displaying 61 - 90 records in total 140
國泰航空 A350-900 商務艙 (巴塞隆拿 - 香港) Cathay Pacific A350-900 Business Class (BCN to HKG)
- Published_at:2018-05-15
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次呢條片想同大家分享下國泰航空 A350 由巴塞隆拿飛香港嘅航線。 A quick review on Cathay Pacific's direct route from Barcelona to Hong Kong (Aircraft: A350-900)
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波丁蜆 - 馬德里 Clams Botin - Madrid
- Published_at:2018-05-10
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今集有馬德里遊記,同埋會整全世界最古老嘅餐廳入面嘅一道菜色。 Today I'll be making a dish from the oldest restaurant in the world: Casa Botin. I've also included a short vlog of our recent visit Madrid, Spain. 二至三人份量 for 2-3 people 蜆1公斤 - 1kg of clams 洋蔥一個 - 1 onion 蒜兩瓣 - 2...
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海洋交響號 Symphony of the Seas Ship Tour
- Published_at:2018-05-03
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 介紹得郵輪,點可以唔介紹全世界最大嘅郵輪系列呢。我都等左一段時間,終於都上咗全世界最新最大嘅郵輪,皇家加勒比嘅海洋交響號。 You just know I have to give this one a go. Welcome aboard the newest and largest cruise ship in the world: Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas. Music Credit: 1) Sweet Child of Mine...
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魚香茄子煲 - 男人做家務 Spicy Minced Pork with Aubergines - House Chores for Men
- Published_at:2018-03-12
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 好多網友點名要整嘅。同埋今集要回答吓女網友嘅疑問。 A Southern Chinese dish by popular demand, and today's topic is about should men chip in on housework. 四人份量 For four people 免治豬肉300克 - 300g of minced pork 生抽一湯匙 - 1tbsp of light soy sauce 砂糖三茶匙 - 3tsp of sugar 粟粉一茶匙 - 1tsp...
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農村炆羊肉 - 財政預算案 Lamb Navarin
- Published_at:2018-03-03
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今集整一個法國人春天菜式,同埋講下啱啱出爐嘅財政預算案,最重要都係屌柒陳茂波。 A classic French spring stew. Apologies but there is no English subtitles for today's topic. 羊肩肉1.5公斤 - 1.5kg of lamb shoulder 洋蔥兩個 - 2 onions 胡蘿蔔兩條 - 2 carrots 京蔥一條 - 1 leek 蒜三瓣 - 3 cloves of garlic 迷迭香一湯匙 -...
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熱那亞香草意粉 - 愉景灣買樓?! Spaghetti al Pesto - Properties in Discovery Bay
- Published_at:2018-02-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 新年食滯咗,今集整一個齋嘅,同埋有網友問好唔好買愉景灣啲樓嚟投資,我又分享下一啲年少無知嘅買樓柒事。 A "once in a blue moon" veggie dish. Today's topic is about property investments in Discovery Bay. 二人份量 For two people: 意粉200克 - 200g of Spaghetti pasta 蒜3瓣 - 3 cloves of garlic 巴馬臣芝士40克 - 40g of...
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茄香雞肉咖喱 - 頻道抄襲?! Chicken Tikka Masala - Someone copied me channel?!
- Published_at:2018-02-09
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次整一個英國留學生嘅集體回憶,同埋係英國嘅國菜。今集會講下有啲網友對於另一個頻道抄襲我嘅疑問 。 Agree or not, this is the National dish of Great Britain; and has someone copied my channel? 二人份量 For two people 醃料 For the Marinade: 雞胸兩塊 - 2 pieces of chicken breast 辣椒粉一茶匙 - 1tsp of chilli powder...
