2025-03-11   Hong Kong

Hong Kong

#1 (=)
Dear Jane - 你流淚所以我流淚 I Cry Because You Cried (Official Music Video)
409K 12K 663 05:02
#2 (+1)
Lighter and Fire Starter
96M 3.4M 00:20
#3 (+1)
JENNIE - like JENNIE (Official Video)
19M 1.6M 03:03
#4 (+4)
擂台上的恶有恶报,靠偷袭取得胜利,结果反被以暴制暴! #mma #boxing
959K 10K 00:58
#5 (-3)
Haha, are children's brains so good now?# Mother and Child Daily# Family Fun# Life Tips# Parent-Chi
44M 979K 00:37
#7 (+2)
1.3M 44K 00:19
#8 (NEW)
710K 12K 00:22
#9 (-4)
#方大同 「帶病錄音」畫面曝光 「突缺氧」嘆:今天唱不了... #Shorts
811K 18K 00:22
#10 (NEW)
婦人違規穿越馬路險遭撞!同行人跳針嘴邱他回嗆:有其母必有其子 @newsebc #shorts
1.8M 55K 00:42
#11 (-1)
Anson Lo 盧瀚霆 《Heartbreaker》 Official Music Video
1.5M 41K 03:45
#12 (-1)
北朝鮮的神秘天團,拉撒路 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao
1.8M 30K 26:57
#14 (-2)
用油灯打印老拓片,古法复原传统花丝首饰#文玩配饰 #珠宝首饰 #花丝镶嵌#shorts
1.2M 37K 01:24
#15 (-8)
1.4M 37K 00:20
#16 (-3)
This JAPANESE PIZZA is approved @joker_gourmet
16M 1.2M 00:37
#17 (-1)
gareth.t X MC 張天賦 - 緊急聯絡人【KATCH OUR LIFE: WARNER! GO!音樂會】
168K 2.9K 03:45
#18 (NEW)
239K 3.1K 00:20
#23 (NEW)
It turns out that the joy I shared was just showing off in your eyes. #love #drama #movie
207K 9.5K 00:59
#24 (-6)
p1 这尺子买回去,超不过三天就坏#shorts
408K 19K 00:37
#25 (-5)
Mindblowing Life Hacks 😱
99M 4.6M 00:55
#27 (NEW)
李嘉誠賣巴拿馬港口🚢揭露長和股價🚨長年搵笨 香港人呃香港人 為富不仁
167K 5.3K 21:23
#29 (-8)
When he ran into the door! 😲
77M 3.5M 01:10
#30 (-7)
Can You Guess The Fake Watermelon?
155M 3.5M 00:35
#31 (NEW)
The most viewed BMX trick of all time
8.7M None 00:15
#32 (-10)
【眼眶濕濕的】女1句「過來我就救你」 小狗狗勇敢奔向幸福|狗狗|催淚
1.1M 53K 01:06
#33 (NEW)
全港學界精英排球比賽 2024-2025
64K 504 08:16:49
#35 (-11)
一场比赛惊现两位豪杰,一位展现仁慈之心,一位展现勇气之心! #格鬥
456K 10K 00:53
#36 (-10)
特朗普與澤連斯基激烈爭吵  白宮會談不歡而散- BBC News 中文
3.3M 35K 04:54
#39 (-9)
184K 7.6K 13:22
#40 (-9)
跳楼机 (LBI) Cover ( 蔡恩雨 Priscilla Abby)
2.0M 22K 03:04
#42 (-10)
這個誤會很母湯🤫 #愛(1990年)現正熱播中 #金素梅 #狄鶯 #李又麟 @cts_arch #Shorts
2.5M 54K 00:51
#43 (-10)
# What kind of food is not cooked for parent-child interaction?#Funny Bald Dad channel #funny dad
384K 6.1K 00:20
#44 (-7)
DAY 許軼 《Wait A Second》Official Music Video
540K 6.0K 03:41
#47 (+2)
1.2M 25K 00:30
#48 (-10)
【最新】《00後老師》#李宗恆 #搞笑 #內容過於真實 #劇情 #反轉 #shorts
2.6M 99K 01:06
#49 (-10)
1.1M 37K 01:06
#50 (-10)
#瑪莎 接唱太自然 #周杰倫 一臉問號XD @ebcstars
1.3M 48K 00:20
#51 (-10)
【埃及旅遊都市傳說】搭埃及河輪床頭留小費 回來見「毛巾鱷魚」! #Shorts
1.1M 73K 00:45
#56 (-8)
【麻麻超壞】把狗勾吃飯鈴聲換成「剪指甲」XD|#寵物雲 #shorts
961K 23K 00:14
#59 (-3)
Zpecial X 陳蕾 Panther Chan - 不理痛【KATCH OUR LIFE: WARNER! GO!音樂會】
340K 6.9K 04:08
#60 (-6)
MIRROR 《手印》 (Indelible Mark) Official Music Video
614K 33K 05:56
#62 (-7)
'최초 공개/4K' G-DRAGON - TOO BAD (feat. Anderson .Paak) #엠카운트다운 EP.877 | Mnet 250227 방송
