2025-02-20   Taiwan


#2 (=)
2.7M 188K 10:46
#3 (=)
【最新】《誰是老闆???》 #李宗恆 #搞笑 #內容過於真實 #劇情 #反轉 #shorts
362K 15K 00:58
#4 (+8)
252K 9.8K 02:36
#5 (+2)
國文老師教你濕/溼、姊/姐的差別! #Shorts
343K 10K 00:38
#9 (-1)
353K 4.1K 00:17
#11 (NEW)
Is the new brain so useful now? I can think of anything, but I don't see him studying well.# Fast G
2.4M 25K 00:19
#12 (-3)
JISOO - earthquake (Official Music Video)
25M 2.3M 04:25
#13 (-2)
Celebi with 20 Green Dragonballs in Pokemon TCG Pocket @TerminalMontage
4.2M 352K 00:47
#14 (-4)
我有練過肯恰那 #shorts
435K 19K 00:37
#15 (NEW)
路边摊韭菜炒鸡蛋,气氛堪比世界杯决赛,#一锅一铲走天下 #炒菜要节奏感
116K 1.8K 00:56
#16 (+2)
水門放了一個加特林手裡劍嗎 #naruto #narutoshippuden #anime
205K 4.3K 00:30
#18 (NEW)
街头泡面,把泡面吃明白了【吐司大锤】#vlog #搞笑 #food #挑战 #夜市
136K 7.2K 01:04
#20 (+2)
苏联解体后,分裂成了十五个国家 #涨知识#每天学习一点点#亲子互动#彭小澎吖
232K 11K 00:46
#22 (-7)
#新春剧不停 #老铁大舞台 #漫展cos   真假夏莉
206K 6.9K 01:29
#23 (NEW)
Who's gonna pop the balloon first?
26M 1.5M 01:00
#24 (-10)
490K 6.6K 00:50
#26 (NEW)
Kyrie cooked Wemby but bro recovered😭
4.1M 208K 00:14
#28 (NEW)
Can't take it anymore [KINDNESS MAN] #kindness #respect #goodman #happy #humanities
3.2M 47K 00:30
#29 (-8)
عامل بناء يعثر على عملات ذهبية مخبأة داخل جدار! 🏺
25M 310K 02:48
#30 (-7)
#小婉管乐 有你的地方 哪里都是舞台💃💃 #shorts
455K 9.2K 02:48
#32 (-2)
You're tired of knocking at the door early in the morning... ..
115K 1.5K 00:56
#36 (+4)
KiiiKiii 키키 'I DO ME' MV
3.3M 191K 03:20
#38 (-5)
497K 9.6K 13:26
#39 (NEW)
【DinTer】上古世紀:戰爭 一條龍開搞 2/18
235K 5.2K 03:44:27
#40 (-13)
Ever Wondered How Cliff Diving Is Filmed? 👀
81M 1.2M 00:16
#41 (-12)
武魂殿入侵 #夏莉  #新春剧不停 
221K 6.3K 00:55
#42 (-7)
1.9M 69K 04:56
#45 (-9)
641K 16K 00:43
#46 (-9)
Reach the Money, Win $10,000
85M 3.4M 00:25
#47 (-13)
【2025 台韓國際交流賽】中華隊 vs  韓國樂天巨人 20250213 LIVE
912K 6.9K 03:58:06
#49 (-11)
湯姆熊代幣能換錢!#魚機  #湯姆熊 #烏鴉doka
938K 19K 02:49
#51 (-8)
To pay New Year's greetings to the old man, grandson unexpectedly... I didn't expect to be taught a
847K 23K 00:26
#52 (-8)
遛暴躁狐狸,来看看狐狸是怎么养的,它走路偷感怎么那么重~#萌寵 #pets #animals
812K 34K 01:54
#54 (-7)
郵差:這裡有陳帶金? 小白汪衝出簽收:我啦!|#寵物雲 #shorts
2.9M 79K 00:27
#57 (-9)
#陳卓璇 夾子音拿捏導演組#下飯綜藝台 #奔跑吧
231K 9.2K 00:48
#58 (-6)
魔童哪吒为什么不让妈妈出门#short #angel #clown
25M 501K 00:48
#59 (-6)
258K 12K 08:38
#61 (-4)
336K 14K 11:48
#62 (-7)
车位长期被夫妻占用,是物业在背后搞脑子?(上)#汽车知识 #汽车好物 #汽车评测
602K 6.6K 02:37
#63 (-9)
154K 756 00:29
#67 (-5)
Hilarious videos of rural couples#funny #happy #life
661K 12K 00:33
#68 (-7)
【2025 台韓國際交流賽】韓國樂天巨人 vs 中華隊  20250212  LIVE
805K 7.2K 03:39:36
#69 (NEW)
🏃🏻‍♀️今天竟然又被踢馆了 #跑酷 #极限运动 #这操作都看傻了 #搞笑
49K 4.0K 01:09
#70 (-7)
[中文] CFO vs CHF / TLN vs MVKE | 2025 LCP Season Kickoff W4D4
164K 497 05:16:51
#73 (-7)
286K 6.2K 00:50
#76 (-6)
438K 5.6K 18:13
#80 (-6)
That's what my mother meant. Do you understand!