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白咖喱香茅豬扒飯 - 納粹女權 White Curry Pork Chop with Rice - Feminazis
- Published_at:2018-02-02
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今日整一個香港學生嘅集體回憶,同埋就最近事件評論女權話題。 A Hong Kong students' favourite, and the wrong kind of feminism will be the subject of the day. 二人份量 For two people 豬扒兩塊 - 2 pieces of boneless pork chops 香茅三條 - 3 stalks of lemongrass 南薑 (拇指大小) - a thumb size pieces of...
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北菇滑雞煲仔飯 - 雲加快車謀殺案 Chicken and Mushroom Claypot Rice - Murder on the Wenger Express
- Published_at:2018-01-26
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 近排天氣轉涼,好適合食一個暖胃嘅煲仔飯。今集就整一個北菇滑雞煲仔飯,同埋最近有套戲睇到馮小姐好唔開心,今集亦都會講下。 There's a cold front hitting Hong Kong right now, temperature has been seen to as low as 15c (what's essentially a Canadian summer), it is a good time to bring out the clay pot. Today's dish...
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荷蘭炸肉丸 - 阿姆斯特丹 Bitterballen - Amsterdam
- Published_at:2018-01-12
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 落咗船之後留喺布達佩斯多一晚,之後去咗荷蘭嘅首都 chill 下。 Stayed in Budapest for one more day after the cruise, then we went to Amsterdam, Holland. 六至七人份量 For 6/7 people 牛陰柳肉600克 - 600g of beef flank steak 洋蔥一個 - 1 onion 迷迭香一湯匙 - 1tbsp of rosemary 百里香一湯匙 - 1tbsp of thyme...
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酥炸肉扒配薯仔沙律 - 布拉格 Schnitzel with Potato Salad - Prague
- Published_at:2017-12-28
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 啱啱去咗歐洲三個禮拜過聖誕。第一站我哋就去咗捷克嘅布拉格。今集就整一個喺中歐國家好常食到嘅菜式。 Just got back from a Euro trip. Our plane landed in Germany and our first proper stop was Prague in Czech Republic. The dish that I'll be making today is very common in those area: Schnitzel mit...
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港式雞批 - 快樂投資 Hong Kong Style Chicken Pot Pie - My Best Investment
- Published_at:2017-11-28
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 送給蕭叔叔的情書,同埋講下邊似投資係最精神。 A Chicken Pot Pie recipe as requested by Uncle Siu, and in this episode I'll be sharing my best investment to date. 餡料 For the fillings: 雞肉250克 - 250g of chicken 蘑菇100克 - 100g of mushroom 洋蔥半個 - half an onion 白胡椒粉半茶匙 - half...
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芝士咖喱海鮮焗飯 - 從Bella Ma看港女 Baked Rice with Seafood in Curry Sauce - Bella Ma
- Published_at:2017-10-19
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今日整一個喺茶餐廳成日食到嘅嘢。之前有件 Seasun ,最近有搞件 Bella Ma,有啲港女真係get唔到。 In this episode we'll be making a local Cha Chaan Teng dish, and today's topic is about when girls don't get it. 二人份量 For two people 飯3碗 - 3 bowls of cooked rice 蝦10隻 - 10 shrimps 帶子(扇貝)10隻 -...
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雞絲粉皮 - 四大天王 Shredded Chicken in Peanut Sauce - My Favourite Singers
- Published_at:2017-09-23
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今集整一個涼拌野:雞絲粉皮,再講下我最喜愛的男歌手。 In this episode I'll be making a cold Chinese appetiser Shredded Chicken in Sesame Sauce, and today's topic is about my favourite singers growing up. 二人份量/ For two people 雞一隻 - 1 small chicken 青瓜半條 - half a cucumber 粉皮兩塊 -...
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泰式雞肉沙律 - 港姐冠軍 Larb Gai - Miss Hong Kong 2017
- Published_at:2017-09-11
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 好耐冇鳩噏嘞。今日整一個好味,健康同易整嘅泰國嘢,再講吓今年港姐。 Today we'll be making Larb Gai (Thai spicy chicken salad) and today's topic is about our latest Miss Hong Kong. 免治雞肉300克 - 300g of minced chicken 蔥2條 - 2 stalks of green onion 紅蔥頭2個 - 2 shallots 越南芫荽(或芫荽)一小撮 - a...
