South Korea
#1 (NEW)
- Danielle - 저곳으로 (인어공주) (인어공주 OST)
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Music
- Channel:DisneyMusicKoreaVEVO
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#2 (=)
- (여자)아이들((G)I-DLE)의 킬링보이스를 라이브로! - 퀸카, TOMBOY, 말리지마, POP/STARS, MY BAG, 한, 덤디덤디| 딩고뮤직 | Dingo Music
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Music
- Channel:딩고 뮤직 / dingo music
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#3 (NEW)
- British Uni Students Fly to Korea for the Best Korean BBQ!!
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Comedy
- Channel:영국남자 Korean Englishman
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#4 (-3)
- (여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - '퀸카 (Queencard)' Official Music Video
- Published_at:2023-05-15
- Category:Music
- Channel:(G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 (Official YouTube Channel)
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#5 (NEW)
- [EN] 100회 특집! 안정환 & 유희관과 함께한 운동부 100회 한우 먹방 [둘이 왔어요 EP100]
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Travel & Events
- Channel:운동부 둘이 왔어요
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#6 (NEW)
- 상추는 무조건 많이 사와서 이렇게 만드세요! 한통 가득 담아도 남아나질 않습니다.💯 평생 써먹는 상추 요리 만드는법.🥇 상추물김치 맛있게 만드는법
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:팔숙이 palsook
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#7 (NEW)
- 미국 면허 그거 어떻게 따는건데..⎥🇺🇸이민18
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:원지의하루
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#8 (NEW)
- 복수 아카데미 : 천만 배우에게 갑질 당한 매니저를 위해
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:총몇명
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#9 (NEW)
- 절대 설탕 물엿 넣지 마세요. 국수대박집 겉절이김치 '이렇게' 만들어 맛있습니다
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:요리왕비룡 Korean Food Cooking
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#10 (-7)
- (여자)아이들((G)I-DLE) - '퀸카 (Queencard)' Special Performance Video
- Published_at:2023-05-15
- Category:Music
- Channel:(G)I-DLE (여자)아이들 (Official YouTube Channel)
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#11 (-7)
- 마이 리틀 히어로 티저 | My Little Hero Teaser
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:임영웅
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#12 (NEW)
- [MV] MIJOO (미주) _ Movie Star
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Music
- Channel:1theK (원더케이)
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#13 (NEW)
- 가마솥 통닭을 배터지게 먹어보자 !!!
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:배말랭
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#14 (NEW)
- 찐따 상위1%.. 빠곽풍의 기묘한 럭셔리 거지 체험기 (feat. 빠니보틀, 곽튜브) [라면꼰대4] EP.04
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:the BOB studio | 더 밥 스튜디오
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#15 (NEW)
- [MV] 아이돌 (최애의 아이 OP)|Cover by 주르르 (feat. 비챤)
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:주르르 JURURU
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#16 (NEW)
- 가출하려했던 강아지 네덜란드 400평 마당에 풀어줬더니.. | 이민 정착기2
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Pets & Animals
- Channel:멜과 진돗개 봉순 MelBong
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#17 (NEW)
- 레벨이 다른 프리미엄 샤브샤브
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:빅페이스 BIGFACE
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#18 (NEW)
- 7주 동안 7kg를 빼겠습니다. (1주 차)
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:일주어터
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#19 (-14)
- 쿨룩 LIVE ▷(여자)아이들 #GIdle '퀸카' 라이브 / [비투비의 키스 더 라디오] I KBS 230516 방송
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:KBS CoolFM
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#20 (-14)
- [다큐 ‘가족’ 97회⑥] 6개월 된 손자들 버리고 간 아들 살아있다는 소식에 서러움이 복받쳐 오열하는 할머니
- Published_at:2023-05-15
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:OBS TV
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#21 (NEW)
- "페널티킥 제가 찰게요!" 막내형 이강인의 황금 왼발로 얻은 첫 득점! [U-20 월드컵 8강 대한민국 vs 세네갈]
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Sports
- Channel:MBC스포츠탐험대
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#22 (-14)
- [IU] '아이와 나의 바다(My sea)' Live Clip (2022 IU Concert 'The Golden Hour : 오렌지 태양 아래')
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:이지금 [IU Official]
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#23 (NEW)
- [미션 임파서블: 데드 레코닝 PART ONE] 2차 예고편
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:ParamountKR
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#24 (-13)
- VLOG 교정기착용시작💧강제단유, 감동의뒤집기성공🥹출산후 첫 친구만남, 교통사고🚗🚓
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:tweety 트위티
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#25 (-15)
- 저녁에 만들어 아침에 먹어도 맛있어요!! 한가지 재료로 이렇게 만들어두니 아침이 편안합니다/어묵땡초꼬마김밥 Fish cake, ddangcho little gimbap
- Published_at:2023-05-15
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:sogyo table 소교식탁TV
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#26 (-17)
- 아니, 공사판에서 대체 뭘 한다고
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:LeoJ Makeup
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#27 (NEW)
- 제가 알아서 살게요 | 해쭈 편 | ZIGZAG 캠페인
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:지그재그 ZIGZAG
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#28 (NEW)
- 시골 농촌 생활 (채소 심기, 페인트 칠하기)
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:People & Blogs
- Channel:흥삶이네 Heungsam's Life
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#29 (NEW)
- 뷔페 빌런 참교육 [병맛더빙/사이다툰/참교육]
- Published_at:2023-05-17
- Category:Film & Animation
- Channel:뚜식이
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#30 (NEW)
- Gucci Cruise 2024 Fashion Show
- Published_at:2023-05-16
- Category:Entertainment
- Channel:GUCCI
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