
#17 (-1)
301K 751 01:16
#18 (+4)
After living under a dumpster for 11 months, this dog gets rescued and goes from SAD to HAPPY!
823K 10K 04:06
#19 (-2)
ALS 冰桶挑戰 - 張家輝
692K 4.0K 00:44
#20 (-2)
AndyLau ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
1.2M 7.9K 01:24
#21 (-2)
我要執執 足本版
290K 701 02:31
#22 (-1)
132K 4.0K 04:18
#23 (-2)
HTV港鞋教育電視 - All Back髮型教學 #10
69K 2.7K 07:47
#24 (NEW)
Dear Jane Studio Live - 牆紙 (原唱 - 容袓兒)
15K 811 04:47
#25 (-5)
Man Fights Mickey Mouse, SpongeBob & More Characters In Russia
274K 1.5K 01:32
#26 (+10)
Volcano Eruption in Papua New Guinea
9.9M 51K 01:04
#27 (-3)
JCooking|#1 外星人意粉
72K 7.4K 03:42
#28 (-5)
G.E.M.鄧紫棋接受ALS Ice Bucket Challenge冰桶挑戰
1.8M 12K 01:25
#29 (-2)
Lion Vs Mongoose: Mongoose Fends Off Four Lions
3.8M 6.5K 01:21
#30 (-4)
94K 339 04:47
#31 (-6)
Спасение жителя Ольхона
7.5M 32K 01:37
#32 (-1)
到底有沒意思!? (女對男) Do you like me now!?
59K 1.3K 02:14
#33 (-4)
Licking bird poo and wearing it too :(
2.9M 3.6K 00:15
#34 (-6)
狗狗誤闖路軌事件 (20/8/2014)
513K 439 01:48
#35 (+14)
If Disney Princes Were Real
5.7M 45K 04:34
#36 (-6)
Stuffed Dog Attacks Real Dog
3.6M 15K 02:07
#37 (-5)
iPhone 6 hands-on
4.0M 3.4K 01:11
#38 (-5)
El sueño cumplido de Gohan
2.5M 13K 06:52
#39 (-5)
鄭伊健Ice Bucket Challenge!
1.3M 8.4K 01:39
#40 (-5)
Fala Chen ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 陳法拉冰桶挑戰
296K 881 01:04
#41 (-3)
周永恒直認婚外情 32B女主角大起底
24K 4 01:42
#42 (-5)
Action Movie Kid - Volume 2
4.1M 28K 02:46
#43 (NEW)
Sims4-模擬市民4: 愛情勝利組 #6
30K 1.8K 27:00
#44 (+9)
李維(新疆) PK 周深(貴州) 20140829
66K 533 03:03
#45 (-4)
Ming仔xHunny 遊澳門
85K 2.7K 08:15
#46 (-7)
謝霆鋒 - 冰桶挑戰 Nicholas Tse takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
571K 1.9K 01:45
#47 (-1)
《娛樂審死官》周永恆 剖白家暴事件內幕 (1)
20K 29 05:40
#48 (-8)
Super Junior 슈퍼주니어_MAMACITA(아야야)_Music Video
7.9M 287K 04:06
#49 (-5)
43K 2.3K 08:26
#50 (-2)
格羅茲尼 ‎第十一公里:「方濟祖」A
18K 184 25:55
#51 (-8)
Wheel of Musical Impressions with Adam Levine
11M 64K 05:02
#52 (-10)
Crazy Selfie From Hong Kong Skyscraper
2.7M 6.3K 00:19
#53 (-6)
How to Peel a Kiwi or Mango
696K 4.3K 01:06
#54 (-9)
Exclusive: настоящий iPhone 6
8.3M 17K 03:37
#55 (NEW)
Apple - Introducing iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
1.6M 16K 06:24
#57 (NEW)
Wheels On The Bus | NEW VERSION | Nursery Rhymes | HD Version
919K None 02:11
#59 (NEW)
Why Starbucks Spells Your Name Wrong - Agitators Ep. 1
2.3M 11K 02:59
#60 (NEW)
吞拿魚他他 - 愛我請留言 Tuna Tartare - That DJ's Voice
9.9K 1.0K 05:45
#61 (-6)
16K 1.5K 07:36
#62 (-12)
1.7M 9.6K 00:38
#63 (-19)
CookingHayHay 教你整 雞蛋仔 #29
147K 5.2K 05:57
#64 (NEW)
[Hins Plays] The Sims4 模擬市民4 #2►我要成為豪宅大亨!