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諾唯真喜悅號 Norwegian Joy Ship Tour
- Published_at:2017-09-02
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 今次我哋上咗呢一架專為中國市場而設嘅郵輪:諾唯真喜悅號。一齊上船睇下有咩玩啦! Norwegian Joy is one of the latest cruise ships built specifically for the Chinese market. Come on board and let's take a look!
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海鮮扁意粉 - 意大利三港口 Seafood Linguine - 3 Ports in Italy
- Published_at:2017-08-16
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今集用一啲靚食材整一個溝女嘢,再同大家行吓意大利三個港口:熱那亞,那不勒斯同墨西拿。 As the ship left Marseilles, we sailed to three ports in Italy: Genoa, Naples and Messina. Today's dish is Seafood Linguine. 三/四人份量 For 3-4 people: 扁意粉400克 - 400g of linguine pasta 蛤蜊12隻 - 12 clams 青口20隻...
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地中海傳奇號 MSC Meraviglia Ship Tour
- Published_at:2017-08-01
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- tags: msccruises
- description: 地中海郵輪旗下最新同最大嘅一艘船:地中海傳奇號。呢架船係被稱為 "世界第八大奇景"; 有冇咁把炮呢?我哋一齊上船睇睇。 We were onboard the newest and biggest ship of MSC Cruises' fleet - MSC Meraviglia. They call it "The Eighth Wonder of the World" but is the title justified though? Come on in and I'll let...
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蜆汁蝦 - 亞洲國際都會 Cataplana (Kind of) - Asia's World City
- Published_at:2017-07-17
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 有網友想我整澳門法蘭度餐廳嘅蜆汁蝦,我改咗少少嘢。今集嘅話題係我哋嗰朵。 Not quite the authentic Cataplana but a blend of Macau's and Portugal's seafood dish. Today's topic is about the very stature of Hong Kong. 2-3人份量 For 2-3 people 蜆15隻 - 15 clams 虎蝦8隻 - 8 Tiger prawns 蒜3瓣 - 3...
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豬柳蛋漢堡 Sausage and Egg Muffin
- Published_at:2017-07-05
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 今日整啲手作仔嘢,整個老麥嘅豬柳強。 My copycat version of McD's Sausage and Egg McMuffin.
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英式豬肉卷 - 點解會結婚 Mini Sausage Rolls - Marriage
- Published_at:2017-06-20
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今日整一個喺寄宿學校食到嘔嘅嘢,同埋講吓點解會想結婚。 Sausage roll is a very common snack in Britain and Australia, and I'll be making a mini version. Today's topic is about marriage 鮮豬肉香腸400克 - 400g of fresh pork sausages 洋蔥1個 - 1 onion 西芹1段 - 1 stick of celery 牛油20克 - 20g...
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墨西哥粟米片 - 港珠澳大橋 Nachos - That Fucking Bridge
- Published_at:2017-06-08
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 墨西哥酒筲箕,再講吓港珠澳大橋。 The ultimate bar snack. Where's me beer? 牛肉350克 - 350g of minced beef 雞胸肉1塊 - 1 piece of chicken breast 粟米片30片 - 30 tortilla chip Cheddar 芝士 Monterey Jack 芝士 蒜2瓣 - 2 cloves of garlic 甜椒粉3茶匙 - 3tsp of parika 蒜粉2茶匙 - 2tsp of...
