displaying 31 - 60 records in total 140
英國航空A380頭等艙 (香港 - 倫敦) British Airways A380 First Class (Hong Kong to London Heathrow)
- Published_at:2020-05-01
- Category:Autos & Vehicles
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 二月嘅時候同老婆去咗英國避疫, 去程乘搭左英航嘅A380頭等艙, 同大家分享吓。 日期/時間: 2020年2月6日 出發地點: 香港國際機場 目的地: 倫敦希斯路機場 航班編號: BA28 飛行時間: 12:00 We took the First Class on British Airways to London back in February and here's a review for that. Date/Time: 6th February, 2020 Departed...
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- Published_at:2019-12-12
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- Published_at:2019-11-21
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- Published_at:2019-11-05
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- Published_at:2019-10-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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Happy Mid Autumn!!!
- Published_at:2019-09-13
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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國泰航空 B777 頭等艙 (香港 - 東京羽田) Cathay Pacific B777 First Class (Hong Kong to Tokyo Haneda)
- Published_at:2019-08-30
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 呢條片非常難剪, 一路剪都唔係太開心; 點都好啦, 之前去日本坐咗國泰嘅頭等艙, 大家click入去睇睇. 日期/時間: 2019年8月16日 12:59 出發地點: 香港國際機場 目的地: 東京羽田機場 航班編號: CX548 飛行時間: 3:51 Not the best time for both Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific. Here's a review of Cathay Pacific's first class product and the...
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林鄭意粉 - 瑞士/科莫湖之旅 Spaghetti alla Puttanesca - Switzerland and Lake Como
- Published_at:2019-07-23
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 成個幾月冇出片喇。出咗呢一條先因為我有朋友等緊。同大家分享一個瑞士同意大利嘅Vlog再整多個意粉。 Switzerland and Lake Como vlog with a recipe for Spaghetti alla Puttanesca. Enjoy! 二人份量 For two people 番茜20克 - 20g of parsley 酸豆五茶匙 - 5tsp of capers 小鯷魚12條 - 12 anchovies 小蕃茄14個 - 14 cherry tomatoes...
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新加坡航空A380頭等套房 (新加坡 - 香港) Singapore Airlines A380 First Class Suite (Singapore to Hong Kong)
- Published_at:2019-05-30
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 新加坡有全球最佳嘅航空公司,而呢間航空公司亦都有全球最佳頭等艙。今日同大家分享吓。 日期/時間: 2019年5月29日 9:55am 出發地點: 新加坡樟宜機場 目的地: 香港國際機場 航班編號: SQ856 飛行時間: 3:32 A review on Singapore Airlines First Class Suites. The creme de la creme of commercial flying. Date/Time: 29th, May 2019 9:55am...
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馬貝拉烤雞 - 讀書的重要 Chicken Marbella - Team Education
- Published_at:2019-05-10
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 今集整一個非常之易整同非常惹味嘅烤雞。最近有啲Youtuber/KOL喺自己個平台同佢哋啲網友講讀書冇用,今集就講下呢樣野。 Today I'll be making a simple and delicious Chicken Marbella. Late there's been some Youtuber/KOL discouraging their fans from getting an education, and this will be today's topic. 二人份量...
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JetSolution Embraer Legacy 600 私人包機 (上海 - 香港) JetSolution Private Jet (Shanghai to Hong Kong)
- Published_at:2019-04-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 上個禮拜我搭咗 JetSolution 嘅私人包機從上海返香港,同大家分享吓個過程啦。 日期/時間: 2019年4月18日 8:00pm 出發地點: 上海虹橋商務機場 目的地: 香港商務機場 飛行時間: 原定1:57 + 30m 避天氣 Last week I took a private jet from Shanghai to Hong Kong and here's a review on the Embraer Legacy 600 owned and operated by...
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意式雜錦海鮮湯 - 洛杉磯 Cioppino - Los Angeles Vlog
- Published_at:2019-04-12
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 返香港前我哋留咗喺洛杉磯四日,而今集我就會整一個加州三藩市名菜。 We stayed in Los Angeles for four days before heading back to Hong Kong. In today's episode I'll be making Cioppino - an Italian/American seafood stew originated in San Francisco. 二至三人份量/ For two to three people: ...
