displaying 91 - 120 records in total 140
俄式牛柳絲 - 有樓有高潮 Beef Stroganoff - The "Moaning" of Life
- Published_at:2017-02-26
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Seasun 港女 拜金
- description: 今日整一個傳統啲嘅俄式牛柳絲,再講吓Seasun姐番偉論。 In today's episode I'll be making a more "traditional" version of Beef Stroganoff. 二人份量 For two people: 西冷牛排400克 - 400g of beef sirloin 紅洋蔥1個 - 1 red onion 蘑菇5-6個 - 5-6 mushrooms 蕃荽葉適量 - a handful of parsley 牛油20克 - 20g...
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青咖喱雞 - 四個范冰冰 Thai Green Curry Chicken - Fake Bingbings
- Published_at:2017-02-18
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: 青咖喱雞 Thai green curry thai food fan bing bing 范冰冰 Gang Kiew Wan Gai แกงเขียวหวานไก่
- description: 呢個餸大家都知,唔洗多介紹喇。同埋有一樣嘢煩擾咗我好耐,好想問吓大陸嘅網友。 Another dish I learned while I was in Thailand. This is probably the best known curry in the world. Today's topic is about a famous Chinese actress and her army of cosmetic doppelgangers. 兩人份量/ For two people ...
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泰式金邊粉 - 清邁 Pad Thai - Chiang Mai, Thailand
- Published_at:2017-02-09
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: four seasons chaing mai four seasons resort
- description: 去咗清邁鳩hea咗幾日,再學整個金邊粉。 Went to Chiang Mai, Thailand to chill balls for a few days, and I learned to make Pad Thai. 一人份量 For one person: 蝦5隻 - 5 prawns 金邊粉80克 - 80g of pad thai noodles 韮菜2條 - 2 garlic chives 青檸1個 - 1 lime 蒜1瓣 - 1 clove of garlic 雞蛋1只...
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美式焗肉卷 - 假如我是特首 Meatloaf - Make Hong Kong Great Again
- Published_at:2017-01-24
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 侵仔上場,整返個地道美國嘢;同埋懇請大家花幾分鐘聽吓我參選特首嘅政綱。啱聽嘅話過兩日我會開記招。 A classic American comfort food and my campaign promises for the upcoming Hong Kong Chief Executive election. 五人份量 Serving for five: 碎牛肉約700克 - 700g of minced beef 鮮豬肉腸4條 - 4 fresh pork sausage 洋蔥1個...
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乞兒雞 Beggar's Chicken - The Story Of
- Published_at:2017-01-14
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: 叫化雞 富貴雞
- description: 今日整一個江蘇嘢,個名衰啲但係成件事好有意頭,再講吓道菜嘅典故。 Beggar's Chicken is a staple Grande dish from the Jiangsu Province in China. I will also tell you the story behind this dish. 雞1只重約重兩斤 - One chicken weigh around 1.2kg 紹興酒2湯匙 - 2tbsp of Chinese cooking wine 鹽3茶匙 -...
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聖誕烤豬腩肉 - 醉後大丈夫 Christmas Roast Pork - Hangover Cure
- Published_at:2016-12-29
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 聖誕節嗰陣開party整咗個烤豬腩,同大家分享吓,再講吓點樣搞宿醉呢壇嘢。 Made roast pork for me Christmas do a few days ago, and hangover cure will be the topic of the day. 六至八人份量 - For 6-8 people: 豬腩肉2公斤 - 2kg of pork belly 茴香1個 - 1 fennel 紅蔥頭5個 - 5 shallots 蒜1整頭 - 1 bulb of garlic...
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海鮮甘寶 - 一份好工 Seafood Gumbo - A Good Job
- Published_at:2016-12-21
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 冬至快樂啦咁多位! 今日整啲特別嘢:海鮮甘寶,一個美國南部好出名嘅餸。仲會回應吓之前網友問嘅問題: 乜嘢先為之一份好工。 Happy Winter Solstice everyone! Today I have a bit of a special one for you as I'll be making a super duper Southern dish called Seafood Gumbo. Today's topic is about what I think...