46K 1.4K 20:48
#65 (+15)
43K 219 01:52
#66 (-15)
See The Moment An Over Excited LION Jumps Into A Man's Arms
559K 1.8K 00:29
#67 (-10)
道地蜂蜜綠茶x金宇彬 [30秒廣告]
94K 641 00:31
#68 (+13)
The Sims 4|#1 大賊的誕生...
78K 3.9K 18:30
#69 (-17)
2.9M 36K 00:30
#70 (-16)
Pstew's Ice Bucket Challenge
8.6M 66K 00:56
#71 (NEW)
2014.08.27康熙來了完整版 真愛降臨!!鐵漢變柔情
372K 403 44:45
#72 (-16)
Oh! it's just me! / Фух! Это всего лишь я!
3.2M 9.4K 00:24
#73 (-7)
Sims4-模擬市民4: 靜香爭奪戰 #2
38K 2.5K 25:28
#74 (NEW)
Killer Clown 3 - The Uncle! Scare Prank!
3.5M 78K 05:30
#76 (+14)
张碧晨 魏雪漫 一路上有你 中国好声音
67K 375 16:34
#77 (-12)
[WUAR] 鬧人的方法
105K 3.9K 02:07
#78 (-16)
郭晉安 和他两个孩子 “冰桶挑战”
68K 696 01:09
#79 (-4)
《中國好聲音》第三季 「導師考核」(Battle賽) 激戰連場
58K 26 00:31
#80 (NEW)
情義兩難全之"玩X爆台灣"主題曲MV-"玩爆佢" KB@香港仔
28K 2.0K 03:26
#81 (-17)
Calculated *wink*
416K 1.5K 00:51
#82 (-19)
陳奕迅 冰桶挑戰 Eason Chan ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
239K 739 01:06
#83 (-23)
77K 337 03:24
#84 (-1)
格羅茲尼 ‎第十一公里:「方濟祖」B
12K 75 30:22
#85 (-7)
Smosh:全新 iPhone 6大公開 (IPHONE 6 REVEALED)【中文字幕】
103K 1.3K 04:55
#86 (-17)
♛[QQ未翻身]♥ 沒女Q翻身妝♥ Nowhere Girl Makeup Tutorial
72K 3.0K 05:20
#87 (-20)
87K 7 01:53
#88 (NEW)
7.2M 68K 08:57
#89 (-16)
曾志偉 接受ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 冰桶挑戰
128K 523 02:03
#90 (-20)
容祖兒 - 冰桶挑戰 Joey Yung takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
209K 783 00:31
#91 (-20)
Henry Tang ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
149K 1.2K 01:26
#92 (NEW)
[小為打] Mario 3D World - Part 8 打救公主
28K 1.4K 06:22
#93 (NEW)
20 Facts About 屎萊姆 - 暗黑歷史全曝光!
36K 1.8K 08:20
#95 (-23)
Cristiano Ronaldo #Icebucketchallenge
22M 48K 00:23
#96 (-20)
G.E.M. "喜歡你" (Official Lyric Video) 鄧紫棋 HD
1.5M 18K 04:30
#97 (NEW)
Apple - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus - Seamless
1.1M 8.5K 01:09
#98 (NEW)
星空奇談 2014-9-6:
8.0K 81 46:57
#99 (NEW)
♥黑咪敗家♥ 秋季發癲大敗Chanel, Nars, Cle de Peau and More
14K 462 28:32