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嗱喳飯 - 新奧爾良Vlog Dirty Rice - New Orleans Vlog
- Published_at:2019-03-05
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 我哋嚟到呢個被譽為 "全美國最特別嘅城市":新奧爾良留咗一個禮拜。喺嗰度我仲學識左一道新菜叫做嗱喳飯,今日同大家分享一下。 Before our next cruise, we went to "the most unique city in the United States" - New Orleans. Here's a vlog for ya! Towards the end of this episode I'll also be making Dirty Rice, a unique...
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檸汁醃魚生 - 邁阿密Vlog Seafood Ceviche - Miami Vlog
- Published_at:2019-01-07
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 喺未上第二架郵輪之前我同老婆喺邁阿密留咗一個禮拜,今集會同大家分享一啲片段,同埋我會煮呢個會食上癮嘅餸。 We spent a week in Miami before we boarded the next cruise and here are some highlights of it. In this video I'll also be making a super cheeky seafood dish. 三至四人份量 For 3-4 people: 鯛魚200克 - 200g...
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挪威暢悅號 - 巴拿馬運河之旅 Norwegian Bliss Ship Tour - Panama Canal Full Transit
- Published_at:2018-12-31
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 美國之旅嘅第一站,我哋搭咗呢㗎郵輪從西岸洛杉磯經巴拿馬運河去東岸邁阿密。 We were onboard the beautiful Norwegian Bliss back in November, 2018, where she took us from Los Angeles to Miami via the Panama Canal.
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老馮蒸鯇魚 - 大媽戰郵輪 Steamed Grass Carp - Cruise Ship says no to China
- Published_at:2018-10-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 開台四年以嚟第一次。終於請到馮小姐出山整佢嘅名菜: 梅菜蒸鯇魚。就係呢道菜留住左我個胃,再留住我個心。今集講下最近有一艘為中國市場而設嘅豪華郵輪頂唔順要離開中國。 Today's episode features Fung for the first time ever! She'll make her signature dish Steamed Grass Carp that has won my heart 10 years ago; and today's episode is...
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鑽石公主號 - 北海道之旅 Diamond Princess Ship Tour - Round Hokkaido
- Published_at:2018-10-14
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 上個星期同老婆上咗鑽石公主號去北海道,去咗當地三個港口同俄羅斯一個港口;一隻好屬於日本嘅郵輪,亦係亞洲郵輪嚟講比較高質嘅一隻船。 We were onboard Diamond Princess last week for a trip to Hokkaido. Stopped at three ports in Japan and one port in Russia. Great itinerary with good passengers. Enjoy!
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全日空 B787-9 商務艙 (東京羽田 - 香港) All Nippon Airways B787-9 Business Class (Tokyo Haneda to Hong Kong)
- Published_at:2018-10-07
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次同大家分享吓全日空嘅商務艙。 日期/時間: 2018年10月6日 8:50am 出發地點: 東京羽田國際機場 目的地: 香港國際機場 航班編號: NH859 飛行時間: 3:44 A quick review on All Nippon Airways B787-9 Business Class. Date/Time: 6th Oct, 2018 8:50am Departed from: Tokyo Haneda International Airport Arrived at: Hong...
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中東海鮮 Harra - 明日之後(放假) Seafood Harra - The Day After Tomorrow
- Published_at:2018-09-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今日整一個中東菜,同埋講下打完啱啱呢個風之後應唔應該放一日假。 A famous seafood dish from Lebanon. Today's topic bears the question: Is a day off after a severe storm justified? 二人份量 For two people: 海蝦兩隻 - 2 large prawns 吞拿魚500克 - 500g of tuna steak 帶子兩隻 - 2 scallops 孜然粉少量 -...
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阿聯酋 A380 頭等艙 (杜拜 - 香港) Emirates A380 First Class (Dubai to Hong Kong)
- Published_at:2018-09-13
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次想同大家分享阿聯酋 A380 嘅頭等艙。 A quick review on Emirate's A380 First Class suite.
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杜拜/阿曼之旅 Dubai/Oman Resort Trip
- Published_at:2018-09-09
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: six senses resort six senses zighy bay Oman Dubai bulgari resort bvlgari zighy bay
- description: 上個禮拜我同老婆去咗中東杜拜同阿曼,揀咗兩間好Hea嘅渡假酒店攤吓,食吓野咁。 We visited Dubai and Oman last week, where we stayed in two incredible resorts just to chill balls. Hotel in Dubai: Bvlgari Resorts and Residences Hotel in Oman: Six Senses Zighy Bay Resort Music: 1) You and...