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紅燒牛肉麵 - 溝女101 Taiwanese Beef Noodles - Pulling Girls 101
- Published_at:2016-12-06
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今日試整台灣嘅紅燒牛肉麵,再講多少少溝女嘢。 Taiwanese beef noodles, fit for a cold, rainy night in Stoke. Today's topic is my plea to all men to stay true to themselves. 四人份量 For four people: 牛腱2條 - 2 beef shins 洋蔥2個 - 2 onions 薑5片 - 5 slices of ginger 蔥3條 - 3 stalks...
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牛肉絲意粉 - 諗起Heidi / Beef Ragu - Fap Thoughts
- Published_at:2016-11-28
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 天氣轉涼,今日就整一個好味,暖胃,飽肚嘅意粉。同埋有網友問男人打飛機嘅時候會諗起邊個呢?等我解答埋佢。 Tender and succulent Beef Ragu with Rigatoni. On today's topic we're going deep into a man's mind. Who do we think of when we masturbate. 四人份量 For four people: 牛肩肉700克 - 700g of beef chuck...
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雲頂夢號 Genting Dream Ship Tour
- Published_at:2016-11-13
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: genting dream dream cruise 雲頂夢號
- description: 以香港作為母港嘅亞洲首架豪華郵輪:雲頂夢號。一齊入嚟睇吓船上面有乜嘢玩。 Welcome aboard the Genting Dream: Asia's first luxury cruise ship that homeports in Hong Kong offering 2 nights weekend getaway and 5 nights to Vietnam.
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咖喱麵 - 女神 Curry Mee - Defining "Goddess"
- Published_at:2016-10-31
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今日整一個馬來西亞嘅咖喱麵。有網友問我個女神喺邊個,咁首先要解釋一下乜嘢女神。 Today's dish is Malaysia Curry Noodles/Mee/Laksa, and I'll also be sharing me two cents on what it takes to be a true "goddess". 二人份量 For two people: 蒜瓣3塊 - 3 cloves of garlic 薑1吋長度 - 1 inch lengthwise of...
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Bob野家牛肉飯 - 游梁事件 Gyudon - People's Refxxking of Shina
- Published_at:2016-10-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今集整吉野家嘅牛肉飯,同埋講少少關於 "游梁事件" 嘅睇法。 Today I'll be making a copycat version of Yoshinoya's beef rice (Gyudon), plus I'll be offering my views on the latest legislative council scandal. For two people: 薄牛肉片300克 - 300g of thinly sliced beef 洋蔥半個 - half an...
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Chimichurri - 偽洋港女 "Hongkie" Tonk Badonkadonk
- Published_at:2016-10-13
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今日做一個喺阿根廷好出名嘅醬汁,有網友問我點睇偽洋港女,除咗尊重之外,我都唔知講乜好。 The Pesto of South America: Argentinian's Chimichurri sauce, and today's topic is about local girls acting up like foreign girls. 蕃茜30克 - 30g of parsley 芫茜15克 - 15g of coriander 牛至15克 - 15g of oregano 蒜3個...
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法式龍蝦湯 - 英國(會考)數學 Lobster Bisque - GCSE Maths
- Published_at:2016-09-12
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: lobster lobster bisque
- description: 今日整一個終極溝女嘢,同埋分享吓英國上數學堂嘅趣事。 A top soup for homemade dinner date. Learning maths in the UK will be the topic of the day. 兩人份量 / For two people 中龍蝦1隻 - 1 medium size lobster 紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 carrot 西芹1條 - 1 stalk of celery 洋蔥1個 - 1 onion 白蘭地酒1/3杯 - 1/3 cup...
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馬介休球 - 澳門印象 Pasteis de Bacalhau - Macao
- Published_at:2016-09-06
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Pasteis de bacalhau salted cod fritters portuguese food
- description: 今日整一個澳門/葡國菜,順便講吓澳門。 Today I'll be making a famous Portuguese/Macanese food: Salted Cod Fritters, and Macau the city will be the topic of the day. 約二十粒份量 Makes about 20 fritters 馬介休500克 - 500g of Bacalhau (Salted Cod) 薯仔300克 - 300g of potatoes 蒜2瓣 -...