391K 12K 00:14
#84 (-9)
Perfect handling [KINDNESS MAN] #kindness #respect #goodman #happy #humanities
9.8M 140K 00:17
#85 (-9)
Kendrick Lamar's Apple Music Super Bowl Halftime Show
74M 2.7M 13:21
#87 (-9)
586K 26K 00:43
#88 (-7)
[中文] MVKE vs CHF / TLN vs CFO | 2025 LCP Season Kickoff W4D2
173K 676 06:19:58
#90 (-13)
Cool Items!🥰 New Gadgets, Smart Appliances, Kitchen Tools Utensils, Home Cleaning, Beauty #shorts
73M 1.4M 00:48
#91 (-7)
【全程字幕】重大發現! 台中新光三越氣爆原因 消防局長全說了
1.0M 8.0K 09:18
#92 (-12)
The person who helped me [CONDA NGUYEN] #condanguyen #kindness #goodman #hero #action #help #respect
13M 231K 00:16
#94 (-12)
Onion Man | 兩天領14000!! 詭異老屋高薪打工!! 洋蔥的打零工趣事(二)
379K 6.0K 11:35
#96 (-9)
617K 34K 01:28
#98 (-6)
这手机摔得真解气!!#万万没想到 #正能量 #这操作都看傻了
282K 6.6K 00:17
#101 (-7)
很难从猫身上看见这么难以置信的举动  #shorts
811K 26K 00:16
#102 (-7)
My daughter and son-in-law paid me a New Year greeting. I didn't expect my son-in-law's behavior to
229K 4.7K 00:28
#103 (-38)
这口气我忍不下去!#老许夫妇 #农村夫妻 #搞笑日常
159K 2.9K 00:31
#104 (-8)
老司机的暗号,你学会了吗? #搞笑短視頻合集 #funny #automobile
1.2M 20K 00:10
#105 (-7)
605K 21K 00:21
#107 (-7)
具俊曄.小S每天在家耍寶!大S安靜舉動早已習慣 @ebcstars #shorts
1.3M 26K 00:27
#108 (-6)
大S到底有多瀟灑?! 女神的風範就是如此!!【康熙來了 #shorts 】
2.2M 37K 00:59
#110 (-7)
【奇葩挑戰】5個人挑戰傾斜的月牙彎道,誰能跑過去就能贏到獎金 #搞笑#奇葩#挑戰
473K 7.5K 01:59
#114 (-17)
Hãy sống tử tế nhé bạn [BEN EAGLE] #beneagle #training #kungfu #martialarts #fighting
41M 834K 00:32
#115 (-6)
如果事有愿违,请相信上天自有安排 #搞笑 #剧情#shorts
503K 25K 00:51
#116 (-6)
251K 6.7K 00:32
#118 (-6)
LISA - BORN AGAIN feat. Doja Cat & RAYE (Official Music Video)
43M 2.1M 04:05
#120 (-7)
753K 17K 01:16
#121 (-7)
果然有臥龍的地方必有鳳雛...... #哈士奇 #卧龙凤雏
921K 29K 01:04
#122 (-14)
沈玉琳一穿上新鞋終於跟Melody平視?! #Shorts
205K 2.8K 00:26
#123 (-8)
Rude Driver Steals Parking Spot and Instantly Regrets It #shorts
35M 530K 00:18