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馬來炒貴刁 - 車經 Char Kway Teow - Chasing Cars
- Published_at:2018-08-30
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 唔係港式炒貴刁,呢隻比較接近馬來西亞嗰隻。同埋今集講吓車啦,雖然都講唔出咩大道理。 Gave me best shot on this Malaysian version of Char Kway Teow, and today's topic is about cars. 二人份量 For two people: 蒜三瓣 - 3 gloves of garlic 韭菜四條 - 4 sprigs of Chinese chives 芽菜適量 - a handful of beansprouts...
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北海道咖喱湯 - 臭璽 Hokkaido Curry Soup - Stinker Condo
- Published_at:2018-08-13
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次整一個北海道名菜,老婆送左兩碗飯;同埋講下最近一個新鴻基嘅樓盤,嗰度買唔買得過呢? Soup Curry is a specialty in Hokkaido, Japan. You'll need two bowls of rice to get through it. Today's topic is about a new property called Cullinan West, is it worth buying? 二人份量 For two people 無骨雞腿四塊 - 4...
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日式海膽冷麵 - 婚前性行為 Sea Urchin Cold Noodles - Premarital Sex
- Published_at:2018-08-01
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: [提示] 今集多粗口/鹹嘢。耶撚/道德撚不宜 早排喺間日本餐廳度食咗呢個餸,急不及待要返屋企試吓煮。今集會講下我對婚前性行為嘅睇法。 Had this dish at a Japanese restaurant and I just have to give it a go. Today's topic is about premarital sex. 二人份量 For two people 日式冷麵200克 - 200g of Japanese cold noodles 紅蔥頭一個 - 1...
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麻油雞 - 倫敦金 Sesame Oil Chicken - London Gold Scam
- Published_at:2018-07-19
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 去完台灣急不及待要整一個台灣菜 - 麻油雞,對產後媽咪有補身作用。今集講吓倫敦金,其實要令到呢班倫敦金MK仔冇飯開,最緊要係自己唔好on9。 Today I'll be making a super nourishing Taiwanese dish for new mom called Sesame Oil Chicken, and today's topic is about the London Gold scam that got out of hand in Hong Kong. ...
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中華航空 A350-900 商務艙 (台北 - 香港) China Airlines A350-900 Business Class (TPE - HKG)
- Published_at:2018-07-11
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次我哋搭咗中華航空嘅 A350 商務艙從台北返香港。拍左條片想同大家分享桃園機場嘅候機室同埋商務艙嘅產品。有驚喜! We were onboard China Airlines' A350 Business Class from Taipei to Hong Kong and thought I'd share a video with you all. The product is surprisingly good!
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盛世公主號 - 日本之旅 Majestic Princess Ship Tour with Japan Vlog
- Published_at:2018-07-06
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 上個星期,我哋去咗台灣搭呢㗎盛世公主號去日本四國同九州。今次條片除咗會介紹架船之外,仲有少少日本 Vlog。 A review of one of Asia's newest cruise ships the Majestic Princess. I've also included a short highlight of our cruise to Japan in this video. Enjoy!
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焗豬扒飯 Baked Pork Chop Rice
- Published_at:2018-06-19
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今集整一個港式茶餐廳嘢。呢個唔使點介紹 lu A Hong Kong classic. This dish needs no introduction really. 二人份量 For two people 豬扒3塊 - 3 pieces of pork chops 白飯4碗 - 4 bowls of cooked rice 生粉半杯 - half a cup of cornstarch 鹽1湯匙 - 1 tbsp of slat 黑胡椒粉2茶匙 - 2tsp of black pepper...
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分析世界盃一二,德國勢必奪冠 Who will win the World Cup?
- Published_at:2018-06-11
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今集純 9up,講下世界盃。 My two cents on the Russia World Cup, which kicks off in just 3 days!
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美國運通貴賓候機室 (香港國際機場) American Express Centurion Lounge (Hong Kong International Airport)
- Published_at:2018-05-18
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: american express centurion lounge hong kong airport hong kong international airport airport lounge
- description: 一連兩集同大家分享吓香港國際機場嘅候機室。分享咗呢個先:除咗美國之外得香港獨有嘅美國運通 Centurion Lounge。 A quick review of the Amex Centurion Lounge in Hong Kong International Airport, the only Centurion lounge outside the United States.
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displaying 31 - 60 records in total 140