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人參雞湯 - 重男輕女 Samgyetang - Patriarchy
- Published_at:2016-08-29
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Samgyetang Ginseng
- description: 呢個湯唔洗多講啦,有人參,春雞,芝士同午餐肉 ; 啱哂陽萎Oppa。今集講吓重男輕女。 Samgyetang is "The Soup" of Korea. There is a whole chicken, a couple of ginseng and a few herbs. Claims to cure impotence. Not that I need it. 二人份量 For two: 春雞2只 - 2 spring chickens 糯米3/4杯 - 3/4 cup of...
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鐵板啫啫雞雜 - 同性平權 Stir Fried Chicken Giblets - Yes Homo
- Published_at:2016-08-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Lòng Gà Trứng Non
- description: 去越南整一個出名嘅街邊嘢。今集話題係同性戀。 Today we're making a famous Vietnamese dish Stir fried chicken giblets (Lòng Gà Trứng Non). Gay rights is the topic of the day. 雞腎3個 - 3 chicken gizzards 雞腸2條 - 2 chicken intestines 雞肝3個 - 3 chicken liver 雞卵1條 - 1 chicken...
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豉油皇煎豬扒飯 - 女人愛比較 Depression Rice - The Battle of One Sex
- Published_at:2016-08-16
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今集入元朗食頹飯,再講吓啲兩性嘢。 Today's dish is a famous blue collar's meal in the Yuen Long district. And why is it when ladies friends get together, they like to battle it out between themselves. 一人份量 For one person 豬扒2塊 - 2 pieces of pork chop 醬油200毫升 - 200ml...
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白酒磨姑烤雞 - 鬼神迷信 Chicken in White Wine Mushroom Sauce - Ghost and Superstitions
- Published_at:2016-08-08
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 大家下次開屋企P嘅時候可以試吓煮呢個。今集講吓鬼神迷信,最好熄燈睇。 Chicken in White Wine Mushroom sauce, always go down well at home parties. Today's topic is about ghost and superstitions. 雞上腿6隻 - 6 pieces of chicken thighs 蒜2瓣 - 2 cloves of garlic 紅蔥頭1個 - 1 shallot 蘑菇10個 - 10...
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芥末手撕雞 - 送禮勤 Wasabi Shredded Chicken - Facebook Giveaway
- Published_at:2016-07-28
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Wasabi 手撕雞
- description: 今日整一個喺沙田禾輋大排檔嘅名菜,同埋送少少禮物俾大家。 My attempt on a famous local hawker food, plus I'll be giving away a few goodies to you all. https://www.facebook.com/bobsuruncle/ 2/3人份量 - For 2/3 people 雞1隻約1斤 - 1 small chicken around 700g 海蜇200克 - 200g of shredded...
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藥材肉骨茶 - 奶共藝人 Herbal Bak Kut Teh - Sellout Artists
- Published_at:2016-07-22
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: bak kut teh 肉骨茶
- description: 肉骨茶: 馬來西亞華僑至愛。今集講吓奶共藝人。 This is a staple food for Malaysian Chinese, boiled pork ribs in a herbal broth. An ultimate health and energy booster. 二人份量 藥材: 當歸20克 - 20g of Chinese Angelica 黨參20克 - 20g of Dang Shen 川芎10克 - 10g of Szechwan lovage 玉竹20克...
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香蒜白酒蜆意粉 Spaghetti alle Vongole
- Published_at:2016-07-12
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Spaghetti alle Vongole
- description: 好多網友落單order嘅香蒜白酒蜆意粉。希望你哋鍾意啦! A few of you have asked for this dish, so here you go :) 一人份量 - For one person 蜆500克 - 500g of clams 意粉80克 - 80g of spaghetti 蒜瓣2個 - 2 cloves of garlic 辣椒片半茶匙 - half tsp of chili flakes 白酒1/3杯 - 1/3 cup of white wine...
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番茄濃湯青口 - 振英旅遊警示 Mussel Congolaise - Avoiding CY
- Published_at:2016-07-08
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: mussel 青口 Mussel Congolaise
- description: 喺溫哥華嗰時食咗一個好好食嘅青口,所以自己試吓煮,加啲亞洲風味入去; 仲有邊個去旅行嘅時候想見到梁振英得㗎? A mussel dish inspired by Chambar in Vancouver BC, with a touch of Asian flavour added to it. Today's topic is on how to avoiding CY Leung. 青口1公斤 - 1kg of mussels 紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 carrot 洋蔥1個 - 1 onion...