5.5M 154K 03:42
#63 (-10)
438K 22K 01:05
#65 (-20)
【最新】《00後銷售》#李宗恆 #搞笑 #內容過於真實 #劇情 #反轉 #shorts
626K 28K 01:05
#67 (-8)
Content thời tiền sử [BEN EAGLE] #beneagle #kungfu #martialarts #fighting #action #entertainment
22M 290K 00:36
#68 (-8)
Ingenious Method To Repair Broken Plastic! How to solder the bumper yourself #shorts #diy #tips
18M 552K 00:39
#70 (-7)
Really Practical Technique for Installing Steel Rivet nuts without special tools #shorts #diy #tips
6.6M 35K 00:14
#71 (-6)
当你习惯了开电车之后~#新能源汽车 #开车 #车主分享
679K 14K 00:40
#72 (-6)
1분안에 5개⁉️😱 Time attack
17M 878K 01:00
#74 (-7)
Michael Jordan and Bugs DESTROYING Hoopers 2v2 Park Takeover IRL
13M 352K 00:24
#77 (-6)
Anson Kong 江𤒹生《Love Is On The Way》Official Music Video
523K 8.9K 04:03
#81 (-6)
完蛋,我被员工硬控了。#办公室搞笑 #爆笑职场 #shorts
258K 15K 00:42
#82 (-6)
A Homeless Dog Finds Shelter in a Kind-Hearted Man"s Yard
6.2M 180K 00:32
#83 (NEW)
754K 14K 00:20
#84 (-7)
'최초 공개/4K' G-DRAGON - DRAMA #엠카운트다운 EP.877 | Mnet 250227 방송
2.0M 89K 05:14
#88 (-5)
JENNIE, Doechii - ExtraL (Official Video)
31M 1.8M 03:41
#89 (-8)
434K 3.0K 01:00
#90 (-8)
# Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, have fun# have fun in life# record the children's daily life# record the ador
488K 11K 00:20
#93 (-8)
喝9了,找代驾开法拉利F8,结果玩嗨了~#法拉利#代驾#電車 #車文化 #跑車
1.1M 44K 01:40
#94 (-8)
Out of patience [CONDA NGUYEN] #condanguyen #kindness #goodman #hero #action #help #respect
39M 873K 00:35
#95 (-8)
不拆:找爹簡直易於反掌 哈哈:老登太難了 換一個 #哈士奇 #狗狗捉迷藏
768K 21K 01:10
#96 (-7)
Is the new brain so useful now? I can think of anything, but I don't see him studying well.# Fast G
23M 336K 00:19
#97 (-6)
第一句也太像原唱了 #林俊杰 以为#阿黛尔 #Adele 来了 #hello  | 综艺我最顶
1.7M 41K 00:51
#98 (-6)
One Genius Hack to Fix Anything
18M 335K 00:20
#99 (-6)
網挖具俊曄與RAIN尬舞歷史  雙帥22年前實力網友都驚了  #shorts
2.1M 41K 00:46
#101 (-7)
JISOO - earthquake (Official Music Video)
47M 2.7M 04:25
#102 (-7)
家门口出现一只“野兽”,主人看到后惊呆了 #shorts
856K 24K 00:13
#103 (-7)
977K 28K 00:36
#107 (-7)
My Father-In-Law Is So Awesome. He Stands On My Husband's Side.#My Funnyfamily#Xiao Xixi#Funnyvideo
347K 5.4K 00:40
#108 (-7)
A Secret SIGNAL Will Save This Little Girl from Danger!  #shorts #dog
47M 891K 00:24
#109 (-6)
泰拳王子所播求的拳台,統治力絕對是巔峰等級的#昆仑决 #擂台 #搏击 #格斗#shorts
481K 5.3K 00:16
#110 (-6)
Ever Wondered How Cliff Diving Is Filmed? 👀
101M 1.5M 00:16
#111 (-6)
【小魔】你有没有吃过这种“蚝里蟹”?#shorts #美食科普 #轻漫计划
626K 34K 01:00
#112 (-6)
To pay New Year's greetings to the old man, grandson unexpectedly... I didn't expect to be taught a
1.5M 38K 00:26
#113 (-5)
宋雨琦玩遊戲有自己的節奏 #奔跑吧
609K 23K 01:00
#118 (-7)
The Fastest Way Down 😅
40M 1.9M 00:18
#119 (-7)
Find This Stranger, Win $10,000
182M 9.6M 01:01