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越南豬頸肉撈檬 - 信仰(耶撚)Bún Thịt Nướng - Religion and Faith
- Published_at:2017-05-19
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 留喺越南多一集先。天氣轉熱呢個餸應該幾搶手。今集話題係宗教。 In this episode I'll be making Bún Thịt Nướng - a Vietnamese cold vermicelli, and religion will be the topic of the day. 二人份量/ For two people: 紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 Carrot 白蘿蔔1/4條 - 1/4 Daikon radish 糖5茶匙 - 5tbsp of sugar 鹽1茶匙 -...
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越南峴港 - 越南生牛肉河粉 Da Nang, Vietnam - Beef Pho
- Published_at:2017-05-07
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 同班朋友去咗越南峴港旅行。今集整越南牛肉河粉。 Went to Da Nang, Vietnam with my friends, and today's dish is Beef Pho. 暴食團: http://danangfoodtour.com/ 四人份量 For four people 牛骨4塊 - 4 large pieces of beef bones 牛腱1條 - 1 beef shin 肉桂2條 - 2 cinammon sticks 丁香8粒 - 8 cloves...
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夏威夷魚生飯 Poke Bowl
- Published_at:2017-04-27
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 今日整一個近年喺北美同歐洲都好興嘅夏威夷菜。 This Hawaiian dish has caused quite a stir in North America and Europe in recent times. Though not quite as well known in this part of the world it can easily be made at home. 珍珠米1杯 - 1cup of short grain rice 米醋1/3杯 - 1/3 cup...
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孜然骨 - 上海 Cumin Ribs - Shanghai
- Published_at:2017-04-16
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: 滴水洞 Cumin Pork Ribs
- description: 上郵輪之前喺上海留咗兩日。嗰度有一間專食湖南菜嘅餐廳叫滴水洞,今集就整佢哋一個好出名嘅餸。 We stayed in Shanghai, China for a few days prior to the cruise; and today I'll be making Cumin Pork Ribs, a very famous dish from a Hunanese restaurant in Shanghai called DiShuiDong. 二人份量 For 2 people:...
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瑪麗皇后二號 RMS Queen Mary 2 Ship Tour
- Published_at:2017-04-03
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今次帶大家上一艘獨一無二嘅郵輪。㗎船載過好多大粒名人,包括英國皇室成員。啱啱上年先用咗十億港紙大執過,入面真係勁靚。去片! Welcome aboard the RMS Queen Mary 2, a one of a kind ocean liner. Countless famous people and celebrities have travelled on her, including members of the Royal Family. The ship had...
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牛肉意粉卷 - 特首選舉 Beef Cannelloni - Lesser of Three Weevils
- Published_at:2017-03-25
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
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- description: 今日呢個餸係一個喺Apple Store返工嘅網友要求嘅,同埋鳩噏吓聽日壇嘢,雖然講乜都係廢話,因為無票。 Today's dish is a special request from a viewer who works at the Apple store. and today's topic is about the Hong Kong's Chief Executive Election, which takes place tomorrow. 二-三人份量/ For...
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茶碗蒸 - 整地圖 Chawanmushi - Animated Maps
- Published_at:2017-03-17
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: chawanmushi steamed egg egg custard
- description: 今日整多個日本嘢茶碗蒸,想整到滑慄慄有幾個位要注意 ; 同埋會回答吓網友關於片頭地圖嘅疑問。 Chawanmushi is a famous Japanese side dish/appetiser, and there are a few steps to make it super smooth and silky. Today's topic is about making animated maps. 雞蛋2只 - 2 eggs 鰹魚粉1包 - 1 packet of dashi...
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親子丼 - 雲加的錯? Oyakodon - Should Wenger Leave?
- Published_at:2017-03-08
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
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- description: 今日做一個好易整嘅親子丼。近日同馮小姐因為足球嗌咗個細交,都係因為雲加。 Today's dish is a Japanese dish called Oyakodon - Parent (chicken) and child (egg) rice; and today's topic is whether Arsene Wenger should leave Arsenal? 二人份量 For two people: 雞腿肉2件 - 2 pieces of skinless chicken...
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displaying 61 - 90 records in total 140