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皇帝蟹 - 溫哥華/迪納利國家公園 King Crab Boil - Vancouver and Denali
- Published_at:2016-07-01
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: vancouver king crab king crab boil denali national park alaska alaskan king crab
- description: 香料烚呂慧儀。 落船之後我哋去咗國家公園hea,再去溫哥華。 After the cruise we went to Denali National Park in Alaska, as well as Vancouver BC, Canada. 皇帝蟹1隻約2.5公斤 - About 2.5kg of king crab 黑胡椒粒1湯匙 - 1tbsp of black peppercorn 月桂葉8片 - 8 bay leaves 丁香8顆 - 8 cloves 肉桂1條 - 1...
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星辰公主號 阿拉斯加之旅 Star Princess Ship Tour and Alaska Excursions
- Published_at:2016-06-23
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: star princess princess cruise alaska cruise alaska juneau skagway ketchikan
- description: 早排一家人搭星辰公主號去咗阿拉斯加玩。 呢條片會講少少隻船,主要集中喺岸上活動。 藍寶石公主號 Sapphire Princess Ship Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA7bOD00zfw
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煙燻手撕豬 - 溫哥華我來也 Pulled Pork Sandwich - Vancouver Update
- Published_at:2016-06-03
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Pulled pork pulled pork sandwich 手撕豬
- description: 今日坐露臺整一個美國南部BBQ,仲會同溫哥華網友交代吓嚟緊嘅行程。 A "long and slow" day on the balcony, and a quick update regarding my trip to the Pacific Northwest. Vancouver here I come fam!!! 豬肩肉2公斤 - 2kg of Pork Shoulder 鹽2湯匙 - 2tbsp of salt 甜椒粉2湯匙 - 2tbsp of paprika 辣椒粉1湯匙...
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愛爾蘭肉湯 - 英國/愛爾蘭之旅 Dublin Coddle - Trip to England and Ireland
- Published_at:2016-05-13
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: Dublin coddle coddle ireland
- description: 三人份量 - For 3 people 洋蔥2個 - 2 onions 煙肉(培根)5-6條 - 5-6 rashers of bacon 火腿肉200g - 200g of cooked ham 豬肉腸3條 - 3 pork sausages 新薯7-8個 - 7-8 new potatoes 雞湯1杯 - 1 cup of chicken stock 清水1杯 - 1 cup of water 蕃荽 - parsley 鹽/黑胡椒粉 - salt and pepper to taste ...
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海洋贊禮號 Ovation of the Seas Ship Tour
- Published_at:2016-05-06
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags: royal caribbean ovation of the seas 海洋贊禮號
- description: 入嚟睇吓全世界最新嘅郵輪 [皇家加勒比海洋贊禮號] 有啲咩嘢玩。 My review on the newest cruise ship in the world: Ovation of the Seas. http://www.royalcaribbean.com.hk/tc/result.php?gclid=CMuynaOKxcwCFRWTvQod33oIPg
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土匪雞翼 - 整容 Bandit Wings - Plastic Surgery
- Published_at:2016-04-15
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今日嘗試吓整譚仔嘅土匪雞翼,個皮再脆啲。同埋講吓對整容嘅睇法。 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 A copycat version of the local "Bandit Wings" by famous noodle joint TamJai. Plastic surgery will be the topic of the day. If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel....
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客家南乳炆豬腩 - 鹹片出軌 Hakka Braised Pork Belly - Cheating with Porn
- Published_at:2016-04-03
- Category:Howto & Style
- Channel:煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle
- Ranked in:
- tags:
- description: 今日整個用嚟撈飯嘅。再講吓結咗婚嘅男人睇鹹片打飛機有冇問題。 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 Hakka Braised Pork Belly, and should married men watch porn? If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel. Cheers. 材料後補 Ingredients list to be provided later
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displaying 91 - 120 records in total 140